View Full Version : walking, fanning, etc.

04-29-2003, 09:24 PM
OK, first off this sounds really cool. A $150 LED drop-in for Intelli-frames (no frills electric) would be my preference but it's understandable if AGD is not putting that out because either it would be real difficult to do (LED could be in grip cover or something) or still too expensive or unreliable and AGD will never release anything that is less than high quality. A serious trigger pull reduction for less than a hundred is definitely a great step. One question: there has got to be some reason the pull has become lighter, will this increase pull distance at all? Does anyone know what the basic mechanical difference is that will be the reason for this improvement?

I got no problems with this upgrade really. My only curiousity is if walking the trigger would be possible at all? I know fanning would work but I am not that fond of it, I would probably just go single-finger.

Great upgrade Tom, I understand it may be not immediately available but it's a great step for providing economical benefits. Please definitely front-burner it, the design of it at least, production should of course be on the XValves. But if you can sort out the bugs and throw this in production, not only will you have a blast of sales but provide the final piece of the equation that will bring Mags back to the front of the mechanical marker selection. The XMag is killing in E-markers, but this can get Mags back in the mechanical market too.

So.... since I haven't complained at all yet, any thoughts on a 5 degree frame or something? Close enough to the Space Frame without stepping on any patents. I never liked the whole idea of a frame that slopes the opposite direction of a normal frame but 45 definitely gets irritating on my wrist... just putting in my input, not expecting anything, I'm loving my Mag now but this lighter trigger would be great!

04-29-2003, 09:26 PM
OK, I got no problems admitting I'm a dope, I meant to have this as a reply to the thread regarding the new trigger pull feature Tom's working on. Mods are free to move it if they want, but otherwise I guess saying I appreciate that Tom is working on it is enough.