View Full Version : General Automag Info

04-23-2003, 07:48 PM
Howdy all. I have been playing paintball for just shy of a year and a half now. In addition, I have been browsing your forums for the past week or two. Seems like a nice group. I have mainly been playing with my Spyder, but I have shot my friend's Minimag. Needless to say, I really enjoy his gun. Once I have the cash, I am looking to become a true member of your ranks. Anyways. Can someone please help me out here. I am going to spend 400 to 500 dollars, most likely, and that will need to include Nitro.

What kind of Automag could I get for the money I am putting out?

What are the differences between the Automag, the Minimag, the Automag RT, and the Micromag. (From what I understand, I won't be affording an E-Mag any time soon :( )

What are the differences between the Bolt "Levels"? (I know Level 10 is the anti-chop one, but thats pretty much it)

I appreciate any answers. I will accept "n00b flaming" as I am sure these are "n00b" questions. Thanks in advance.

Load SM5
04-23-2003, 07:56 PM
Welcome and you're making the right choice!

1. As far as what to spend your cash on I'd recommend looking into a good used mag. Mags are built like tanks and barring a doofus with a dremel tool making a homemade trigger job, they'll last forever. If it has a leak or a problem it's either a seal, o-ring or small cheap part that needs replacing. Check out the markers thread for a good deal. You can find them with a lot of extras for a cheaper price than new.

2.Check out the descriptions in the store http://store.airgun.com/acb/Category.cfm?&DID=17&User_ID=240953&st=6779&st2=57299187&st3=-67708191&CATID=19. It'll give you a basic rundown.

3. Most mags, with the exception of really old ones are now level 7 or 10. Level 10 is the new 2 speed anti chop system. It has a lighter bolt meaning less recoil and set up right is very easy on paint. Level 7 is nearly every mag without level 10.

That's about it in a nutshell. Welcome to AO.....noob!;)

04-23-2003, 07:58 PM
Wow. Thanks for the quick reply. I was looking into the used markers, as the new ones are way out of my price range. I look forward to owning a Mag. By the end of this summer, I will definately be able to call myself a true AO'er. Thanks again. Also, if you have any more input, feel free to add.

04-23-2003, 07:59 PM
You can get any automag or minimag with that much money. Since you want nitro as well, you probably wont get an RT valve with that (an upgrade valve, ill explain more if you want). A minimag and automag are the same thing, except the minimag has a different body, comes standard with an 8 inch barrel and vertical adaptor. But the valve and basic internals are the same.

The bolt levels as of right now are level 7 and level 10. It didnt really mean "bolt level" until level 10, because that was just a bolt :) Each level represents another upgrade to the gun (changes to the valve, things like that).

Glad you are interested in mags :) Ask me anything else you want
Or ask me on aim: FalconGuy016

Welcome to AO!

Edit: Load got it in before me:)

04-23-2003, 08:52 PM
I was able to find a nice classic for under 200$.With it and the HPA I got for it I am still under 300$ right now.I did run across a sweet deal on a powerlyte trigger frame though...
If you can I would highly suggest looking into an RT and go cheap on the nitro tank for now.That valve is SOO much faster than the classic valve is.

04-23-2003, 09:24 PM
If you look in the classifides you can find some sweet deals. I've seen air + mag packages that are like 500. The mag had an x-valve(the best posible valve you can get for a Mag) and was tricked with other coustoms like and Intelli frame(best posible trigger frame). If you find something like that, jump on it. That would be an amazing gun. Buying a new mag is almost pointless because they basicaly will not break. Also, a used mag probably has at least a few upgrades, and I might be flamed for this, but a stock mag look realy ugly and is not very good prefomance wize.
Here are a few things to look out for.
If it says it has a "8-hole mod" skip it. It does nothing and It might disquallify you from the valve trade program. AGD Edit: "Valve trade in was started because of 8 hole mods , yes you can trade that valve in."
If it has no trigger gard, be carfull. Some feild make it manditory to have a trigger gaurd.
X-valve=very VERY good.
oh yah, and if you want to upgrade the trigger frame, only get a benchmark or intelliframe. Using no name brands like "Power lite" will void your waninty and I have heard realy bad things about Booyahs.
Oh yah. Your first upgrade should be a level 10 bolt. The stock bolt can be very harsh on paint and you will probably get lots of breaks.

04-24-2003, 12:10 AM
you should be able to find a retro mag or rt pro for low 300s. pick up a clean used fiber 3k tank for 100 or so, and may be level x on top of that. I would definitely look for retro/rt mag. like this one that I am selling for example.



04-24-2003, 07:11 PM
If you haven't, check out the classifieds, even if you have to purchase nitro seperately, you can find some great deals.

04-25-2003, 07:27 PM
Just look around the classifieds or eBay. you can usually find good deals.