View Full Version : The AGD Gas Thru Foregrip

04-18-2003, 01:28 PM
I just got my AGD gas thru foregrip pictured here (http://store.airgun.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=17&Product_ID=374&CATID=6) and it wont fit into my minimag's vertical adapter. It screws in a little bit but then it will not budge. I dont know why, I shouldnt have to force it in should I? Has anyone else here had trouble putting one on?

Alright this doenst make sense. The gas thru grip will screw into the ASA on my tippmann like a hot knife through butter, and it will screw into the ASA on my mag (its tight but it goes) but it just absolutely will NOT go into the vertical adapter, but my x-chamber that I'm trying to replace and all my tanks will screw right into the vertical adapter with no problem.

That grip will NOT go in, I tried oiling it up and I even tried using vice to stabilize it and spin the gun. I dont get it, I'm going to have to return it.

04-18-2003, 02:33 PM
man i had the same problem last night and i ended up destroying the grip with a pair of channel locks thats how pissed off i was

04-18-2003, 02:37 PM
what did you end up doing? I came damn near to destroying something but I stopped myself.

BTW... running HPA with the x-chamber still on wont hurt anything until I get a gas-thru will it?

04-18-2003, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by tmnothing
what did you end up doing? I came damn near to destroying something but I stopped myself.

BTW... running HPA with the x-chamber still on wont hurt anything until I get a gas-thru will it?

No, you can run HPA with an x-chamber and it will be fine. For the other problem I'm not really sure. You could try a new vert adapter if you have one.

04-19-2003, 08:36 AM
I dont have another vertical adapter... but that has to be the problem. Even though I cant figure it out there must be some minute difference in the threads that's stopping it from screwing in. I'm gonna call AGD on monday and see what they tell me. I was so close to finishing my gun too...