View Full Version : Good/Bad ICD guns. Bushmaster

04-30-2003, 09:58 PM
Hey everybody, I'm thinking about selling my autococker and getting some type of bushmaster. because i'm just too damn lazy to keep pulling and letting go of that trigger all the time. I was looking at the 03 w/o the PDS and thought it was pretty nice. Can you guys tell me some good or bad things about the B2K2 or maybe the 03 but don't tell me to get the shocktech, because I buy reduced lunch at school. Could anyone maybe compare the trigger to the viking or like a black dragun or some other electro.

Thank's everyone.

04-30-2003, 10:30 PM
I have a b2k, a heavily modded one, and it flat out rips. I love it. There's a lot of new parts and technology coming out for them right now, and you can get them for cheap used. You can get the PDS, but there's a mechanical anti-chop coming out called the SP mod, kinda like lvl 10. As far as the trigger goes, the '03 frame's trigger rivals the ir3's for adjustability. As far as shooting it goes, it will mop the floor with a black dragun, and it's definitely on par with a viking.

04-30-2003, 11:24 PM
Your probably better off getting info from people on the indian creek designs forum on pbnation. (since more people there will have experience with them)

That all being said... get cocker threaded barrels (like $50 extra) since ICD barrels are rather hard to find in stock and almost no one resells them online
Other than that my B2k3pds is CRRAZZZZZZZZY fast! Its everything I liked about an intimidator in a cheaper package. At a 3man tourny last weekend my chrono readings where 268,267,270,263 or in other words +-3 fps WITH A LOOSE BARREL/PAINT MATCH!!! great consistency.

I had some problems initially with trigger bounce but this has been solved by ICD and was only a problem with the first runs of the 2k3 bushys soo its not too much too worry about....

I would also suggest checking www.pbreview.com and you can read the reviews on the marker.. (such as my full review)

Hope this helps some

-Jason of ISU Redbirds

04-30-2003, 11:26 PM
I've shot various Bushmasters since the Bushmaster 2000 came out and they've always shot great. Reliable, easy to work on and customize and very lightweight. Very soft, smooth triggers too. For the money it's hard to beat an Indian Creek Product.

05-01-2003, 06:49 AM
I love mine. Mine's a 1st gen. BM2K that I'm slowly upgrading. It's only chopped once in 2 days of play, and it didn't even give me a problem during AO NE (rained almost all day).

05-01-2003, 10:01 AM
Well, if you can fork over for it PDS is great. Chopping is gone entirely.

The newer boards let you shoot up to 24bps if your feeder gets paint in that fast.

It's your call, I don't know what kinda cocker you have. The bushy will be a touch taller but a little lighter. I love my black bushy and shoot it all the time.

Be careful of the wiring in side and keep good batteries in it.


05-01-2003, 10:11 AM
I recently bought myself a bushmaster, I am really liking it, very fast, light, consistent(AKA sidewinder); mine is beautiful; it has some light milling done to it and is annoed blue and black acid wash,
accurate but thats with matching freak so good but expected;

peace out

05-01-2003, 04:57 PM
anyone know any bad things about them? thanks BTW

05-01-2003, 05:51 PM
While I've never had any problems, the only real complaints I've ever heard about any of the ICD family of electros is the side-to-side play in the triggers and that the stock regulators aren't fabulous. Just what I've heard, I personally haven't experienced any problems.

05-01-2003, 06:03 PM
When used properly they are great guns.

The stock regs are ok, keep an adjustable tank on it and only feed it 450 psi if you can.

The wiring harness is fine, but if you happen to stretch it you can break a connection pretty easily.

When taken care of, they are fine the way they come. Just lube and shoot.


05-01-2003, 06:20 PM
What about gas autonomy gentlemen? The Bushy is not very gas thrifty straight out of the box...

05-01-2003, 06:26 PM
Sup covad, we met at MGO, I was down there playing for NCPA and talking to Load

Anyway, the efficiency out of the box isn't bad at all. You can count on about 800 - 1000 shots from a 68/3000 or better.

With a new valve that goes up to 1000 - 1200 shots.


05-01-2003, 06:39 PM
Yeah I remember, how's it hangin'? (Shoot Load for me.) My new Defiant was horribly bad for gas autonomy...I couldn't get more than 8 pods and a hopper from a full 88/4500 LP output Crossfire tank.

(This was with a Vapor Valve and Sonic LPR kit. But throw a Sonic Frame on a Bushy/Defiant/BKO and it's on!!! I miss that frame.:D)

05-01-2003, 06:46 PM
Wow, I'm not gonna comment on how that sounded :)

I'll shoot jeff next time I get a chance.

8 pods & a hopper = 8 *140 +200 = 800 + 320 + 200 = 1320 shots


I get about 1100 shots from a 68/3000 with the macdev red valve. I am also running the new board that does 24bps. It may have a lower dwell or something. I know the older ones you had to turn up dwell to get rid of first shot low problems.

I've never really fallen into the vapor camp but I never really got any of their products either.

I guess mileage varies. I know that I used to shoot 1000 shots from my 114/3000 before I upgraded it, but that is a lot of air.


05-01-2003, 06:57 PM
Aw man...I just re-read what I wrote and you are so right it sounds bad... I think perhaps I'll stick with my 2k2 and my soon to be ULE Emag...

05-01-2003, 07:00 PM
i have hade my BKO for a couple months now. And it has performed well for me. A few chops per day, thats about it. Um its no Timmy but performs damn well for the price. Also you want a new reg pretty soon. I like the mac dev i have on mine. I still found out i liked the mag better.

05-01-2003, 07:09 PM
The regs used to be a problem... I think my over the chrono readings on the 2k3 kinda show that they fixed that.

As far as efficiancy I was getting a full egg (ie 180-200 balls)+ 2-2.5pods (140 rnd) off of a 45/ 3k fill (field didnt have 45 fills :( ) at a 3man this weekend

My only complaints on the marker would be that the wiring is a bit "delicate" and that the pds seems to slow down the marker alot more than need be... (i dont chop with pds off when using my egg2, so why would turning pds on slow the gun down for it?)

If I wanted to get nit picky I could mention ICD threads are a pain to find (hence get a cocker threaded bush), The stock grips are kinda... well, they definatly are stock grips :D , and since the gun is shorter than most (or maybe just than what im used too) I have incured problems "wrapping" airball bunkers... *to be fixed shortly with a 14 inch boomstick (to replace the stock 12in) and replacing my dropforward with a bottomline-esque ASA... (this could also be result of my TINY TINY 45/45 tank... and by "could be" I mean "IS" ):rolleyes:

As you can see im kinda really stretching here to find fault with this marker.. Imho its one of the best value guns on the market at this time...

-jason of ISU Redbirds...

05-01-2003, 07:33 PM
for the most part, i've heard nothing but great stuff about bushys.

in terms of complaints, i have heard that some come from the factory with dirt and other junk in the reg.

nothing a good cleaning wont remove though.

05-01-2003, 08:22 PM
I hate bushy's, never liked them, they don't even look cool. I mean just save yourself the money time and effort, buy an Impulse, Angel...... or you can be like the rest of the guys here and get a mag or something else, just not a bushy

05-01-2003, 08:27 PM
ummm Tsunami generally in this forum, we post our opinions and then reasons for the opinion. I mean come on, what a bad post, "bushies are bad, don't buy one" thats pretty darn weak.

The trigger is pretty sloppy, needs some shims; mine right now feels like a loose tooth


05-01-2003, 08:58 PM
i have a bushy i am looking to sell... they are great... the only complaint i would even think about having is that the trigger is kinda sloppy...easy 20 buck fix.... email [email protected] if you are interested in my bushy

05-01-2003, 09:23 PM
oh well, don't buy a bushy just because I said so and they are ugly IMO.

05-01-2003, 09:28 PM
Ok, we have reduced the reason for buying a paintball gun to how it looks.

That must explain how a spyder body with a dye cast grip frame and a 9V battery is sold to every kid wanting a cool gun.

The timmy's are great, but they are what they are.

The timmy, impulse, bushy, angel, viking, EM1, and tribal all work the SAME WAY.

You switch a solenoid, hammers goes forward, switch it back, it comes back. THAT IS ALL THEY DO.

The difference comes down to materials, manufacturing, and design.

They are not all the same but they can all be made to perform at the same level.


Load SM5
05-01-2003, 10:02 PM
I would appreciate less talk of shooting me, please.:mad:

05-04-2003, 12:30 AM
you are forgeting the best bushmaster ever made, the 'line si' bushmaster!!!!!!!

05-04-2003, 12:42 AM
I think the sonic bushmasters look sweet. MacDev makes some really good products. If I were to buy a bushy it would be a sonic.

05-04-2003, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by Load SM5
I would appreciate less talk of shooting me, please.:mad:
LOL Load, I just busted up laughing when I read that.

I agree with Phil, those Sonics are nice. I've always been a Bushy fan. I've always felt them to be the Imps less popular superior, but I'm sure no one wants to get into that argument again. ;)

05-04-2003, 02:57 PM
Kinda a bad picture.... but it is a Bad *** Bushy.


05-05-2003, 03:02 PM
I am probably going to get a bushmaster in the near future. And if a gun looked like a log of poop, I would buy it if it were accurate and consistent.

05-05-2003, 09:31 PM
I've got an 02 bushy and I love it. It's pretty much stock and it still rips.