View Full Version : w00t Team Mad Cow takes first at BFG 5 man

04-28-2003, 09:27 AM
The stigma of "always a bridesmade never a bride" was lost this Sunday when Team Mad Cow got there 1st win at a tourney. It was a fairly small tourney consisting of only 8 teams. but we are able to play a full round robin 7 game prelim and a 3 game final for the top 4 teams. Team Mad Cow only lost one game, and that was in the prelims, against team Flying Monkeys

Team Mad Cow had the pleasure of playing AGD's newest factory team "Team X" who brought 2 teams to the party that both went to the finals.

The field layout was INSANE, one huge open shooting lane. it was described as a "back players field" and I have to agree. Right off the break it was a game of "who can I shoot out before they get to thier bunkers" then it turned into back bunker to back bunker combat intil a side was clear then the flanking can begin.

Playing with AGD X black had to be the most fun of all the games. Those guys are pretty darn good and beat us in the last 3 man tourney that we were in. But the tides changed when we had the dual warped emags laying waist on the break. I threw an insane amount of paint and I keep the remaining back guys pinned down until our flanker was able to pull a SWEET bunker shot of the last guy.

Our team of almost all mags (one token cocker) performed great, not one break in any mag. which could have been the difference between first and not making the finals.

The Final Four was

1- Team Mad Cow
2- AGD X Black
3- AGD X Blue
4- Team Flying Monkeys

04-28-2003, 11:49 AM
Well even though I play for the Mad Cows. I must give credit where credit is due. Both X Black and X Blue were great to play against. Every time we had to go against either one of the two it was a tough game. Also the games were never one sided. Getting a 100 points was not possiable. I hope to play against both X Black and X Blue soon. They are a great bunch of guys, and the best compeitition we had all day.

04-28-2003, 06:10 PM
Good work boys, keep it up. Hopefuly we'll see some of you for Big Game.

04-28-2003, 06:18 PM
Excellent job guys! The first one is always the hardest. ;)

Rex Redmon
04-28-2003, 06:40 PM
Hi Timmy,

We will be at the Big Game on Saturday. Maybe not the whole team but at least the majority.

Playing against AGD Pride/AGD Kids has taught us well, shoot fast and know your role. AGD X is a great bunch of guys. They even borrowed the Flying Monkeys a marker when one of theirs went down in the finals. That is the type of people that AGD has always picked to sponser and it speaks volumes for the company. They prove that AGD is more than just another marker manufacturer. Not to mention I love my warp feed E-mag. I shot two thousand plus rounds on Sunday and did not have one ball break.

Thanks to AGD X for a great bunch of games. Hope to play with you again soon.

Captain, Team Mad Cow

04-28-2003, 09:44 PM
Thanks Timmy and Scooter,

Means alot from you guys. Hopping to play against you again sometime soon. I will be at the big game this Sat and your sister team "X", will be there too. Looking forward to it.

Do either of you have any idea what the numbers are looking like based on paint orders? I would love to see 1000 people there. Me and 999 people to shoot (J/K)

Also, Timmy if you have any more TL63 blades, My fearless captain fell in love with mine and would to get one. If you have one can you bring it to the big game?

04-29-2003, 04:54 PM
might have missed a thread somewere, but who is agd x black and blue, you guys formed from another team, play at sams at all? just wondering

04-29-2003, 04:59 PM
darn i mist the tourney when was it???

04-29-2003, 10:08 PM
It was Sunday the 27th at BFG in Germantown. If you have not been there, they have a great indoor facility, and I think they got the growing pains worked out of thier tournaments.

AGD X is a fairly new comer to the AGD lineup. most of the team are "old ballers" that came from the original "SOBs". They are a great bunch of guys and it was great playing with them, and talking to them.