View Full Version : ACE in ULE's

04-25-2003, 06:53 PM
Does anyone know if the ULE body can accept an ACE?

04-25-2003, 07:05 PM
the body would have to be retrofitted with whatever ACE device you plan on putting on your gun. You can't have an ACE on a mechanical marker. Even on an e-mag it'd be damn near impossible to fit the ACE board into the body rail...

04-25-2003, 08:06 PM
It actually seems pretty doable to me. I don't see what the problems are...

04-25-2003, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Cypres0099
It actually seems pretty doable to me. I don't see what the problems are... well I remember asking about fitting the ACE board into my e-mag, when I had it, and people said no dice. I'm just relaying past info. Do a search and you'll see...

04-25-2003, 08:26 PM
no go without serious mods to the gun...and I know AGD wont touch the job (plus, youd need to buy a new board and the ACE board)

04-25-2003, 09:16 PM
I thought it would be quite easy to mod the ule's and micro bodies to use ACE, it seems to only need a little milling under the body and rail and one for the switch for the ACE and the only new part needed is the ACE board and maybe new programming for the ACE I wouldn't think you would need a new main board since it can be upgraded to use the ACE but i wouldn't really know since i have not seen an ACE equipped mag in person yet....

04-25-2003, 10:19 PM
like anything, ace probably can be fitted to emag with work. I believe they are trying to differentiate between the xmag and emag. hi/low marketting, and ace is one of those differences. They are saying that if you want ace, get an xmag. Frankly, with level x bolt, it is not necessary anyway, and 24bps is another marketting decision.

I can live with my ULE emag. it cost me a lot under what xmag cost, and it functions fine.

04-26-2003, 02:11 AM
Just remember- the ACE board connector takes up the slot for the burst mode jumper. And the Xmag boards are not available yet. I don't have both guns in front of me to compare the connectors, but I think they are different.

ACE w/o Xmag/SFL is not possible yet.

04-26-2003, 04:42 AM
Well, I think the reason for ACE not being available on the Old School E-Mags was because of the SS body and putting a hole in the Twist Lock Barrel wasn't very feasable and would cause too many problems. But now on the ULE bodies, since the barrel doesn't get to where the ACE eye would be, I feel that it is much more feasable. Just drill a hole and mill out a place for the ACE board will sit and it should be set. The twist lock system was a major drawback as far as ACE is concerned. My $0.02.

04-26-2003, 08:45 AM
Easiest way wouldd be to buy a Morlock board (then youd have an EMagnum like gun) and hook tat up. then drill the eye yourself and install it...that would be the best way

04-26-2003, 10:49 AM
IIRC, the ACE board sits in the milled area of the ULE frame. So you'd have to mill through the rail and body. I don't know if the height would be the same as in the xmag? It's probably close since it uses the same sear.

Can anyone get me an ACE board to play around with? The electronics and software is not a problem, I can fix that. ;)

04-26-2003, 01:59 PM
call AGD....they may sell you one...if not, get a morlock for $130...it comes with an eye and harness

04-26-2003, 02:13 PM

$130 isn't worth it for just the eye, when I've already wrote my own code for the stock emag board. ;) I'm also on the fence on whether the eye is necessary with lvl 10 anyway. I'm put a few cases through my ULE emag and have not chopped a ball even all full auto (I do have a Halo however).

I'd like to see if I could make it work just for kicks. If AGD will sell me an ACE board that'll save me some time. I haven't got a good look at an ace board but it's gotta only be a few transistors for the on/off switch, the eye sensor, a transistor to turn the eye signal into a logic signal and a potentiometer to adjust when that transistor switches (your "eye sensitivity"). I'd build my own board but don't have the time. :D

04-26-2003, 03:53 PM
how fast did you program your board for full auto? just curious.

My guess on ace, is that it is led sensor array that senses ball not being there, and basically interrup circuit. (1 transistor and possibly 1 pot for sensitivity in the main board ) actually, if they are using PIC, they can just reprogram it, such that it will only fire if the light array is blocked. (supposedly, they had to remove the burst mode on xmag, to accomodate it) this probably means, one of the pin in the PIC is used for input.

so, light array board can have the sensitivity adjustment built on it, and have one pair of wire going to emag board.

If you can reprogram it, it should be easy enough...

Jack & Coke
04-26-2003, 04:09 PM
After I get a ULE frame and rail, I will pick up either another ULE body or a Sluggo and experiment on it.

My thought is to dill some holes on the sides so I can install the same eyes as used in my Timmy (Wicked Eye).

I like the horizontal beam configuration better than the vertical setup in the XMAG (due to the warp breech).

These eyes can be setup for use in the Morlock Board (Emagnum).

fun fun fun! :)

04-26-2003, 04:10 PM

The micro on the emag board is an Ateml AT90S2313. It's an AVR based micro and there are plenty of programmers and compilers out there for it. No secrets there. ;) The good thing is that it has 2k of flash and can support in circuit programming. Only bad thing is 2k of memory means plenty of trade-offs with what you can fit.

I agree with you on how the ACE board works. Whether it gives the main board a "1" or "0" for a present ball is all the software cares about. The only wires going from the ACE board to the main board are probably 18v, 5v, and the ACE signal (ground is through the frame).

If I can get a hold of an ACE board I will give it a try. I already have a ULE frame, so if the height from them frame to the bottom of the body is the same as the xmag then it should work. I imagine having to mill an area of the rail for the switch as well.

Anyone have a picture of the bottom of an xmag body?? I want to see if it has more than just a hole milled for the ACE eye and a notch for the on/off switch.

Jack & Coke
04-26-2003, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by yagrmiestr
Anyone have a picture of the bottom of an xmag body?? I want to see if it has more than just a hole milled for the ACE eye and a notch for the on/off switch.

From: http://www.automags.org/resource/tech/prototype/ace_1.shtml


These are pics from the prototype. I'm not sure if anything has changed since the XMAG came out...

04-26-2003, 04:33 PM
Thanks Jack,

So the hardest part is mounting the larger board in the ULE rail. It might be necessary to mill a normal emag rail to take the board since it has more "meat".

I didn't realize it was 2 boards.

Edit: The board must extend further forward now to include the on/off switch. I don't see this in the prototype.

04-26-2003, 05:38 PM
looking at the board, looks like power, gnd and signal. voltage regulator for 5v. I am not sure what they are using for detector. some form of opto switch looking up. hmm. probably not hard to prototype. second board is to provide the connector from power.

also, sensitivity is on the ace board. Hmm, I milled out my own rail, and it might be possible to put similiar board.

oh yes, this board will be easy enough to lay out. www.expresspcb.com offers 2sided board protoboard with layout tool. their prices are affordable. (use it for proto job at work)

04-26-2003, 05:53 PM
yeah, making a new ACE board would be easy enough, but if AGD will sell me one of theirs then that's even easier. :D We have a board cutter at work that I can do single or 2 layer board with, but I don't have the time for that right now.

I emailed the office to see if the boards were available so I should hear something on monday.