View Full Version : How do you make trader's less worried?

04-30-2003, 07:28 AM
Im going through a deal right now with my gun and the guy thinks im going to rip him off if he sends first, but the thing is, with the cash he sends me in the trade, I can send him the parcel the very next day. Im worried that he's going to cancel the trade now, is there anything i can do to make him feel more assured?

I've offered to give him my contact list but thats all i can think of as of now.

04-30-2003, 07:41 AM
Use a third party trading service.

You each send your guns to this third party, then he ships them out to each of the traders. It costs a bit more, but no one gets screwed.

I would not want to send my gun first, either. Both guns should ship at the same time, with lots of communication, and tracking numbers...I wouldn't trust you, either :eek:

Myself, I wouldn't trade anything unless the other trader had excellent feedback, and has been around here on AO for a while, but that's just me ;)

04-30-2003, 07:47 AM
Yes, Dansim does a 3rd Party Service.... you can find it in the Dealer's Forum.

(Correction: I just looked, and it seems he is not doing this at the moment. Sorry.)

04-30-2003, 08:22 AM
yes 3rd trader is the best way they inspect the iteams and makes sure they both work and have the right amount of money or whatever you are doing

04-30-2003, 11:30 AM
Make sure to have a feedback page on one of the major paintball websites, i.e. pbnation, pbreview, AO, IOG. If you do and there is a lot of good feedback most people would have a reason to trust you, because why would you throw away a good status just for one trade. Try to not just give people names to talk too. I do not know if its just me but that name you give the person could be you or someone you know lieing to give you a good name. A unbiased opinion is much better and if you have feedback on AO its set in stone and no one can judge it.
The idea of shipping at the same time with tracking numbers is also a good business practice, also try to have as many pictures as you or the other trader wants. If you can take pictures of the things he/she wants, or poses they want to see i.e. gun upside down or picture of something else with the item, then that person usually will trust you because there is evidence that you acually have the gun or item.

04-30-2003, 11:36 AM
what I have done with worried traders before is setup a private 1 day ebay auction. of course they are the only one invited and they win. (duh) but that way they are protected by ebay safeharbor and they have the ability to wreck your ebay profile if you do rip them off. is it a little more secure that way.

04-30-2003, 11:58 AM
talk to them on the phone

04-30-2003, 12:24 PM
3rd party trades are always safe. doesnt mossman do them all the time? ive heard hes great. another thing to do is do a 3rd party with one of yall's local stores, they are generally really safe

Rancid Milk
04-30-2003, 03:42 PM
I almost always do third party in all trades I feel so much safer that way.

Also, talk to them on the phone or at least give them your phone number so that they feel you are a legit seller.

04-30-2003, 03:59 PM
Tell em your cphilip or Tunaman... :D Naw... you have to build a rep of honesty and trustworthyness. It takes time and you have to be above all honest.

04-30-2003, 04:03 PM
Only guys I would ship to first would be RougeFactor or Mossman, only because they are such great guys :D

04-30-2003, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by NJPaint
Only guys I would ship to first would be RougeFactor or Mossman, only because they are such great guys :D LOL Actually most of my customers ship to me first AND pay me first. ;) And I don’t have a Feedback Thread to reference. :D

04-30-2003, 04:11 PM
Oh come on now SHarley :) You know everyone loves you, now stop bragging :)

Yeah, honestly the only thing that you can do to keep a trader from being worried is to do a 3rd party trading (offer to pay for it yourself if need be).

Oh, and a big one that's *free*


I've been ripped once before and a sure-fire sign that it's going to happen is when that person discontinues any kind of communication, changes E-mail adresses, etc...

Initiate it yourself; If he gets on AIM, for example, chat it up and let him know how the trade is going.