View Full Version : By Request: My First Day Out With X-Mag #213

04-21-2003, 09:42 AM
Well, this was an exciting day of paintball, I must say. I pulled up to the parking lot of Regulators' Outpost in Dalton, GA about 10:30am. The 1 1/2 hour drive seemed to take longer than that, but it was just the anticipation!

I walk up and greet Gary (Sinistarr) and his wife Julie. As I go about the introductions, all I hear is Gary asking 'Where's the X-Mag?' So I wander out to the car and grab it. He is wowed, and so is the crowd. Not one kid asked if it was a Spyder! ;)

I go to register and find out the don't take Credit Cards! :eek: So the guy tells me that he'll run a tab for me and I can hit an ATM at the end of the day. That was really cool! :) I paid up at luch time, not to be a welch or anything. When I go to pay (at lunch) the lady at the counter (different person than when I registered) says 'So you're David Jones' to which I responded coyly, 'Yes ma'am, what's that supposed to mean?' Apparently Gary has been talkin me up to the locals... No pressure or anything.

I walk down to the chrono station to get legal and the ref 'Ooohs and Awes' at the X-Mag. After chronoing with single shots, Aaron asked me to 'Sound it off for me'. So with cold fingers I 'tap, tap' it then I rip off a string of about 20 shots or so. Not only is the ref impressed, but the crowd behind me gave it up for the awesome power of the X!

So, while standing around for teams to be choosen, ANOTHER local walks up to me (Scott) and asks 'Are you David Jones?' to which I replied 'Yes'. He then introduces himself. This is starting to get wierd... ;)

Finally, to the field. Game #1 with X-Mag, didn't fire a shot. Hit on the break in the shoulder going into a forward bunker. Heve to laugh that one off!

Game #2 goes much smoother. All day you could hear me 'tap tap' the trigger, then ripping on it, scaring all the noobs! :D In the third game we played on a woods speedball field. I'm working on this guy in a standup out the left side of my bunker. Running the CF breech, I simply lean out the left side and rip on him. Later that game, we're down to one opposing player and Scott signals me indicating the guys has a pump (azzkikr and his pump mag). So I tear rear down the left tape and get on Fred's 3 o'clock. I let a few shots off as Scott runs a bunker tags him. I appologize profusely for tagging after he's hit. He happily tells me no problem. Great guy! (Sorry!)

So I let one of the local players swap his IR3 with my X for a game or two. He LOVED it! Offered me his IR3, 45/45 Angel AIR, and Eggo2 + $200 for just my gun. Later he bumped the offer to $600. :) I politely declined. Next game Gary played with it, and well he liked it. Told me I wasn't going to be able to make it home with it. He's a good bit larger than I, so I started to get nervous...

An aside: I played a game or two with Ricky's IR3. While I wasn't overly impressed with it, being an X-Mag owner, it was a nice gun. I did like the Space Frame. It made left hand shooting much more comfortable for someone just learning to do so (me).

I also got to sit and shoot the breeze with Bob, The Angel Guy. He's an all around good guy. We talked about AGD, the X-Mag and the E-Mag in general. He said he hadn't seen an X-Mag since he saw Tom's, so I let him take a look at mine. I gave him a quick once over and answered his questions (as best I could). He was quick to compliment me on the gun. That was cool!

Incidientally, I did manage to shoot Gary left handed that day, with the X. He has yet to get me! ;)

Well, I gotta say, my Pewter X-Mag with 68/4500 Flatline and HALO B will be the last paintgun I ever buy. The TL63 trigger cannot be matched, and she's gorgeous to boot.

I gotta give props to Tom, Manike, and the team at AGD. You've got a real winner with the X-Mag! Congrats! :D

Later ~ Dave

04-21-2003, 09:48 AM
Your David Jones? From the Monkies?

Nice report!!!! Welcome to the brother hood of the X! :)

04-21-2003, 10:07 AM
Phil, I was thinking the same thing :D

And David, never say you won't buy another gun. Never is a looong time ;) (you never know what AGD's got up their sleeve)

04-21-2003, 10:10 AM
Brotherhood of the X... I kinda like that. :D

I think we need Jam doing some artwork for us. ;)

Originally posted by cphilip
Your David Jones? From the Monkies?

Nice report!!!! Welcome to the brother hood of the X! :)

04-21-2003, 11:24 AM
Im glad your happy with it...but ir3, angel air, eggo, + $600? I cant believe that. Even if it IS true, why wouldnt you take it? You could easily trade the whol ir3/air/eggo for another, and come out with $600...EASY.

04-21-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by -=Squid=-
Im glad your happy with it...but ir3, angel air, eggo, + $600? I cant believe that. Even if it IS true, why wouldnt you take it? You could easily trade the whol ir3/air/eggo for another, and come out with $600...EASY.

I told him that would be a good deal, but the X-Mag is nearly impossible to find. Otherwise I would make the trade, sell the Angel and buy another X.

Yeah, forever is a long time. Maybe I'll see what AGD comes up with next! ;)

'Hey Hey we're the monkies, people say we monkey around...' ;) No, I don't have the Davy Jones haircut!

Later ~ Dave

04-21-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Jonesie

I told him that would be a good deal, but the X-Mag is nearly impossible to find. Otherwise I would make the trade, sell the Angel and buy another X.

Yeah, forever is a long time. Maybe I'll see what AGD comes up with next! ;)

'Hey Hey we're the monkies, people say we monkey around...' ;) No, I don't have the Davy Jones haircut!

Later ~ Dave

Check out the forums...if you offered an ir3, angel air, and eggo a lot of people would give up the x in a heartbeat. I know I would.

04-21-2003, 11:37 AM
Russ, I Think that kind of dates us some doesn't it? :(

Squid, NO one in their right minds would give up the best marker on the planet for ANYTHING else...

04-21-2003, 11:42 AM
I remember watching the Monkeys as a kid... ;)

And You're right Phil. I wouldn't trade my Xmag for ANYTHING else in paintball.

Originally posted by cphilip
Russ, I Think that kind of dates us some doesn't it? :(

Squid, NO one in their right minds would give up the best marker on the planet for ANYTHING else...

04-21-2003, 11:51 AM
Well there is just not anything else out there that can perform as well is the reason. I mean nothing! And before you all start up and claim there is you will not win that one. It's a fact and I can prove my claims. Can you prove yours? And remember I just spent two days and nights at AGD getting my facts for myself....DO NOT MAKE ME HAVE TO USE MY NEW POWERS ON YOU!!! YOU WILL LOSE!!!! :D

04-21-2003, 11:59 AM

04-21-2003, 12:34 PM
Nice report,
I try to read as much as I can about folks impresions of thier X's.

Originally posted by cphilip
Well there is just not anything else out there that can perform as well is the reason. I mean nothing! And before you all start up and claim there is you will not win that one. It's a fact and I can prove my claims. Can you prove yours? And remember I just spent two days and nights at AGD getting my facts for myself....DO NOT MAKE ME HAVE TO USE MY NEW POWERS ON YOU!!! YOU WILL LOSE!!!! :D

I hope you are kidding?


04-21-2003, 01:22 PM
Well, I had one problem with the gun all day. I turned my HALO on too soon before the game started and it turned itself off, thus the gun stopped firing in E-Mode (ACE was on). So I flipped it into manual and fired a few, realized they were dry fires, turned on the HALO, switched to E-Mode, and was good again. Let's see your IR3 do THAT! ;)

AND I didn't break a ball all day! :D

Later ~ Dave

04-21-2003, 01:28 PM
"Incidientally, I did manage to shoot Gary left handed that day, with the X. He has yet to get me! "

Keep in mind young padawan, I was defending against 3-4 regs plus you and 10 new players. I had my hands full. I did however notice that you seemed to keep your distance from me and make sure there was at least 2-3 bunkers between us after that. ;) j\k...

I was very impressed with the power of the X. Jonesie is a good player, and a great guy. Ya' need to make it back up again soon, and bring the little woman. Tell her we had another girl playing for the first time. She had a blast and is talking about coming back with some of her friends.


04-21-2003, 01:46 PM
I am not kidding at all.


Fastest recharge without shoot down. Instantly ready to discharge the SAME pressure LONG before any other marker. NO OTHER MARKER can giving you a consistently fast chamber pressure of equal or more than you started with. No one else can do that. Did I say NO ONE?

Magnetic trigger as light as you want it. What more can there be? Nothing.

Level 10. No one else can control bolt speeds without a loss of reset speed. NO ONE! Some of them do not even reset!

Largest most dependable seleniod to prevent over heating and missfire. NO MISSFIRE from inadequate selenoid power. That battery is not a detraction...its a "feature". It delivers the power needed to drive a large dependable selenoid. Anything less is a gamble you will find yourself losing a battle with. Cut corners if you want but be prepared for missfires. I warned you.

Lightest bolt. Yep! One ounce. Beat that.

Shortest air passages to speed up recharge with built in regulator right were it needs to be... NEAREST to the chamber.

Best customer service and warranty in the business.

Closest tolerance construction hold in the business.

Easy to fix and repair as well as maintain.

Result is the best Paintball marker on the Market...

Need I go on?

04-21-2003, 02:42 PM
Preach on Brother Phil!

Can I get an AMEN?!

Originally posted by cphilip
I am not kidding at all.


Fastest recharge without shoot down. Instantly ready to discharge the SAME pressure LONG before any other marker. NO OTHER MARKER can giving you a consistently fast chamber pressure of equal or more than you started with. No one else can do that. Did I say NO ONE?

Magnetic trigger as light as you want it. What more can there be? Nothing.

Level 10. No one else can control bolt speeds without a loss of reset speed. NO ONE! Some of them do not even reset!

Largest most dependable seleniod to prevent over heating and missfire. NO MISSFIRE from inadequate selenoid power. That battery is not a detraction...its a "feature". It delivers the power needed to drive a large dependable selenoid. Anything less is a gamble you will find yourself losing a battle with. Cut corners if you want but be prepared for missfires. I warned you.

Lightest bolt. Yep! One ounce. Beat that.

Shortest air passages to speed up recharge with built in regulator right were it needs to be... NEAREST to the chamber.

Best customer service and warranty in the business.

Closest tolerance construction hold in the business.

Easy to fix and repair as well as maintain.

Result is the best Paintball marker on the Market...

Need I go on?

nuclear zombie
04-21-2003, 03:15 PM
"TL63 trigger" , what trigger is this ? Any pictures ?

04-21-2003, 03:37 PM
It's a blade trigger for the Xmag/Emag.

If you run a search for the TL63 trigger, you can find lots of info behind it.

Originally posted by nuclear zombie
"TL63 trigger" , what trigger is this ? Any pictures ?

Load SM5
04-21-2003, 03:38 PM
Jonesie? Are you in danger of becoming a real paintball player?;)

Glad to hear you had a good time. I wish I could've made it but that being Easter weekend I had family obligations. I'll be there next time.

04-21-2003, 03:57 PM

:) Well.. I guess you had a fun time, but I dont see any pics to prove it!

04-21-2003, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Jonesie? Are you in danger of becoming a real paintball player?;)

Believe it or not, I might actually be considered one! :eek: Must go shower now! ;)

Later ~ Dave

04-21-2003, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Jonesie? Are you in danger of becoming a real paintball player?;)

Glad to hear you had a good time. I wish I could've made it but that being Easter weekend I had family obligations. I'll be there next time.

Actually I believe he is becoming a player. If we can just get him to his first bunker he can hide there till we get most of the other team off the field, then he can come out and 'win the day' for us. ;) :D :p

Jonesie did quite well. If he made his first bunker, he usually came up with at least one kill most games.

We missed you and the others from Atlanta. Personman thought it was next week, Boomer and the gang couldn't make it for work related stuff.

Maybe we can get this AO SE Day going and set that date. I'll be after Tom to get a date set.


04-21-2003, 04:57 PM
The AO SE date is already set... that's my event. Thats in Meet and Greet.

04-21-2003, 05:03 PM
I thought yours was AO SC. There was some talk about an AO SE in the ao meet & greet forum. I must have missed something. Tom Blevins at Regulators Outpost was going to do an AO day also. He is getting the fields cleared and setup for a MSPA coming up. We were going to make a few more improvements and setup an AO day.

I will definately be there in Clemson In November, assuming I don't have any conflicts that come up. We had a blast last year!


04-21-2003, 05:09 PM
Yes well we refered to mine as AO SE some in there because there was no other when we started it and it was trying to get em going. And I did hear Tom was thinking of doing one and I am all for that! I will be glad to help. He sure helped us out on the first one here so I certainly need to reciprocate. We can surely do more of them thats for sure!!! Do you have any idea when he wants to do it? I guess I need to contact him and see if we can coordinate this thingie! :)

04-21-2003, 05:20 PM
If memory serves (yeah right), he was talking about sometime late june - early august, I suggested june or Sept. for a little cooler conditions than August. I'll be talking to him this week, I'll ask him. I do know he wants to get the fields groomed a little better first, and get the staging areas reworked.


04-21-2003, 05:24 PM
Yea the problem is finding a date. Thats for sure. I agree the cooler the better. Mine is much later than I like but it was purely when I could get everyone to agree and there was no conflict with major tourneys. So thats a real pain to find. Lets touch base with him and see what he has in mind. I will surely help out and come down for it. No doubt about it.

04-21-2003, 05:29 PM
Glad to hear that Phil. We loved it up there in clemson, so we wil be back sometime or another. I am hoping not to miss this year's extravaganza!

As for Tom, I'll bet he has a date in mind, but keeping it to himself for motivation to be ready.


04-21-2003, 05:32 PM
Oh and ask him if he has a spot I can pull my camper into (I am self contained) and I will come down the day before and help him set up. Plus I can do some AGD promo for him too. I am all ears!

04-21-2003, 05:38 PM
There is parking for about 200, so I think we could find a spot ;) :D. There is like 3-4 acres on top where we have campers and tents during events and scenarios. I'll find the links for the pics and get them to you.


04-21-2003, 05:45 PM
Sounding cooler by the minute! :D

04-21-2003, 07:02 PM
Thanks for HiJacking my thread guys! ;)

Seriously, I could head up to D-town and help with an AO day. Let me know if I can assist with any of this. I'm willing to help.

I'll be happy to help repiant the bunkers for Tom. Gotta have those looking good too! ;)

Later ~ Dave

04-21-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Jonesie
Thanks for HiJacking my thread guys! ;)

Yea I was just thinking that myself! We took it over to PM's but I fear the hijackin charge will stand a trial now! Sorry bout that! :D

04-21-2003, 07:13 PM
Whens the next time u are going to be at regulator's? And where do u live? Because u said an hour and a half that sounds about where i live.

04-21-2003, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by Jonesie
Thanks for HiJacking my thread guys! ;)

Finally hijacked my first thread!!! WOOOOOOOT!!! :D

What a clown, huh? :rolleyes:

I will stand trial along side my hero Phil. :cool:

We will announce when the AO day will be once we determin a suitable weekend for it. We have a great deal of events to schedule around, national, MSPA, and our own scenarios. I believe once our MSPA event at the field is over we can start planning the AO event.

I'll keep you in the loop Jonesie.

Maginator, the field is open Fri - sunday. Fridays are no field fee, no fee for rentals if you need one, pay for paint and air. Air is $5 for co2 or $7 for Nitro all day. Paint ranges from $55 to $65+ depending on what is on hand. Usually zap, Chronic, or nelson.

Saturday and sunday are regualar fees, but there is almost always people to play with.