View Full Version : pbreview.com, help

04-17-2003, 11:21 PM
If you read this, you will see all the nonsense I have, please help me correct these people!

04-17-2003, 11:42 PM
You could try and influence their opinions, fix the myths, and generally educate them...

Then again I could try and destabalize Earth's orbit by jumping.

I'm a PBreview regular (reader, not poster. I don't even post here that often)... some of the stuff I read there is kind of appaling, in that the ignorance seemingly knows no bounds (I've seen enough examples in the post he... posted to warrant... posting... this. At least I think so). But they are of the variety of people that would rather continue with their nonsense than listen to reasoning...

Then again I could be way off, but in any case you don't have to read much of my posts... I rarely have anything to say.

04-17-2003, 11:42 PM
Oh nm, im just bored and was stupid enough to post this.

04-17-2003, 11:48 PM
Heh, in retrospect I was pretty bored myself.

(This is why I prefer to keep my mouth shut... er... fingers inoperative... speaking in reference to keyboards)

adam shannon
04-18-2003, 12:08 AM
i dont read any other boards because they are all alot of little kids trash talking eachother with no common sense let alone moderation. if i want that i will go to the local skate park, not come to a good forum moderated by people who actually know what they are talking about who stop that kind of thread from dragging on and on.

04-18-2003, 04:28 AM
What that guy elTwitcho said about TOM was pretty harsh.

04-18-2003, 12:32 PM
this guy knows his stuff:D

Originally posted by Shoe3
arg, spend less time arguing over stats and theries, and more time using, playing, and finding a marker with "the X factor" this means, one that optimizes your ability, and you are comfortable with

04-18-2003, 02:53 PM
honestly, it has reached the point where i just dont give a crap.

04-18-2003, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by adam shannon
i dont read any other boards because they are all alot of little kids trash talking eachother with no common sense let alone moderation. if i want that i will go to the local skate park, not come to a good forum moderated by people who actually know what they are talking about who stop that kind of thread from dragging on and on.

I hate to tell you, but that blanket statement kinda pricked me. I started reading those boards when I was a newb, didn't know jack about mags, and since then, I've learned a TON!

My next gun? X-mag.

Sid and Andrew asked me to be a moderator at PBR, and that little bit about "let alone moderation..." I have to tell you (assuming that you haven't been one) that it's more difficult than it looks to be a mod. With 30000+ members, theres a lot of stuff to do. We correct the wrong when we see it, and people have learned loads of info at that site. I can understand if certain people don't post there, I don't post here much, I'm occupied at PBR, but that doesn't mean that there isn't anything worthwhile there. You can't tell me that there isn't a wealth of information there also...

adam shannon
04-18-2003, 06:10 PM
there may be a wealth of information there, but if wading thru the ball crawl and dodging spit balls at chuck e cheese is what it takes to find the one kernal of truth there...count me out.
you can say your a good driver, but if your standing on the side of the road exchanging insurance info with the guy you just rear ended the statement doesnt go far. i will let that thread speak for itself.

04-21-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by adam shannon
there may be a wealth of information there, but if wading thru the ball crawl and dodging spit balls at chuck e cheese is what it takes to find the one kernal of truth there...count me out.
you can say your a good driver, but if your standing on the side of the road exchanging insurance info with the guy you just rear ended the statement doesnt go far. i will let that thread speak for itself.

One kernal of truth? I'm not going to argue, cause you are obviously set it your thoughts, and I really don't want to argue on the internet, even if you do win, you still just wasted your time.

You CAN let that thread speak for itself.. but not on my account, I'm not even a mod of those forums.

Are you going to take ONE thread and make a generalization about the entire site? I hope you don't always do things like that...

04-21-2003, 06:40 PM
The whole "which gun?" and "low pressure" stuff is not unique to pbreview. I see this same kind of ignorance every place I go. It just doesn't pertain to paintball either.

You will always have your voters that are hardcore republicans; these are they guys that always vote for the republican, even if the democrat is the better choice. You will always have the Ford guys, the Chevy guys, the townies that pick one resturaunt and eat breakfast there every morning until they die. There will always be racism and conflict.

People will pick favorites/sides based on habit and not truth in every area of life; paintball is not excluded.

I even see it here.

Many users are members of many forums. Many of the guys that are users here are also avid members of PBR. Try and pick them out from the people that are not. I am guessing that many members from PBR are indistinguishable from anybody here. Our common ground is that we all love the sport, and our forum of choice is just an extension of the hobby we share.

Like the JOE's philosophy, the bulk of the users either knew better or didn't want to take part in that thread. Not all threads are like that one.

To label an entire forum as the ball crawl @ Chuck E Cheese is as silly as any of the arguments in that thread.


04-21-2003, 09:39 PM
You also have to consider, that PBReview is an all aspect forum. We are a single issue forum. Logically, PBR will get a lot more members opinionated about their own choice of marker and gear, whereas we are pretty much of one mind about AGD stuff.

I love going to PBR, it allows me more insight into the prevailing trends and opinions out there. It also gives me a chance to stop old rumors and myths about AGD, 'Mags, and paintball in general. I also go to PBNation alot, for much the same reason.

As you can see, AO gets visited by THEIR Mods too! Hiya Vayp! Hiya Nero!

04-23-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Army
As you can see, AO gets visited by THEIR Mods too! Hiya Vayp! Hiya Nero!

Nero? Huh? You mean me? :D

04-23-2003, 04:56 PM
"Yeah Tom Kaye runs a business, and personally I think he lies through his teeth all the time, but that's besides the point. The pictures show that the ball does not distort. The fact that I've shot both a low pressure gun at 180psi and a High pressure gun at 850 psi and seen no difference in accuracy supports this as well. The fact that I've shot the same gun at both 180psi and 300psi without a difference in accuracy also seems to support this fact"

Tom are you reading this??

04-23-2003, 04:56 PM
I guess I should stop lurking and post if I want a "Hi" too.

I try to educate anybody ANYWHERE. Look around and you'll find mistakes/myths/ignorance at every forum and field.