View Full Version : Since ULE's are so popular....

04-25-2003, 01:58 AM
Since ULE's are so popular.... I was wondering if AGD will ever make it a "standard" option when buying say a Mag or Emag or whatever. I mean as a stock body from the factory. Will it only be vailable as and upgrade, or will we ever get the choice to order a ULEMag, ULE-Emag, ULE RT mag? So whats the word Tom?

04-25-2003, 02:10 AM
ULE's, like the Xvalves, will become stock once their stainless counterparts have all been sold:p

Please note that this is only a rumor. I can offer no substantiating evidence of said rumor. Thus, it should not be taken seriously. In fact, now that I think about it, you'd probably be better off ignoring it completely, as sometimes I tend to remember things that I never saw:rolleyes::o

Jack & Coke
04-25-2003, 02:14 AM
All in due time...

If they came out with ULE-Mag, ULE-Emag, ULE-RT mag, how do you think they would ever unload all of their $$$ inventory of old stuff? Who would order all their twistlock ss tube guns?

Although AGD would probably have a surge in sales and popularity by releasing the latest and hottest gear (see Timmy), what do you do with all the old technology stock?

Of all the mag bodies sold as upgrades recently, how many ULE's sold vs. Old SS tube twist-locks?

It takes time. AGD probably has some really cool stuff ready to go, but if they released it, it would kill any sales of whatever the currently have right now. Time on the market is important.

Didn't someone say something like AGD has over 1 million dollars worth of stock in their warehouse?

At least that's my guess...;)

04-25-2003, 12:26 PM
My opinion, on XMags mainly, is to get a US manufacturer of the bodies, waiting for stuff from the UK is insane. I woulda bought an XMag by now if I could just walk in ANY PB store(I know theres a few) and slap down cash and walk out with one, or order one off ANY PB site and have it in 2-3 days(USPS Priority, only way to ship!)
6 months is just an insane amount of time to ask us to wait! Now, if I had to wait 3 months, I might consider it.
I know when I finally get my store/field open, I plan on carrying AGD stuff, like a lot of it.
I know AGD wants supreme quality, and usually gets it, but why wait 6 months when I could buy any other marker(AGD or not) and play the next day?
Just my 2 cents.:)

04-25-2003, 01:19 PM
that is all very understanding to me. my mag (picture below) ways 3 pounds with out the halo on in the picture. it ways 6 pounds with my airamerica 88/3000psi me'lee and halo on it. i love it it is sooo damn light.

04-25-2003, 04:46 PM
Believe me..."The Man" knows what you want. And he will give it to you. Patience is the key...Patience young lads...:D ;)