View Full Version : Spyder Mako Frame Tech Help

04-20-2003, 09:36 PM
I just purchased a Mako ELCD frame for the ol' Spyder SE. I really like it, but the manual is very scarce. I was wondering if anyone knows what the "pulse length" option is? It has nothing to do with burst length and is accessed by holding both buttons in for a while from any of the live modes.

Also what are the #3 shims used for since it says nothing about them in the manual? They are pictured between #13 and #15 on the following link: http://makostorm.freehosting.net/photo.html


04-21-2003, 07:23 AM
First off, this should be in the Tech Forum.

Secondly, I would think (although I don't know) that the Pulse Length would be similar to the Dwell time on the E-Mag. This is probably the time the sear stays 'open' allowing the gun to fire. Ususally the longer the dwell the lower the ROF.

Also, I don't see anything about shims on that page you linked to. But I just skimmed it so...


04-21-2003, 12:56 PM
Sorry about the location of the post. I thought the tech forum was just for Mag issues. Is there a way for me to move it?

Your explanation makes sense. Is it a safe assumption that a longer pulse length will drain the battery quicker?

Yeah, the picture of the shim is there, but it may take a while to load.

Thanks for the info,