View Full Version : yet another mag newbie

04-17-2003, 10:42 PM
like so many others i just bought a classic powerfeed automag, and..also like so many others am forced to use co2. i have not gotten a chance to use the gun at all yet, but after reading many things (including lots of posts here) about how co2 is the death of mags, i grow fearful...

basically, here's the problem. i am not only too broke to buy a nitro tank but don't really have easy access to someplace that fills nitro, so a nitro tank, while maybe more useable w/ the gun, would become more of an inconvenience. with that said...i've been looking into every way possible of having co2 NOT be a problem. i've thought about using just a remote system (which i don't really like too much but would probably be easiest). i've also thought about maybe buying a palmer stabilizer (on palmer's site there's a special one for mags so i'm guessing i'd get that one??). and finally, i've thought about getting both of my co2 tanks anti-siphoned. and if i got them anti-siphoned would i have to buy a new dropforward since my lapco doesn't have any angle to it? what do you all think would be the best idea to fight co2? any and all input would be greatly appreciated.

a couple more questions, though...are all co2 tanks siphon tanks if not anti-siphon? i bought my gun off of ebay and the guy said it had an x-chamber/gas thru, and i'm thinking, WHICH IS IT?! is there a way to tell (without asking the guy)? that's all, for now. thanks for your time guys, and i hope i don't end up really disappointed w/ having a mag running on co2 lol:(.

04-17-2003, 11:08 PM
First off if he couldnt tell you what kind of x-chamber/gas through it is then even if its a expansion chamber it probably sucks. I would invest in a good expansion chamber (im not really sure whats out there) and anti-siphon. You shouldnt need new drops. Also i think if its not anti siphon its siphon, is there like a medium siphon :rolleyes: lol, anyway not sure on that (I know theres no medium siphon though, those of you without senses of humor that was a joke;) ) Just remember dont get a remote AND a anti-siphon (it will end up drawing all the liquid co2 (bad)). If you limit your ROF and do the above stated you should be fine. You will want a tank cover though for insulation and a 20 oz tank (it will take more time to freeze than smaller tanks). You may also want to spend $15 at a drug store for one of those little back warmer bads to put your tank on in between games or while you eat lunch etc., just put it on the low setting or whatever.

04-18-2003, 12:01 AM
There are 3 different types of standard C02 tanks Siphon which draws liquid into the gun(NOT good for mags), Anti-Siphon (GOOD for mags), and just a plain ole C02 tank with neither...usually if it is not stated that it is siphon or ant-sipon then it is just a regular tank (which can be used effectively on remote if positioned upright). Your best bet is the palmer stabilizer and an anti-siphon tank.
You might also want to get a filter to put in line with your air source, as C02 can be very dirty. Good Luck and don't forget you can sell your stuff that you replace on your mag right here in the forums, you also might be able to find stuff that you need...most times things are cheaper here and you have a better chance of getting something that isn't trashed.
Oh and welcome to AO hope you enjoy the ride!!!!

04-18-2003, 12:19 AM
just get a nece x-chamber, or a Palmer stab. any of the stabs would work(male, female, or inline) but they all require a diff setup. With the female one, you screw the CO2 tank directly into it, and it goes to wither the valve or a gas-thru/x-chamber. The male acts like a normal regulator. And the Inline screws into the valve, and you rin a hose from your gas-thru/x-chamber to it. Just get whichver you like(or can find, inlines & females are hard to find). also, anti-syphon is a good idea. You wont need a new df, the angle dosnt matter if you have anti-siphon.

also, non syphon tanks are not siphon. Siphon tanks draw liquid only, which would be like murder for a 'mag.

I ran CO2 for a long time with just an x-chamber. It didn't work the best, but it worked!

04-18-2003, 12:55 AM
I would protest against a palmer stabilizer because it will starve the gun for air most likely and its a needless purchase. It will do NO BETTER than a good x-chamber and you dont need a reg because the one in the valve is good enough. If you want so many regs you just might as well get a cocker, thats it im getting shadow.:D

04-18-2003, 01:05 AM
jaymz, although i have no idea who you are, i agree with you. an xchamber would be better than a stabilizer, so i say buy a good xchamber istead, itd probly be cheaper anyways and work better. along with an antisiphon OR remote you should be fine. then save up for nitro ;)

04-18-2003, 01:19 AM
Well, since Jaymz asked me to look at this...

Don't get a Stab, just get an X-chamber. It'll be much cheaper(for the price of a co2 tank, anti-siphon and a stab you can buy a decent nitro tank)and won't restrict air flow. You see, a regulator cannot instantly fill an air chamber. Most people will argue that since Nitro tanks all have regs built in, that putting a hurt on co2 wouldn't hurt it. These people fail to take into account the fact that co2 needs time to expand from liquid to gas, this plus the extra reg leads to shootdown. An X-chamber will also(in my experience) do a better job of keeping liquid out of the valve than a stab would. I've seen guns with stabs frozen solid. Never seen a gun with an x-chamber freeze up that badly.

So, Anti-siphon and an X-chamber. You won't have any troubles.

04-18-2003, 06:50 AM
I used to play remote when I was using CO2.

The remote places the CO2 tank further away allowing the gas a longer path to expand on.

04-18-2003, 09:16 AM
whoa, thanks for all the help you guys...i think i'm going to go w/ the x-chamber/anti-siphon idea since the stabilizer is so damn expensive...now...

what's a good price to get someone to anti-siphon a tank?

what's a good x-chamber and where should i get it? (skanline.com seems to have decent prices but you guys are the pros so you tell me)

and does it matter that my 16 oz co2 tank is a stubby? (jaymz said that i should get a 20 oz because it's bigger and would take the co2 longer to freeze...so would a stubby 16 oz co2 tank be really prone to freeze?)

thanks again for all your help and i really can't believe the amount of feedback i've gotten. i don't think i've ever felt so welcome anywhere before, even my own house:eek:

04-18-2003, 10:51 AM
As far as the x-chamber unfortuently Im not sure, but try pbgear.com. The best prices in the game are by far had at pbgear.com, 888paintball.com, paintballgateway.com. And pbgear has a HUGE selection, if you cant find it there look at paintball-online.com

http://store.yahoo.com/actionvillage/paintball-gas-systems-expansion-chambers.html <--- I would reccomend the ACI or the Lapco just from what ive heard but ive had no experience with either.

a 16oz. stubby will freeze just as fast as a normal 16oz. 16oz. will be better than a 12 or 9 so you should be ok with the proper materials and such but if you want to be extra careful ditch it for a 20. 20s are heavy as heck but theres some chemical reason why it takes longer to freeze over, I dont really feel like looking it up sorry lol but a 16oz. should be ok. If worse comes to worse you can try it out and see what happens. Just remember Co2 works perfectly all the time just like nitro, in a stable 70 degrees. Sense thats TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE (because as you fire it gets colder) that can make co2 unstable and harder to work with. Maybe we should try a new gase...O2?

04-18-2003, 01:10 PM
Go for the ACI 6 stage X-chamber, very popular. You can find it just about anywere, i got mine off by bro for a girl's telephone number, and $10:D
Good Luck
( They have been going out for like 5 months:eek: )

04-18-2003, 03:33 PM
A 16 ounce will work fine, as long as it is antisiphoned and you are running a x-chamber. With those upgrades you should have no problem running a mag on co2. But you might want to try to limit your ROF, or atleast make them small strings.

04-18-2003, 03:41 PM
isn't it a BAD idea to use an antisiphon tank on a remote system? and other than preference is there any real reason to choose remote over anti-siphon/expansion or vice versa?

04-18-2003, 04:39 PM
just preference. It is "BAD" to put a remote and anti-siphon because "traditionally" when you use a remote the tank is vertical and it will end up drawing all the liquid co2 first, then the gas. However if the tank regulator is up then it shouldnt do this...

04-18-2003, 05:50 PM
Yes it is bad to put an anti siphon tank on a remote. A remote tank is held vertically. This puts the anti siphon tube right into the liquid co2. This will end up pumping nothing but liquid into the gun. Very bad Idea.

04-18-2003, 10:25 PM
Ahh my bad everyone i meant to put x chamber! Sorry for the confusion I just got confused haha

04-19-2003, 09:23 AM
ok now that we got that outta the way there still remains one question:D....does anyone know what a good price to have someone anti-siphon a tank is?

04-19-2003, 09:49 AM
alright now keep this in mind. you can use your xchamber/remote or xchamber/anti-siphon setup but if you're playing around or below 50 degrees they're not going to make a difference. I had an aci-6 stage x-chamber and an anti-siphon tank but when i tried to play when it was 55 degrees i was still getting liquid because of the combination of outside temp and temp of the valve from the co2. the co2 would enter the valve as a gas but then turn into liquid again. this is also mentioned in the mag manual i believe. so what i'm trying to say is that you also have to take your area's climate into consideration. unless you only play inside. i only play outside and i live in northeast ohio so co2 is pretty much not an option for me anymore. luckily we have a scuba shop nearby so i picked up a scuba fillstation and a nitro tank and i get the scuba filled at the scuba shop and i fill my tank with that.

04-19-2003, 07:55 PM
i live in southern NY and the constant temp around this time of the year tends to be like 60+...that should be good right? also...i read in the manual that it's a bad idea to attach a warm tank to a cold gun, meaning that it's a bad idea to put a new tank on after the first one runs out? is there a way to get around this, because i think i'll almost always go through more than one tank a day...:confused:

eh you're all gonna hate me but i have another question..if i HAD to choose between an x-chamber and anti-siphoning my tanks, which should i do?

04-20-2003, 10:29 AM
probably expansion chamber becuase you are going to want a foregrip.