View Full Version : MAg leaking from velocity adjustor

04-21-2003, 03:19 PM
My mag is leaking from the velocity adjustor When my velocity is only 250fps. Should i replace the reg piston assembly or just the oring? plz help

04-21-2003, 03:33 PM
Are you running a level 10 setup?

We need a little more background on the gun...

Tank (preset or adj)
Tank input pressure
Any aftermarket parts
Level 10 Setup (if any)

04-21-2003, 06:18 PM
no lvel 10, stock e-mag barrel, with 68 3k pure energy tank

Mav D MagMan
04-21-2003, 09:00 PM
Does the leak go away when you decrease the imput into your gun?

Every time I have seen this problem it has been fixed by replacing the spring pack/soft seals in the reg.


04-22-2003, 12:11 PM
You simply need to turn the velocity down.

04-22-2003, 12:43 PM
Did we read the thread? He's at 250 already. He goes any lower and he can throw the ball faster.

It means there's something mechanically wrong. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by ldser
My mag is leaking from the velocity adjustor When my velocity is only 250fps. Should i replace the reg piston assembly or just the oring? plz help

04-22-2003, 07:50 PM
sorry to interrupt but I didnt want to start a brand new thread (my question is very similar) so I'm just gonna throw this out there...

I had an x-chamber on my gun (used to use co2) and today I took it off and ran the gas line straight from the bottomline ASA to the valve and when I screwed in my nitro tank it started leaking out of the velocity screw. the reason why this is a problem is because last week I shot nearly 1000 balls after I set up the velocity and not one time did it leak out the back. was the leak caused by the fact that there was less surface area between the asa and the valve than before when I had the 6-stage x-chamber on? it kind of makes sense to me but at the same time it doesnt. can someone help me out?

04-22-2003, 07:58 PM
I have a stock CF MiniMag and when I first bought it, it leaked out the back. A (possibly) separate problem forced me to replace the reg seat at the same time, too.

Idser (Iawgiaki?)only mentioned that his leaked when the velocity was low and didn't mention if the adjuster was screwed in all the way. I guess I'll be the first to ask the obvious: have you turned up the velocity?

04-22-2003, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by tmnothing
sorry to interrupt but I didnt want to start a brand new thread (my question is very similar) so I'm just gonna throw this out there...

I had an x-chamber on my gun (used to use co2) and today I took it off and ran the gas line straight from the bottomline ASA to the valve and when I screwed in my nitro tank it started leaking out of the velocity screw. the reason why this is a problem is because last week I shot nearly 1000 balls after I set up the velocity and not one time did it leak out the back. was the leak caused by the fact that there was less surface area between the asa and the valve than before when I had the 6-stage x-chamber on? it kind of makes sense to me but at the same time it doesnt. can someone help me out?

What was your velocity at last time? Are you using LX? Whats your output?

My best guess so far is a faulty reg. piston assy.

04-23-2003, 05:53 AM
Yes I have a Level10 and my tank is preset 850 psi. My minimag is about 3 weeks old also...