View Full Version : leaky automag

04-20-2003, 03:19 PM
when i gas up my marker, it leaks out of the front (with no barrel on to). i took the rubber grip off of the e-lcd trigger frame to see that the sear was being pushed forward by the on/off pin, and it couldnt push itself back. does anyone know if this was due to an incorrect on/off assembly or is there something wrong w/ the trigger frame or is this something else etc. i also have a lvl 10 and i think i am using a number 1 carrier w/ 2 shims and the medium spring if that would cuase anything

04-20-2003, 03:22 PM
Hold the trigger when you gas up.

04-20-2003, 03:31 PM
i tried that, it had a full battery and everything. when i pulled the trigger nothing happened it wouldnt push the thing back. i really think it might be an incorrect on/off assembly, but then it might be that carrier in the lvl 10. just dont know.

04-20-2003, 07:12 PM
i tried a smaller carrier size for the lvl 10 and the leak went down a lot, but there is still a leak. the sear is still pushed forward when i gas it up, but now when i pull the trigger it goes back and forth like it should, only it stays forward instead of going back and leaks air. i hear a clanking noise but i can tell that that gun isnt firing. the bolt isnt going forward and no air is being released. it might be the lvl 10 spring now but it could also still be the on/off or the bolt or anything else again :confused: