View Full Version : Tom? OfficeGal? Price Change!!??

04-22-2003, 07:00 PM
what in the hell!?

i just went to the AGD store and now the sluggo bodies are up from $130 when they came out with the over-the-valve version... now its $150 :mad:

ahhhhhhh its more than the ULE and i really wanna custom mill one... come on! why is it so high now? :confused:

04-22-2003, 08:27 PM

I wouldn't say $20 is a huge price increase. AGD had to redesign the slug, have the machinist re-program and tool for the new design, and of course it provides more material.

I understand it was actually a real pain to change to the OTV version.


Shawn at suny oswego
04-22-2003, 08:57 PM
thats so odd they cost more than the ULE.

04-22-2003, 09:02 PM
mabey because when they make the ULE's they machine from a smaller piece of metal and can cut the block to closer specs. The sluggo they need to make it beefy to be able to leave room for work to be done

04-22-2003, 09:07 PM

04-22-2003, 10:24 PM
heres the story

first slug introduced (not over valve): $100 :)
2nd gen. slug when introduced (over valve): $130 :)
2nd gen. slug now(over valve): $150 :eek: :mad:

its more than the cost of the ULE, and its unmilled, and has no ball detent or feedneck... and i have a friend willing to machine it for me and all, and i would really like to have him custom machine it for me instead of getting a ule, which i personally think are ugly :o

and a $20 difference is the difference between getting it now and waiting 2 weeks for my next paycheck :mad:

AGD! quit jacking up the damn prices! i know you're doing the thing if the market will pay it, you will bring it to the edge of ALMOST not selling... the way almost every business works... but... there really cant be that much of a demmand for these sluggos right now... especially that you just jacked up the price... you may have just driven me away from buying one :(

04-22-2003, 10:25 PM
and the main thing was that 2 weeks ago when the OTV was introduced, it was only $130, and now its friggin $150 for an unmilled aluminum tube for gods sake

04-22-2003, 10:26 PM
just another reason why i hate the american economy :rolleyes:

04-22-2003, 10:31 PM
You are incorrect. The slugs were more then $100 - but then dropped (likely close to cost) because they didn't sell. Once they got in the pipeline and customs started to appear (and in conjunction with the change to OTV) they were increase a reasonable amount. You may not get a detent, but you are getting A LOT more meat. Also, they are are not exactly flying off of the shelves, so the production runs are smaller - causing a higher per-unit cost to AGD.

You sound upset, but try to look at the big picture.


04-22-2003, 11:24 PM
sluggo came out, $150, it went on sale for $100 cause they werent selling

then the OTV comes out at $130..still not many sold, but now the price is $150... and they didnt mention any sale when it was $130...

ah fark this i *NEED* it to drop back down to $130 cause for a 14-year-old thats in debt do his parents, $20 is alot of money!

04-22-2003, 11:27 PM
Dude..I'm sorry to say..I was just skimming through this thread because I was bored and this week's Smallville really sucks...but stop complaining...I'm going to scream if I have to hear you moan all day long about this...go back to the Tasty Freeze and work some extra hours and save up to get your Slug...dang...

04-23-2003, 12:03 AM
...how the heck can you afford to have it milled?

Really, SH420, shut-up!

04-23-2003, 06:46 AM
a friend of mine has offered to mill it for me

(but the condition is that i just give it to him, and he'll just have fun with milling... so it'll turn out to be something cool and interesting)

i forgot to explain to you why i'im whining about this

1. i just found out that i have to have a parent to come with me to the sams big game if a 14-year-old wants to play
2. my dad is going to be out of town on the weekend when the big game/AO day is taking place
3. don't most people with a small paycheck whine more than the ones with the beefy ones? (mines $200/2 weeks, and i just bought an eclipse hinge, so i'm left with ~$130... for the slug that WAS $130...which i planned to get :()

04-23-2003, 07:38 AM
if you read some of toms post he said that is just and intro price, and after a week or so prices would go up.

04-23-2003, 08:41 AM
if you want something custom you better be ready to pay for it.
custom= more money

04-23-2003, 09:09 AM
sneakyhacker420, in about 10-15 years you might be old enough to understand common business practices. Companies do not usually pick some arbitrary number and assign it as the price of an item. There are MANY, MANY, MANY things a company takes into account.

First and foremost for a manufacturer is the cost to THEM to produce the item. They will then look at other things such as how many items they expect to sell at certain price points. They will look at their margin to see if their pricing is in line with it. They will look at how their other products' sales might be affected. They will consider the depreciation of their facilites and equipment, and also the cost of employing a full-time staff. I'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface of what AGD considers when they establish pricing for their products.

I work for a company that produces enterprise software. When a company purchases our software, we send it to them on a CD. Do you honestly think that we are going to charge them the pennies it costs to burn a CD? Heck no, most companies end up spending MILLIONS to implement our software. We have several thousand employees to pay each month and I happen to like the paychecks I get so I don't think twice that customers spend so much on a "computer program."

You're 14 years old. Until you spend more time in the real world, please keep your mouth shut. It's not AGD's fault you can't afford it, so don't complain to them. It's not Paintball Sam's fault they need to spend a lot of money on insurance, so don't bring them into the picture, either. You'd also be surprised how mature some of the people are who bring in small paychecks. Now you see how important it is to stay in school, pay attention, go to college, and find a good job.

One thing you can control is your own purchases and savings. Maybe you shouldn't have bought that hinge. Did you complain to Eclipse about their pricing? Did you tell them that if their hinge had been cheaper, you would have been able to afford a sluggo?

What is it with kids these days? I guess my parents just did a better job of raising me. I know I didn't behave this way when I was a teenager. If I needed more money, I asked for another loop at the golf course I caddied at. At the time, I received $10 for 18 holes. That worked out to about $2.50 an hour. Even now with a well-paying job, I have to save up for some of the things I would like.

04-23-2003, 10:08 AM
seems just the other day SH420 was begging Tom for an X-Mag, with a custom serial number :p

04-23-2003, 10:19 AM
All I'm hearing is "WAH WAH WAH. I want this. I want that. Gimme gimme gimme."

Do what the rest of us do when we need something. SAVE.

Grow up and quit whining...

BTW- I doubt Tom is losing sleep over your one sale... The companies that are producing slug bodies will MORE than make up for you.

Originally posted by sneakyhacker420
heres the story

first slug introduced (not over valve): $100 :)
2nd gen. slug when introduced (over valve): $130 :)
2nd gen. slug now(over valve): $150 :eek: :mad:

its more than the cost of the ULE, and its unmilled, and has no ball detent or feedneck... and i have a friend willing to machine it for me and all, and i would really like to have him custom machine it for me instead of getting a ule, which i personally think are ugly :o

and a $20 difference is the difference between getting it now and waiting 2 weeks for my next paycheck :mad:

AGD! quit jacking up the damn prices! i know you're doing the thing if the market will pay it, you will bring it to the edge of ALMOST not selling... the way almost every business works... but... there really cant be that much of a demmand for these sluggos right now... especially that you just jacked up the price... you may have just driven me away from buying one :(

04-23-2003, 10:52 AM
Let's all gang up on a fourteen-year-old! Oh wait, we're already doing that. Sneaky, save your pennies and buy the Wang's "Butterfinger Special"! Another stellar post, DB! We can always count on you to lead the zelot charge! This forum oozes congineality :rolleyes:

04-23-2003, 11:40 AM
You know what? You can say what you want about AO when you become a contributing member to the community. Until that time, please keep your derogatory comments to yourself.

Originally posted by ddinwdc
Let's all gang up on a fourteen-year-old! Oh wait, we're already doing that. Sneaky, save your pennies and buy the Wang's "Butterfinger Special"! Another stellar post, DB! We can always count on you to lead the zelot charge! This forum oozes congineality :rolleyes:

04-23-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring
You know what? You can say what you want about AO when you become a contributing member to the community. Until that time, please keep your derogatory comments to yourself.

I 2nd Daysprings comments. Stop complaining like a bunch of babies. Get a job, bank some money and SHUSH....
Also, people new to the boards should not be flailing their derogatory comments around.

Anyways, there is not point complaining about something that most people are only gonna buy once. Buying something consistently is one thing.... but an invididual that doesnt have access to a mill doesn't need to pick up multiple units.

So quit ur whining, loose ur ego's and chill.

~da baller

04-23-2003, 12:04 PM
my only issue with the price increase is how can you make a custom sluggo and price it competativle with the ULE bodys? I am going to buy one, maybe 2, but i was planning on trying to sell them like tuna and the others, i have a design and its half in the machine....but yeah the price increase is gonna put raise the price i can sell the finnished product up to or over $250... i was hoppinh to keep it around $225ish blah....well i guess i will see what demand will be for them....pics and more info to follow in a few weeks (hopefully)

04-23-2003, 12:12 PM
if you could produce a cheaper slug im sure tom would be interested in hearing about it

04-23-2003, 12:29 PM
Just remember- ULE bodies aren't meant to be competitive with the Sluggos. ULE is for the people who want the weight reduction without all the fancy milling. Since they are just plain tubes, that's why he can sell them cheaper.

When it comes to the Sluggos, people know that not only are they paying for the materials and coloring, but also the milling time done on them. So, naturally, you are going to pay more for that.

So, in effect, Tom is targetting two different customer bases here. The people who like "vanilla ice cream" and those who like "Rocky Road."

04-23-2003, 12:32 PM
I can say whatever I want to say, regardless of any arbitrary rules you want to apply. But here's an arbitrary rule for you. Until you officially turn in your membership to the ten-pound bench-press club, you can keep YOUR opinions to yourself.

04-23-2003, 12:35 PM
maybe you should have ought it when you saw it for 130...or perhaps you should sell something...or better yet go cry in the corner:rolleyes:

wow you went from a new member to a loudmouth hated one in only 21 posts i appluad you it took me well over 1500

04-23-2003, 12:42 PM
dude if u wanna whine bout being 14 and u can't afford this accessory or whatnot. go cry bout it. u have three stinking guns right now. and u should be grateful that u have them. all i hear from u is me me me. stop ur stinking whining

04-23-2003, 12:48 PM
whooo, can you feel the tension? and i do understand what your saying dayspring, but i think if the goal of agd was to get many different custom bodies out for there markers then they would try hard to keep the overhead low. I would just like to hear a reasuring word from someone on the AGD staff. But yeah i know, for sure that with a $100 or more differance in price in a finnished ule to a finnished sluggo, many people are just going to go ULE and save there cash. such is life, and i understand, i just want agd to know that this IS going to effect my decision to make production sluggo's and i definatly wont make as many.

04-23-2003, 12:49 PM
You never had a single date in high school did you?

I mean winning personality and everything. WOW. Total package here boys... :rolleyes:

Originally posted by ddinwdc
I can say whatever I want to say, regardless of any arbitrary rules you want to apply. But here's an arbitrary rule for you. Until you officially turn in your membership to the ten-pound bench-press club, you can keep YOUR opinions to yourself.

04-23-2003, 12:59 PM
AO's Tool :p

04-23-2003, 01:01 PM
I've seen you on your website. Physically AND mentally deficient--now that's a package!

04-23-2003, 01:10 PM
1) You do realize that the Wang thing was a joke started by AGD Tech Jon Comprado don't you?
2) I don't know why you persist in these childish posts... You obviously have some SERIOUS grudge or something against me. If you have issues, I suggest we deal with them b/c I don't have the time nor the energy to deal with the likes of you.
3) I'd email you and we could hash it out like real men, however you don't have it enabled. Why? Cuz you'd get tons of fan mail?
4) If you have enough time to check out a website and then sit there and TRY to berate me, then you have enough time to work on those people skills.
5) Insult me all you want. It just proves that you are the troll everyone thinks you are.
6) Physically and mentally deficient eh? That's kinda funny. If you want, we can start comparing resume's and I guarantee that you'll lose.

04-23-2003, 01:25 PM
Oh yeah? Well I went to Harvard and Yale and Oxford and then I became the President of the whole universe! So there! LOL! "Compare resumes"? You wouldn't happen to be insecure, would you? Sure, we can compare resumes if you'd like, but it would be an exercise in futility. I mean, c’mon, you make and sell paintball stuff. And I know you will protest and attempt to wow me with your incredible day job, but really, how incredible can it be? You live in New Jersey! Anyway, here's what we'll do: you post your phone number and then we can "hash it out like real men", tough guy.

PS. As for my email, I just think it is a bit foolish to make personal information public. Don't you, Nick?

04-23-2003, 01:27 PM


04-23-2003, 01:40 PM
Quick, Wang! Go berate them!

04-23-2003, 01:50 PM
I refuse to subject AO to your level of Trolling any more. You obviously have some HUGE issue with me. That's fine. I can deal. (In reality, I don't care.) Don't even think that we're on a first name basis. Because we are NOT. I have no desire to associate with your level of idiocy and negativity any more.

Get over it. Deal with it. Move on. Whatever you do, just leave me out of it.

04-23-2003, 02:12 PM
because I know yours, but you don't know mine. See why I think its silly to post personal information in public forums? You never know who will find it. Any who, you should learn to be a little nicer; every time I run across your posts they are always condescending and mean. At least cut CHILDREN some slack. I mean, what do you do in your spare time, run puppies over with a lawn mower? Laugh at the handicapped?

PS. Where's that number, Nick?

04-23-2003, 02:22 PM
you know you would fit right in over with the
12yr olds at pbnation.com
you have 25 post and 99% have been negative
for making all your adult claims you sure are
the one acting like the child

this is the second thread you have hijacked by
hassling dayspring


04-23-2003, 03:01 PM
SneakyHacker: Paintball is expensive, deal with it. Don't subject yourself to abuse by complaining about things no one else cares about.

ddinwdc: Grow up and crawl back under the rock you came from. It's stupid people like you, that give stupid people like you a bad name.

04-23-2003, 03:03 PM
misuse, commas, like, you, and then end a sentance with a preposition. You're a stupid doo-doo head! ;)

04-23-2003, 03:06 PM
That's cuz they're aimed at you.

Originally posted by ddinwdc
every time I run across your posts they are always condescending and mean.

Aside from this past post, I'd like to see some examples. You apparently have SO much time on your hands, I'd like to see it put to use. Present some evidence. Otherwise, I know a nice bridge in New Jersey that is without a troll.

04-23-2003, 03:06 PM
Good one. :rolleyes: Way to hit me below the belt retard. The dreaded comma insult. *JEDI runs away crying* :rolleyes: ,,,,,,,

04-23-2003, 03:08 PM
"From which you came"....Dork..... :rolleyes:

04-23-2003, 03:12 PM
Run away to a library and check out a book on basic grammer and sentance structure! Oh Wang, I thought you were done with me! I'm still waiting on that number. I'd hate to have to call you at work.

04-23-2003, 03:14 PM
being smart is stupid! Ignorance is way cooler!

04-23-2003, 03:15 PM
You want my number? Buy me dinner first. :p

Originally posted by ddinwdc
Run away to a library and check out a book on basic grammer and sentance structure! Oh Wang, I thought you were done with me! I'm still waiting on that number. I'd hate to have to call you at work.

04-23-2003, 03:16 PM
Who would want to live in New Jersey? Oh, right...sorry. No, New Jersey is great, really, it is...

04-23-2003, 03:19 PM
Dude, your a complete waste of time. Good job upping your post count with useless babble.

04-23-2003, 03:22 PM
hey dayspring, he is the perfect person to add to your ignore list and i suggest everyone do the same with this complete waste of space....president of the universe huh?...well sir i belive youve just been impeached biznitch, foshizzle my nizzle:rolleyes:

Load SM5
04-23-2003, 03:44 PM
ddinwdc you are so close to being banned it's unreal. Flaming is against the rules here. Chill out before we have to bounce you.

This thread has become pointless. Closed