View Full Version : thank you, AGD!

04-22-2003, 09:52 AM
major props to AGD techs for repairing my emag.

i had to send her in for some major electrical repairs...the board wouldn't function at all, and somehow i busted the top selector button that it attached to the board.

i was really worried when i didn't have a marker in my hands after a month-and-a-half, but you can't blame the techs for spending a little time at ultimate madness. and then JJ got sick.:(

but who can i be mad at? they replaced the entire board under warranty. i guess it was a really weird problem, even for AGD, because under the repairs invoice it read:

"enexplainable electrical board defect caused it not to function properly - replaced with new one."

im just happy my baby is back in my hands in working order.

thanks AGD!

04-22-2003, 01:11 PM
I had something similar happen to mine when I got it:


They did the same thing! I agree with you 110% on their service.

Perhaps they should look into the old Emag boards? This seems to be happening alot lately. (either that or I'm coming across more and more posts about it)