View Full Version : Being sick stinks

04-30-2003, 08:42 AM
Well I stayed home from school today since I'm under the weather. Believe me though, I'd much rather be at school and be well right now instead of at home sick. I have the sorest throat and anytime I swallow it hurts like a mother (feels like my throat is bruised). How in the world do I get sick when it's practically almost the summer, I just don't understand. I just hope I get well soon.

04-30-2003, 10:33 AM
I know how you feel. I just got my tonsels out, and before they did it they were saying that it was going to be the "worst pain in my life." I thought meh whatever, but after it was over, they were right. All I have been able to eat is popcicals and ice cream while my family is eating steak and ribs. Worst of all, just when I started getting better I had to go into surgery again Sunday night because I was spitting up blood. I lost so much blood that I passed out, so they cauterized it, and I'm back on the liquid diet.