View Full Version : Crawler Gear...(kneepads, elbowpads..)

04-28-2003, 02:11 AM
Well.. i've come to the realization that I'm a tape man.. and I'm loving playing up front. Now.. I have some issues. more or less involving the survival of my elbows, knees and nitro tank.

I've already got a neoprene tank cover, and I run a small/flat pack. Either PJ 2.1 or 5.4 without the dots filled. I run a low rise, my tank has it's reg up against the grip frame, so my setup is a short as physically possiable.

I'm not a tall guy. 5'4"-5'5" but my limbs are all pretty big. so most pads don't really want to fit me well.

I tried the Dye forearm skinz but the pair I tried on were a bit big.. I've tried the dye slider shinpads.. but they didn't like to stay still But boy they were fun on wet grass ;-)

So, I'm looking for pads that'll stay still.. and are available in sizes that'll fit a guy who's been said to be a beer keg on legs. (according to rob_agd)

so, suggestions please :-)

reefer madness
04-28-2003, 03:56 AM
i used to wrestle and they have every size pads for fat/skinny/tall/short guys. may not be as durable cause they made for indoors though.

04-28-2003, 04:04 AM
Well, tha'ts a heck of a lead, I"ll be sure to check it out.

04-28-2003, 05:38 AM
i use "JT skinz" knee/shin guards, i play front as well, and ive only had one small problem with them... they turn every once in a while (im small as well, about 5'4"), but im also very skinny. this problem is easily fixed, i can just turn them back without taking my pants off :) and this only happened once out of 5 times i played with them so far.

04-28-2003, 05:46 AM
I'm more like 195lbs versus skinny ;-) It really bugs me that there isn't an easy way I can go and try on a bunch of pads and see what I really like. I dream of a pad store like a shoestore. But I'm dreaming at this point.

04-28-2003, 09:50 AM
i can't help you with the elbow pads, but for your knee pad needs, get smokin paintball outlast pants!

They have a removable knee pad (made out of foam rubber) that slides into a special pocket and works perfectly. I, along with icantbeliveit and majorho won a set of these for a tournament. I know icantbelieveit hasn't had a chance to try his, but i think majorho has but i haven't herd from him, so i don't know what he thinks.

My left knee is in real rough shape from wrestling in high school and since i play front i slide alot, and no knee pad i ever tried worked well for me, my knees were always hurting at the end of the day. I tried these pants only once so far, but all i have to say is they are perfect! My knees felt fine at the end of the day. And belive me, i made sure to test these things by slidding all day long...even when there was no reason to. Another great thing is, is that knee and thigh area are made out of hemp so the part that you would be slidding on is vertually indestructable.

check out http://www.pbstar.com/general-gear-review/smokin-pants/index.html
for a reveiw on them...but trust me....by far the best true paintball pants out there. they might not be the flashiest, but who cares?

04-28-2003, 01:40 PM
I've been a dedicated BDU wearer for.. erm..... 10 years now? something like that. Black bdu's only please ;-) Though I've been considdering a switch to nexed... How much do these outlast pants cost?

04-28-2003, 05:22 PM
um...don't know since i won them, but these are worth switching from BDU's. And yes nexxed pants are nice, and if they had these knee pads in them i would say go for it. But since i am not aware of any other pants that have these, i would say go with the smokin pants.

I would guess the price will be 50-75 or so...????

04-28-2003, 09:56 PM
anybody know where we can find these to buy?

04-28-2003, 10:09 PM
I'm a dedicated BDU wearer, front player with a none-to-slim physique. Over the years of playing I have found two knee/shin pad solutions that have worked well for me.

I used to use soft soccer-style shin guards with the stir-up lengthened to fit inside of a ankle-high shoe and inside the pant leg where it was topped off with simple soft basketball knee pad. This worked well for me for many years and are simple and cheap. They never seemed to get hot altough I've sweated them through many a dya. Some negatives: they can be hard to get off without taking off the pants, every once and awhile a branch or rock would find the gap between the knee pad and shin guard, and you had to put it all on before putting n your pants.

Last year I moved from them to a set of JT e-Motion knee pads/shin guards worn outside the pants. I like them but it took a couple of times to get used to them. I think they take a little bit of time to mold into the right shape for your legs. My first trip I was convinced they were not right for me. The second they seemed better and by the fourth I have come to believe that they work pretty darn well. They always seem to be in the right place and I almost never adjust them after the first game. They've become set-and-forget which is jsut right for safety equipment.

04-29-2003, 07:35 AM
I use the DYE knee and Elbow pads. I'm pretty happy with them They stay put and are fairly comfortable.
