View Full Version : Hey camera geeks, need input :) FinePix2800 or CoolPix 2100?

04-18-2003, 11:27 PM
Hmmmmm, i want a new digital camera, and i dont want to spend uber amounts of money, so i was looking at the Nikon CoolPix 2100 and the FujiFilam FinePix 2800. I like them both alot, but i like how the nikon has different modes of shooting, like landscape and action or whatever, it has i think 10 modes. But i like the Fuji because of the ability to control the shutter speed, and it has nicer zoom.




04-19-2003, 06:26 PM
check the coolpix *edit* it's 2500 not 2700. around $300. i think right now it's selling for $280 through some promotion that nikon is running. the finepix has an absolutely amazing zoom. but it's a pain in the rump to make adjustments. the nikon has automatic adjustments for different exposures. you simply select a type such as indoor party, sunset, backlit, night landscape and few more. there's also color ajustment for different kinds of lighting. but the finepix takes nice pictures and i have to say again the zoom is amazing. it's huge! the coolpix however looks cool and fits in your pocket. also the 2700 allows you to flip the lens around so that you can take a picture of yourself. either way they're both good cameras. my parents have the finepix and i have the coolpix so i have experience using both.

04-19-2003, 10:06 PM
actually, the finepix is rather small, not much bigger then the coolpix. i THINK the 3800 is the bigger one

04-20-2003, 10:10 AM
get a canon G3 much better, i like mine :)


04-20-2003, 10:18 AM
just let me pull 700 dollers out of my butt :)

04-20-2003, 10:29 AM
you pay for quality ;)

04-20-2003, 07:45 PM
Originally posted by Automaggin2
actually, the finepix is rather small, not much bigger then the coolpix. i THINK the 3800 is the bigger one

the coolpix model i have is a smaller one. the finepix is small but it's squarish in shape so it doesn't fit in your pocket. the coolpix 2500 is flatter.

the finepix 3800 isn't much bigger. maybe not any bigger. it might just be a higher resolution.

04-20-2003, 08:04 PM
I suggest the olmypus c-740-ultra zoom

I just got it, awesome camera 10x optical zoom and 2054x1578 pics or something like that

04-20-2003, 10:35 PM
We have the Fuji 3800...and I love it. It feels and operates just like a small SLR, so it fits your hand good. It also has a decent video setting. Depending on what size vid-card you put in (16-64-128K), and what pic quality setting you choose, you can fit up to 1400 photos into memory. F-stop is adjustable, simply rolling the dial around from auto, to portrait, to sport, will speed up and/or slow down shutter speed automatically. Flash is a quick pop-up thingy too. Pic quality, date/time, brightness, self-timer, custom settings, or instant erase of single frames, or the whole format (like I did at Pan Am!), is quickly accessed through either view-screen (eye piece and LCD screen). You can even zoom in on a pic you took, and save that image instead.

The zoom is very good, 10X is normal, with up to 32X in digital zoom. Another great feature, is the lens adapter, which lets you attach a seperate macro, and/or zoom lens. Different format settings are also quickly accessed with thumb buttons; flash on/off, macro, red-eye, etc. You can hook it up to your computer to use as a chat-cam too. It's also tri-pod ready.

Only two drawbacks I have found. It isn't very conservative with batteries. You will only get a few hundred shots, even if you use the flash conservatively. I recommend getting 8 AA NiMH rechargables and a charger, the camera takes 4 batteries. The other thing, is the lens cap doesn't stay on very well to the lens adapter, any slight bump will cause it to fall off. It does lock very well straight to the camera though.

All in all, I love this camera. it does everything I ask of it.

04-21-2003, 11:36 AM
Army, does your fuji have the electronic viewfinder? Cause the 2800 does, and i heard it is hard to see through it under low light situations.

04-21-2003, 11:42 AM
i've used the 2800 in low light. it is hard to see. that's because it's showing you what your picture would look like without the flash. it's very hard to see because that's what your picture would have turned out like. what you see is what you get.

the nikon will automatically adjust the exposure time if you give it a few seconds and show you what your picture will look like after that. if you can hold the camera still that is. ;) it's very hard to get good low light pictures without the flash because increasing the exposure time makes it very sensitive to movement. if you do use the flash no problem. the nikon will still brighten the picture so you can see but the exposure time will be what it needs to be with the flash.

04-21-2003, 09:44 PM
so im guessing get the nikon?

04-21-2003, 10:41 PM
up to you. the nikon is soooo much easier to get good pictures even if you have no idea what you're doing. the fuji can achieve all the same things but you have to change the settings yourself one by one. the fuji's zoom is HUGE! the nikon's is pretty standard. i love both those cameras. the nikon for taking pictures of me and my friends and the fuji for taking pics of things a little farther away.

04-22-2003, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by MantisMag
up to you. the nikon is soooo much easier to get good pictures even if you have no idea what you're doing.

LoL, "good" pictures have almost nothing to do with the camera itself.

04-22-2003, 02:16 AM

(hehe I love using this pic)

joeyjoe367 running to his bunker at the local woods field.

This was taken with an olympus D-340R 1.3 megapixel camera. :D

04-22-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367
LoL, "good" pictures have almost nothing to do with the camera itself.

when the camera makes all the adjustments for different lighting situations it does. ;)

blazestorm- that's just skillz. very nice. :cool:

04-22-2003, 03:04 PM
the best bang for the buck (digital) camera i have ever purchased is my olympus e-10. its a 4 Mpx SLR camera with fully manual features.

i'll dig up some photos if you wish.

//edit - sample photos //

all taken about a month ago at the detroit zoo using only natural lighting. all photos are unretouched (save cropping and resizing to 800px width) with stock lense and a sunlight (clear glass) filter. all photos were taken at 2240x1680 prior to resizing.

the two frog images were taken through dirty, cheap plastic windows to the exhibits which little kids had been rubbing their greasy mits on all day, i'm impressed that the camera cut straight through that mess and still delivered nice shots.

i have the originals at home at full res for comparison if anyone wants to take a gander.

the camera retails for about a grand, but i've seen it for under 800 new and much less on ebay.


04-22-2003, 07:54 PM
very nice pics. he's looking in the $300 price range though syn. ;)

04-22-2003, 07:57 PM
its worth putting off the purchase and saving up a bit extra, in the long run you'll thank yourself

04-22-2003, 08:09 PM
hehe syn

my olympus c-740 puts out the same pics, but mine is ultra zoom... 10x optical 30x digital :) 3.3 megapixel

It's really sweet but a I REALLY need a bigger card for it... this 16meg aint doin it ;) :D

04-22-2003, 08:43 PM
full res detail of one of the pics

04-22-2003, 09:58 PM
wow, synreal, those pictures are amazing.

04-23-2003, 01:02 PM
How about a recording digtial camera, thats able to take still images? It'll be great to have that during a game, and then taking pics of the group etc. Anyone know of a good one? Thx.

I might get this one, I think its the same one used in those pics above. Tell me what you think thx.

04-23-2003, 01:10 PM
the quality of the still images off of a digital camcorder is swill compared to even the cheapest of digital cameras. unless you are looking to shell out big cash (20k+) you have to choose between a good CCD (3+ Mpx for stills) and a fast recharging CCD (30+ fps for video)

oh Blazestorm, digital zoom is almost without exception crap ;) its just in camera pixel interpolation. you are much better off getting clean pixels using just optical and blowing the image larger in photoshop later (the resize pixel stretching/interpolation in PS5+ is -far- superior to any similar in camera function)

04-23-2003, 10:41 PM
Yea digital xzoom sucks, everything gets pixelated. Im begging my mom to get the e-10. From the pict ures you took and the spec sheet, it looks like on hell of a camera

04-23-2003, 10:53 PM
i own a finepix3800 and its the best investment I ever made.

check out butterfly photo for decent a decent price on that camera (http://www.butterflyphoto.com/viewitem.php?IndexID=2295)

heres a few sample images off my camera..

04-23-2003, 10:55 PM

04-23-2003, 10:56 PM

04-23-2003, 10:58 PM
<shameless plug>

by the way, the pics of the engine arent mine... they belong to my brother, and yes, if you're wondering, the entire vechile is for sale.. for more pics email me or get ahold of me somehow :)

</shameless plug>

04-23-2003, 11:23 PM
Well, I just got my digital camera tonight.

Canon Powershot G3 *big cheesy grin*

It is awesome.

Yeah, it's a little expensive, but you get this cool little wireless remote!

(edit-no, I haven't figured this thing out yet=) It's all fuzzy because I couldn't keep my hand still while I was taking the picture. Something about holding a new toy in my hand gets me all nervous)