View Full Version : Damn borders!

04-30-2003, 03:26 PM
I hate how the borders between the us and canada slow down packages, I sent my impy across in trade for a emag, which was supposed to take 3-5 days, its day six and its still not at the delivery point yet.

Im probably just really impatient about getting my new marker, but still..

04-30-2003, 03:31 PM
yeah, customs sucks for markers... My personal horror story was when I sent a Race-cocker to canada for trade on a SFL emag. The Emag came to the US within a week, but guess how long it took the Race-Cocker to get to its destination. 10 weeks. Sent it out in the beginning of October, didn't get it until the middle of December!

Hopefully yours won't be as long...

04-30-2003, 03:56 PM
My ULE body is going on its 3rd week. Oh where oh where can my ULE be!

Down with Canada! :D

04-30-2003, 04:10 PM
The slowing down of packages in Canada from the US is not JUST because of Customs. It is also what happens AFTER Customs. ;)

04-30-2003, 04:23 PM
"The slowing down of packages in Canada from the US is not JUST because of Customs. It is also what happens AFTER Customs."

YA once it hits the PolarBear Postal Carriers it just SLOWS right down. It's almost summer, so soon they'll bring out the fleet of Moose Postal Carriers and things will speed up again.

Go Canada!

I can't spell!

04-30-2003, 04:35 PM
I got a rude surprise when I traded a cocker for an RT. You still have to pay tax and duty on a trade. Even if you didn't pay for it. I usually get the other guy to mark gift with a value under $60. Won't make that mistake again.


04-30-2003, 10:13 PM
yup, under $60 and marked as gift... now i wonder what i am going to do about my Xmag..... since it is coming from AGD directly. Oh it is better to deal with USPS rather than UPS as UPS will charge you more, and they make you pay right on the spot... USPS you will recieve a letter, and a cheaper bill, as it has been with me. and not one American i talk to that i have traded with ever gets bills... even when i dont mark it as a cheap $$.


04-30-2003, 11:22 PM
the rio grande slows down the mexicans :rolleyes: