View Full Version : Whats The Best Barrel Kit?

04-21-2003, 08:21 PM
Hey all, I'm trying to pick out a barrel kit based on performance, looks ect. , so vote for your favorite. If you can give advice, reply also.

04-21-2003, 08:39 PM
The freak is probably the barrel kit that people have had the best expierences with becuase not as many people have the empire or evil kits. Although all and any are probably great kits. The Freak is the favorite among all and we know it works good. I'd say get what you like.

04-21-2003, 08:48 PM
I say freak too. I listed my reasons in this thread and others give suggestions on what they prefer, http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=76542

04-21-2003, 08:52 PM
I've owned both a Freak set and a Powerlyte Scepter set. I'd never go back to the Freak. This is, of course, entirely based on personal preference. The Scepter just felt like a better product--when compared side by side, the Freak felt cheap.

Mav D MagMan
04-21-2003, 08:59 PM
Now that Dye Boomsticks are two piece I believe they fit as barrel kits.

The screw together type seems much more sturdy than the sleeve style (however sleeves have worked well for many!) and it would be what I reccomend!


04-21-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Mav D MagMan
The screw together type seems much more sturdy than the sleeve style (however sleeves have worked well for many!) and it would be what I reccomend!

yeah, i agree.
although i do shoot a freak and love it, i am leaning against sleeves, and towards the two-piece barrel kits.

04-21-2003, 09:35 PM
I like the CP kits. They are very well made, come in nice colors, are lightweight, and I really don't need 8 different sized inserts. 3 suits me just fine.

I vote "Other"

04-21-2003, 10:07 PM

04-21-2003, 10:13 PM
I really enjoy my freak kit.I find I really never need the smallest of the bore sizes though.I like the different styles of color/length available.They suck for shooting through breaks though.
Have to give a good word to the Scepter though, extemely accurate with the longer control bore.

04-21-2003, 10:26 PM
scepter by powerlyte

04-21-2003, 11:55 PM

04-22-2003, 12:04 AM
I tested out a 10" freak saturday and was very impressed, ordered my 14 inch tonight cant wait for it to get here. It shot WAY better than stock, and it was FULL of chopped paint. (I lent it out trying to get a guy to buy a mag instead of a A-5 and he musta short stroked a lot!)

04-22-2003, 09:00 AM
i wish they made scepters for mags

04-22-2003, 05:03 PM

04-22-2003, 06:02 PM
if they dont make sceptors for mags, seeing as how he has a standard body then sceptors arent a choice.

04-22-2003, 06:35 PM
uh, he never stated it had to be available for mags. look at the poll, it says "whats your favorite barrel kit?"

04-22-2003, 06:53 PM
I felt it was implied :rolleyes:

04-22-2003, 07:46 PM
I have never acually tired it, but from what i hear they are really good.

04-22-2003, 07:59 PM
Don't worry about it. I'm getting a ULE or a Sluggo within the next 2 weeks. I need a kit for my new body ;). I still like the Evil Pipe though. It's so sweet lookin'

04-22-2003, 10:10 PM
I ordered mine about 3 weeks ago from a group deal on pbnation. it should be shipped wed or thur. Personally I have had 2 freak sets through my gun whoring and they both sucked.


04-23-2003, 01:43 PM
well, i picked up an Evil pipe last night..

gotta say, i really like the way it's built. the packaging/carrying case is awesome, the pieces have nice finishes, orings at every junction the angled porting seems cool and the silver to black fade looks oh-so-sweet on the silver XMag... i hope it shoots as well as it looks and feels- will find out this weekend.

04-23-2003, 03:09 PM
pipe, hands down better than the rest. Shot it in 2 tournaments so far and have had 0 breaks, with dead on accuracy.

04-23-2003, 03:37 PM
Best bang for the buck - J&J Edge

New they're $115, I bought one used for my Bushy and it's awesome!

04-24-2003, 01:10 PM
Wel, had a chance to shoot the pipe and it's awesome. Even with some old Blaze. Maybe i like it so much 'cause i spent so much money on it, though. ;)

To be completely honest, it shoots exactly the same as my CP 1-piece I can't really tell, it's all the same. The diff size backs are useful for diff paints though.

I'm starting to think a barrel's a barrel.

04-24-2003, 08:10 PM
I just got a J&J edge kit, and I mean JUSt got it, as in today, and well, my first impression of it is good.. 115 for a fairly solid carrying case, 4 backs, and 1 tip. Its a light barrel ( I got all alluminum, all black anno )
The inside of the barrel is so mirror-like its amazing.. thats really all I can tell you for now, but my first impressions are great!
I'm playing on saturday so we'll find out then!

05-14-2003, 03:35 AM
Equation Barrel Kits are the best I have seen so far!

05-14-2003, 11:29 AM
Powerlyte Scepter Kit all the way! I like it becasue the inserts don't 'float' and are front loading.

05-14-2003, 02:23 PM
The Custom Products barrel kit works very well

05-14-2003, 05:37 PM
freak all the way, ive used mine about 5 times now and love it. And I almost got a pipe because I was sure I was keeping my gun. Look at this, used my freak 5 times and already got a new gun on the way via a trade for my gun and we are simply tradeing freak backs. Look how easy it is!!

05-14-2003, 06:54 PM
anybody know where you can buy a CP kit??? i dont want to pay the full price ordering it directly from them and i can't find the kit for sale anywhere else.

05-19-2003, 05:53 AM
I would buy a freak and purchase a boomstick tip from White Wolf Airsmithing http://www.whitewolfairsmithing.com/barrels.htm. They come in various lengths/colors and sell for about $44.00.

The mag freak insert is loaded from the center just like the Scepter, which locks the insert in place. Buying the boomy tip in essence gives you multiple Dye boomstick barrels. I have a 16in overall length as I play the back position and my son, who also owns an emag has a 10in overall length as he plays mid/front. We have found both to be as accurate as my ultralite and boomstick barrels. You can't go wrong.

05-19-2003, 08:50 AM
the tip of the barrel doesnt affect accuracy at all so a boomstick freak front and a freak front will be the same except for what they look like and minimal efficiency/noise difference due to porting, but very minimal.

05-20-2003, 12:30 AM
After rereading my post, your 100% correct. Can't for the life of me figure out what I was thinking about when I wrote that post. :eek: Sometimes one writes before putting brain in gear.

On the positive side the boomstick front is stylish compared to the standard freal front.