View Full Version : where can I get a xmag in UK?

04-21-2003, 03:30 AM
Hi, all

I have a buddy in the U.K visiting and am thinking about asking him to get the xmag for me. Does anyone know where I can get the best deal in UK beside AGDE. I read couple of threads that you have to like pay 17% vat/tax on purchases. Is there a way around this 17%vat. Also, would you recommend having him ship it or have him bring it with him even with the highen security in most airports. Thanks in advance.

04-21-2003, 07:45 AM
Good luck finding one for sale, the waiting list is only marginally shorter here if atall. You would have to buy it from John Sosta of AGD Europe (unless you find one used) as for the VAT, anything you buy in this country that attracts VAT (17.5%) (used goods, food and childrens clothes don't ;) ) can be reimbursed by getting a VAT excemption certificate..this will only apply to people visiting the UK..not the greatest thing in the world 'cos by filling the form out you will be declaring that you have the high value item and when you or your friend returns to the US you will find you will "probably" be over the import value so you will still have to pay taxes, at what rate I have no idea but you would have to look into that part of it. Nice idea but then the saving isn't really there....now me buying from the US thats a different story ;)