View Full Version : I have had the worst month in history

04-30-2003, 10:54 AM
Okay well it all starts about 4 weeks ago. I get a call on my cell phone from my girlfriend who I had been going out with for 8 months, she said she needed to talk to me, (and it sounded bad), anyway so I call her and she says I should come over so I do. She sits down shows me her wrist and there is a cut on it. I freaked. I was like why, how, when, where, WHY? ya know? Anyway, she had been on her anti-depresants and all, but it still happened. She insisted that she not want to drag me through her depression so she broke up with me. But there seemed that there was some chance that when she got better, she would want to try it again with me.

So, I am driving to work when my car starts to act funny, taking a while to go after being stopped. All of the sudden, it just dies. I am thinking that this is the worst day of my life, but it gets worse. I call my work to tell them that I might be a little late, but they said no bother just don't show up because I was laid off, and that they had laid off about half of the people in my department. damn. I call AAA and they tow my car to a shop, and the shop says its gonna be 2,000 to fix, and since I didn't have 2,000, and the car wasn't worth that much, I donated it.

Now I have no girlfriend, no car, and no job. Wow. So the next day, I start looking for a job, no luck, so I look for a vehicle, my buddy has his sweet truck for sale for 5,500, so I set up a deal with my parents to do some sort of monthly payments on it.

Then I found a job at a restaurant that is just opening up.

Then, about 2 weeks ago, I got my tonsels removed, and have been in alot of pain ever since. And of course "bleeding only occures in 1 out of every 100 patients" they tell me. Well guess what? Thats right on Friday I woke up spitting up blood hardcore, and went to the E.R where they cauterized it for me.

So on Saturday I am sitting home all alone and I decide that I want to tell Lindsey, (my ex-girl named above) how I feel about her, so I wait untill she is off work I go over there with a rose, give it to her and tell her that I miss her, and she is beautiful, and all that and she denied me. She was basically like well "I went out clubbing with the girls and we had the best time and I don't think that is what I am looking for." Ouch. And that she was going to prom (a dance that I had asked her to several times and she said she didn't want to go) with some other guy from her school and the after party is on his dad's 3 bedroom yacht.

So I went home, self medicated, and fell asleep.

04-30-2003, 10:59 AM
ouch....that hurts.....you should get some kind of award or something.

04-30-2003, 12:56 PM
I came home from training at my new job to have my mom tell me that since I bought the truck, my insurance has doubled per month, plus the payment, bringing the total to $322 per month. Yikes.

04-30-2003, 01:00 PM

04-30-2003, 01:03 PM
Wow man, that really sucks, Im sorry man, only advice I can give ya is keep ya head high and the good will come back.

Thats what I've done and my life is getting there again...

04-30-2003, 01:14 PM
Ouch, and here I am complaining about being sick. I hope things turn out better and that everything turns around for you.

04-30-2003, 01:51 PM
Welcome to life... it doesn't get much better. :)

About your ex, anti-depressants, and attempted suicide. An unfortunate "side-effect" of anti-depressants is an increase in suicide. Ironic? Definitely, but here's what is going on. Those who suffer from severe depression are usually too depressed to even take the effort to kill themselves. Once they are on medication and their mood begins to show signs of improvement, they begin to feel motivated and some people successfully kill themselves because they are feeling better and can actually DO something. For some people who suffer from severe depression, the act of simply getting out of bed each day is a trial.

Next, what did you do when she showed you her wrist? Did you tell her parents? Contact the authorities? Most attempted suicides are simply a cry for help or a way for people to gain attention. If she cut the inside of her wrist, this is most likely her reason. If she truly meant to kill herself, she would have done it right (I hope it doesn't sound cold, but that's the truth of the matter). People who are serious about killing themselves rarely get a second chance. She is probably not going to bleed to death by cutting the inside of her wrist and the girl needs help. She might be on medication, but that doesn't mean she's getting the help she needs.

Because she told YOU, it is YOUR responsibility to bring this matter to the appropriate people (I would start with her parents). It is not something to be taken lightly, even if she doesn't really intend to kill herself.

04-30-2003, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by deathstalker
Welcome to life... it doesn't get much better. :)

About your ex, anti-depressants, and attempted suicide. An unfortunate "side-effect" of anti-depressants is an increase in suicide. Ironic? Definitely, but here's what is going on. Those who suffer from severe depression are usually too depressed to even take the effort to kill themselves. Once they are on medication and their mood begins to show signs of improvement, they begin to feel motivated and some people successfully kill themselves because they are feeling better and can actually DO something. For some people who suffer from severe depression, the act of simply getting out of bed each day is a trial.

Next, what did you do when she showed you her wrist? Did you tell her parents? Contact the authorities? Most attempted suicides are simply a cry for help or a way for people to gain attention. If she cut the inside of her wrist, this is most likely her reason. If she truly meant to kill herself, she would have done it right (I hope it doesn't sound cold, but that's the truth of the matter). People who are serious about killing themselves rarely get a second chance. She is probably not going to bleed to death by cutting the inside of her wrist and the girl needs help. She might be on medication, but that doesn't mean she's getting the help she needs.

Because she told YOU, it is YOUR responsibility to bring this matter to the appropriate people (I would start with her parents). It is not something to be taken lightly, even if she doesn't really intend to kill herself.
After I went home that night, she was at work so I called her parents and told them what had happened, and that they need to talk to her, they did, and got her to go to a psyciatrist and got her on new anti-depresents. I already knew all of this stuff. Thank you for expressing your thoughts, I appreciate it. She seems to be doing much better by the way.

It really wasn't such a horrible MONTH, as it was two really, really, really bad days that have just stuck with me through the month.

04-30-2003, 02:42 PM
you my gf has tried to kill herself twice. i was there both time and talked her out of it. it has brought us closer because she knows that she can trust me and that i wont let her hurt herself. i dunno what happened with your gf though?

05-01-2003, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
you my gf has tried to kill herself twice. i was there both time and talked her out of it. it has brought us closer because she knows that she can trust me and that i wont let her hurt herself. i dunno what happened with your gf though?
I don't know man, with your girlfriend it seems as if she really isn't trying to kill herself. Think about it, she wouldn't do that if you were there if she truly meant to do it. I think that she just wants some sort of attention, and that you need to tell her parents about it immediately.

I had one other serious relationship with a girl that was also depressed and the thing with that is trying to go out and have a good time with someone like that is totally draining so it was a really stressful relationship. I guess I am glad that Lindsey decided not to drag me into her problems and stuff, but a part of me just really wants to be with her. Oh well, such is life.

05-01-2003, 03:48 PM
life sucks, we all have times like this. i just went through a time like that too, i did horrible in school and when i got home it was hell. now its better, and i look back amazed. when it gets better for you, you will look back at this time and know that you were strong and got though it. just remember, no matter what happens, you will have something to fall back on. no matter what it is, find something that will help you not to forget but to cope. for me, its paintball...;)

05-01-2003, 08:31 PM
girls.... cant live with them...cant live without them

car...... cant live without

job cant live with out....but you wish you could...

thats all i got to say about that

g/l holmes... itll get better ;)

05-02-2003, 05:25 AM
your problem started and ended with a girl....well come to the club, now you understand why some guys are very cruel to girls... because you gotta put them in their place...
I'm too nice to do the cruel thing, so I just avoid them... not personal.... just self preservation

05-02-2003, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by daveymag
I think that she just wants some sort of attention, and that you need to tell her parents about it immediately.

she wants tokill herself BECAUSE of her parents

05-02-2003, 08:42 AM
I went through that kind of stuff in my early 20s plus a few deaths in the family. People wernt very nice to me about what I went through and all.

Ever since then people ask me how Im doing and I feel like saying go #$%@ yourself. Talk to me about another other thing except how Im doing cause most people dont care about anything but their greedy little selfish lives.

Im happy that my girlfriend and i broke up cause shes probably a fat, old, #$%@^ by now. I feel sorry for the guy she married. There all probably old fat and dirty with kids.

Ill probably be donating my car I bought when I went through all of this 10 years ago, to charity. It failed emmisions and I have to get it fixed by Augest. Its going to cost me $50 to fix.

Dont feel bad about the economy. That was a blessing for your parants to buy you the car. No body ever bought me a car. Dont feel bad about the job situtation. There showing people on the news every night, that have had a job all their lives and now there out of work. Some of them for longer than a year.

What have you learned from all this?

You will learn that you are stronger than you thought. That at times you can do without. That you have the moral integrity to get by without looting, and pillaging society for daily life. Youll find out just how strong you are. Your XGF will continue on with her depression and trying to find things to fill her life. Empty meaningless things that will only make it more empty and depressing. While your life will improve and you will learn.

AS for all of you people with happy comfortable lives. That say oh poor you. You can go $%^# yourselves. The best is yet to come.

05-02-2003, 09:50 AM
Well the 'rents didn't really buy the car for me as I have to pay for every dime of it. They just gave me a loan, but yeah, I know what you are saying. About the whole people not caring about anyone except themselves: That has to be the most true statement ever. Seriously, people can tell that I have had some rough times, and people that never talk to me say "are you okay?" "Get away from me, you don't really care, so why do you ask."

That is what I used to do, I used to be such a slut and just get drunk every night and hook up with random girls, but that got old after like a month, and I met this girl and she was just phenomenal. Your right though, maybe I should just avoid them altogether for a little while.

05-02-2003, 09:23 PM
It sounds like it can only get better!

Have some fun with the situation. You know, crash her Prom and ask her date if he has any nude pictures of your ex. If not, offer to sell him some!;)

05-02-2003, 11:13 PM
I'm sorry to hear about everything you've been through recently. I believe that everything happens for a reason even if you never find out what it is. At least you pulled through it. Take Care!

05-02-2003, 11:27 PM
Well, just look at the brightside.. Wherever that may be?

05-03-2003, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by TooDamnSweet
I'm sorry to hear about everything you've been through recently. I believe that everything happens for a reason even if you never find out what it is. At least you pulled through it. Take Care!

TDS thats TDF. Start a rumor the XGF gave you crabs and Syphilis.

05-03-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by Star_Base_CGI

TDS thats TDF. Start a rumor the XGF gave you crabs and Syphilis.
No Way! If I did that, I would never get any. ;)

05-03-2003, 06:21 PM
Ouch, that sucks man.