View Full Version : semi stupid question

04-23-2003, 09:32 PM
when ever you read things on "paintball tactics" there's always the "know where you're going, know where your team mates are going, not just for off the break, but their 2nd and 3rd move as well"....why does every one recomend planning the first 3 moves before the game starts when we all know that "No plan survives the first contact intact." we all know that once you get to your 1st bunker, what dictates your next move(s) is where your opponent is, and what they're doing...now we can't plan on where our opponents are gonna go, so why does every 1 recomend planning so far ahead, when after the ref yells "go go go" all moves from there are split decissions, based on "feild knowledge"

Mag Master 04
04-23-2003, 09:43 PM
well in my experience...i always "plan" a rout 1st...and i know where my team will be. i tell them to wait intill we are a man up and then make our moves that we had "planned" in the 1st place. in doing this we focus on key points on the field that we need to obtain in order to exicute these "plans" we look and communicate on where the opposition is and who we need to eliminate 1st. after doing this we are a man up and its like taking candy from a baby from there...yea theres this thing called cover fire and it dose wonders...lol. if you get your key points planned ahead of time and who is needed to be eliminated first u can "plan" ahead. i am one who relies on cover fire for all my movements even if i am winning or loosing, i told my team where im going and that if i see a head pop up outta a bunker while im on the run and it stays out w no fire around his head that we will run snap, slide and break drills till we puke...hehe

04-23-2003, 10:40 PM
The purpose of walking the fields before a tourney and doing that planning is that it give you some ideas about how the field will play. Sure the plan may change, but it is better to practice and plan and change the plan, then it is to decide after you have been shot out that the bunker you were heading for was just a little too far...

04-23-2003, 10:47 PM
i know the point of walking the feild, to see what angle you can get/can be get at from, so judge distances (both shooting and running) but why just discuss key bunkers and key players that need to be taken, because you won't do your orignal plan if you plan specific bunkers to travel

04-23-2003, 11:10 PM
Tourney paintball is like Chess on speed...if you know the key positions on the field you can press your opponent into making certain moves that may benefit your team.
If you have formulated a or several plans before you walk on the field then your back player can relay what he is seeing and the team should already know what action's should follow,
I dont feel there is one set plan, I think there should be Plans that fit differant scenarios and the team should know them so that as the game takes shape they are right on top of it or one step ahead.

04-24-2003, 09:09 AM
good comparrison goat

04-24-2003, 10:53 AM
my team and i always plan our first move off the break and then plan several moves that are very likey to be taken after the break, dependant on what is going on. nothing is set in stone and to do so will most likely mean defeat for your team. you have to be flexable in what you do

04-24-2003, 11:46 AM
Yeah always start out with a plan of attack and if it goes bad, then make up a new plan in the middle of the game. Try and see what will happen when you move to the next bunker. Like make sure no one has a shot at you if you move there and think about where you would go after you moved there or what you would do when you moved there.

04-24-2003, 01:27 PM
one thing i would like to point out is that i know the importance of plannin, that's why this thread is entitled "semi stupid question"

04-24-2003, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by TheJester
why does every one recomend planning the first 3 moves before the game starts when we all know that "No plan survives the first contact intact." we all know that once you get to your 1st bunker, what dictates your next move(s) is where your opponent is

Well, this is actually very false. But..you were looking for an explaination...so let me give it a swing. A good team doesnt care where the other team is going. They plan their whole route based on what they need to do to win.

No matter what, the other team is going to shoot at you. This is the only constant you work with. Thats where "filling shooting lanes", and "sweet spotting" comes from. You aticipate what you have to do, to get your front guy to his next few spots. My team has won 5man games in 30 seconds. That happens, because we stuck exactly to the plan we said we would.

The only way to win, is to remove as many variables as possable, and work together 100%. You have to trust that when you move, Theres a guy focused on doing his exact job covering you, with out even second guessing. Just shooting randomly doesnt work. When "back player A" shoots one way, his teammate,"Front player A" better be working to compliment that, and capitalize on it. You get bunkered, when your both foolishly looking inward, away from your tape shooting at some impossable shot.

So yes, in summary, the very key to winning is making sure the plan you've come up with DOES go through flawlessly.