View Full Version : E-Guns and Cleaning Question

04-23-2003, 07:45 PM
OK, I'm wondering how you all clean your electro guns...

With my ReTro Mag, I would literally break it down to individual parts and scrub them with a toothbrush in the kitchen sink. Then I would set them out to dry atleast over night before reassembling them...

Now with my X-Mag, I COULD do that, but I've been told not to remove the boards from the gun, for fear of frying the board. Obviously I can't do the previously mentioned method without removing the board first, so...

I though about wiping it down with a damp cloth, but there is paint all over it, in all of the little crevises and behind the trigger (took a direct hit).

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Later ~ Dave

04-23-2003, 07:50 PM
Hmmm . . . do you mean a quick wipe down at the field or after playing when you get home. If its at the field I would just run a paper towel or something over it to get the paint off. If paint does get caught in little places like behind the trigger, I suggest bringing some ear-twigs or something so you can get in those small places. If it's at home, what I plan on doing is taking all the components(obivously a hassle but well worth it to get it throughly cleaned) out of my Emag and then just tossing(not literally of course) the body and aluminum parts into the sink for a quick 5 minute rinse, then toweling it down. Hope that helped. :D

04-23-2003, 08:38 PM
Q-Tips. Lots and lots of Q-Tips. I take my mainbody, rail battery pack and grips off and clean those individually and for the frame I just wipe down the outside with a damp cloth and in all of the little spots like behind the trigger, around the solenoid area, etc I use Q-Tips.

04-24-2003, 12:14 PM
By special request- I am posting my cleaning regiment.

Sink full of warm water with a little Dawn dish soap. (Good for getting grease & oil off).

Barrel- take apart and let it soak

Body- With the Emag, I would take the body off the rail and dunk it a few times. I'm NOT going to do that with the Xmag. Xmag body gets swabbed out.

Rail- Emag would get dunked and rinsed. The ULE will get the same treatment. I find that if you get shot in the gun, paint will pool under the rail b/c you can't wipe it all out.

Grips- I'd take the grip panels off and soak them for a few minutes. This allows you to wipe down the grip & make sure no paint or chips got inside. I use a Q-Tip with a tapered head to get the slot where the trigger rod resides depending on if I got hit in the grip.

HES Cover- I'll take the cover off the magnetic sensor to get paint out of there with a Q-Tip. I find that if you happen to get shot somehow in the grip, this little part will pool paint. I'll also swish that in the water somewhat.

Valve- Bolt and spring get tossed into the water. Everything else gets wiped down and visually inspected.

Screws- so long as they are the stainless ones, they'll be thrown in the sink at the beginning of the cycle. (Field strip screws, grip screws, warp screws- I replaced mine with brass.) Otherwise, they get dunked a few times and immediately rinsed and dried off. (Those damned alloy screws rust REAL quickly.)

Warp- Hose gets tossed into the sink so all the paint that may accumulate in the grooves comes out. The only down side I have found to this is that the plastic may sometimes become brittle over time and tear. Haven't found a good way to combat that yet. Any of the black plastic fittings and 90* adapters get soaked as well. I rinse off the one free shell side I have and q-tip the other due to the electronics.

Hopper- Usually gets wiped down, but will be opened depending on if I got shot and it's seeping into the HALO battery cover or if I busted paint inside my Revvy.

Let everything dry out mostly overnight and reassemble carefully, checking to make sure you got everything.

Keep in mind, this happens about twice a month (total tear down). Otherwise, it's a quick wipre down except for the barrel & hopper/warp.

04-24-2003, 12:59 PM
Thanks Day!

I wanted to see how another X-owner cared for his/her marker. Your feedback is much appreciated! :)


04-24-2003, 01:26 PM
Remember- the easiset way to minimize your cleaning regiment is to NOT get hit. ;)