View Full Version : 10 Years of Paintball!

04-23-2003, 07:20 AM
I am celebrating my 10th year of participating in, what I consider, THE best and fastest-growing sport!

I started off using an Outlaw II pump gun that I bought off my friend for...$100! :eek: I played ONE game with that stupid gun, then rented a field gun (Tippmann Pro-Lite).

A month later, I bought a Pro-Lite and played with that iron horse consecutively for the next 4 years until I bought a... MINIMAG! I went for a 'Mag over a 'Cocker because I wanted a more reliable gun--a lot of people at the field where I played the most used 'Cockers and they were ALWAYS working on them! Plus, my best friend had a 'Cocker and it wasn't very reliable, so that influenced my decision a lot. I know that 'Cockers are good guns and I'd eventually like to get one, but my first love is my 'Mag, so that's where my money goes/will go.

Anyway, thanks for reading this post, and I hope to be playing for another 10 years!


04-23-2003, 09:17 AM
well it def is the best sport ever. that's for sure.

04-23-2003, 10:08 AM
Congratulations! I am on year 13...but had like a 7 year hiatus. You still have your first gun?

04-23-2003, 12:21 PM
congratulations on 10 years man !! i cant wait untill ive been playing that long!

04-23-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
You still have your first gun?

Well, I did...but somehow, while I was stationed in Japan, one of my younger cousins got a hold of it. Who knows where it is now, but I'd love to have it back (as crappy as it was!)


04-23-2003, 01:19 PM
14 years here. My first gun was a tippman .68 special.

04-23-2003, 01:49 PM

going on 19 years ...
The first gun I bought was a PMI1 Then I bought my first mag ...still got it..

04-23-2003, 02:45 PM
I started playing in 1986 (or '85, it's hard to remember). I don't have my first gun. I gave it to a buddy who seems to have lost it. We were just looking for it a few months ago. I do have my second, the original (and I mean original, one of the first "batch") phantom pump. :D

04-23-2003, 03:54 PM
I still have my original bushmaster pump gun. It was state of the art with a bottom line and 45 grip frame. Poor thing is worn out though. It sometimes fires just from pumping it. I have a second one as a backup though. :)

My third gun was an f2 Illustrator. I started playing local tourneys with that. Customized it with a powerfeed and lots of barrels. But it was being outshot and was sometimes hot coming off the field, so I upgraded. It is forsale btw, if anyone is feeling nostalgic! LOL

Fourth gun was a 1992 Minimag, that was redone in SmartParts Camo, much like the eclipse kits of today. We took 17th at the Indoor National Championships in TN in 1995, where I got Tom!


I retired from tourney play as I needed the $$$ to buy a new car. Sometimes life forces choices on us.

I started playing again 2 years ago. I bought/traded an RT Pro, bought an Emag, and built another out of spare parts from Ebay and horse trading here.


Soon to come is my fourth Mag, which will be another spare parts gun but with Xvalve and ULE body, and hopefully sometime soon a Y-Grip!!!

Here's to all the old timers! May we play till we die, but no time soon!!!!

04-23-2003, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by phazeshifter
I went for a 'Mag over a 'Cocker because I wanted a more reliable gun--a lot of people at the field where I played the most used 'Cockers and they were ALWAYS working on them

I made the same choice based on the same reason.

Remember when the choice was just that easy. One or the other. You either bought the hype or not. Nowadays the decision looks so much harder, so many more options.