View Full Version : Poison Products barrel system

04-30-2003, 10:09 PM
I have some info about the Poison Products barrel system that Jon from The Edge in Janesville has been working on for quite some time. This barrel system will be the most advanced in the world.
They are crafted from solid 6061 heat-treated aircraft aluminum and solid surgical stainless steel. Each berrel set is CNC machined, gun drilled and micro honed twice to unheard of tolerance. At each phase of production each set is inspected to maintain Poison Products' rigid standards of perfection.
The Poison Arrow's ACCURACY OPTIMIZING SYSTEM is comprised of three "Paint Acceleration Cylinder" crafted from solid surgical stainless steel and honed to a micro-finish smoother than glass. The PAC's come in three distinct diameters for a precice match to any paint. The PAC's retainer is made from 6061 heat-treated aircraft aluminum and manufactured to precicely position the PAC's in the marker. The third piece of the AOS is the barrel; 9 inch, 8 inch, and 7 inch, all are manufactured from 6061 heat-treated aircraft aluminum and micro-honed twice for a perfect finish. The barrel can mate to the ball sizer for a precice allignment for perfect paint sizing.
The core of this system is to remove broken paintball debris. The 8 and 9 inch both come with shedding ports. If a ball should break, simply open the port cover and fire. The paintballs do all the work. After the broken paint is cleared, simply close the port covor and continue firing. No more squeegeeing during the game!!
Backed by a limited lifetime warranty.

This is definately the barrel to check out!

04-30-2003, 10:26 PM
pic of the fronts

04-30-2003, 10:31 PM
I will have more details to come, but for now I can say that the full set with 3 front, 3 backs and full case will be in the mid to low $200s. There will also be a "lite" version which will be less expensive.

If you need any further info, talk to me or feel free to call Jason at The Edge Gear store: 608-756-8130 tell him Morgan sent you

04-30-2003, 10:32 PM

04-30-2003, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by oneshot
This barrel system will be the most advanced in the world.

ive never heard that said before... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

04-30-2003, 11:27 PM
That barrel does look pretty awsome. Any estimate on when they will be available?

05-01-2003, 09:05 AM
weird. kind of cool I guess.

05-01-2003, 10:12 AM
avalibility, hopefully in the next month or so, just waiting on some parts from the annodizer, website is not up yet.

05-01-2003, 02:58 PM

So this magic tube is somehow supposed to be different than all the other magic tubes out there. Ho hum.

I guess the paint clearing thing is different (I thought guns didnt break paint anymore with all the ACEs and stuff).

BUT - the ability to open/close ports like that is another way to cheat. Closing the ports will up your FPS if you chroned with them open.

05-01-2003, 03:31 PM
Velocity differences while chronoing with the port open or closed is negligable, no major spikes or decreases were observed while attempting that.

The tubes are not "magical", they are just much more durable and smooth than anything else currently available. The back tubes also center and seat themselves much better in the back peice, so unlike the freak inserts, they won't "float".

And yes, believe it or not, guns still do break paint...

05-02-2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by CoolGSak
The tubes are not "magical", they are just much more durable and smooth than anything else currently available.

I don't know... I've never had a barrel wear out on me... and i really think that aslong as the paint's good and the fit's OK, a barrel's a barrel. It's all just cosmetics. best of luck with sales.

05-02-2003, 11:27 AM
you need to remember, if its not an AGD product, everyone here will hate it, hate from ignorance!

05-02-2003, 11:44 AM
Hate is such a strong word. How about "doubt"? I personally would like to try it myself before I give it the big thumbs up or down.

05-02-2003, 12:15 PM
How long are the inserts (PACs?)? What are the bore sizes? Any pics?
Are the inserts front loading or rear loading?
Other than the paint-clearing mechanism, how is this barrell set different from any other non-floating insert system (like the Scepter)?

05-02-2003, 03:32 PM
Hush Xen,

The reason for the ho-hum is no one has made a barrel more accurate than what they have had since 1988.

A new barrel - yawn. Sorry - but other than the flatline, there really hasnt been any sort of innovatoin. Just make your tubes straight and smooth. If youre lucky, they look cool and you can build a name for youself and sell them for $100 each.

05-02-2003, 03:54 PM
so your saying all companies should stop making barrels and we can only use the stock ones or you would get thrown in jail and beaten with stock barrels then they would use stock barrels and shove them up your.....

I think its a cool idea, and if we stopped manking PB guns after nothing was inovative, then we would be at like crappy electro talons...

05-07-2003, 10:08 AM
I was just at Edge Gear yesterday to shoot a small video on the Poison Products barrel system. I have to say I was very impressed. The inserts are rear loading and there is no movement to them what so ever. Also we took a bore size calibration tool and measured the freak inserts and the Poison Products inserts. The freak inserts did not match up to the correct bore size, whereas the Poison Products matched perfectly. I am going out friday to film us putting paint through it. Breaking the paint, clearing it out, good stuff like that. I believe we will be shooting it with cockers ans mags. Also, just a little tid-bit of info that doesn't really have anything to do how it shoots; just to show how much of a perfectionist Jon (the creator) is, the outside of the inserts have a smoother finish than the inside of the Evil Pipe. This barrel truely is awesome.

05-07-2003, 11:03 AM
Available in what threads? And is there any sort of "Intro" offer on just a basic one-insert equivalent set?

Also for the record, Xen is tool.

05-07-2003, 12:04 PM
I believe that the first available threads will be cocker and angel. Other thread variations will follow...

I am not sure if a 1 insert kit will be available, but if you would like to find out for sure, please feel free to call The Edge Gear store: 608-756-8130

05-07-2003, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Xen
you need to remember, if its not an AGD product, everyone here will hate it, hate from ignorance!

We're ignorant? Look who's talking...

As far as the barrel goes, I'm kind of for the old pipe with threads, all of the other stuff is kind of uneccesary.

05-07-2003, 06:48 PM
Don't get me wrong, the main dif in barrels is cosmetic and hype.

I bought into both and got an Evil Pipe and I like it a lot, I'm just skeptical of the "Next big thing"... not about these barrels in particular. But Xen, why do you have to be such a dick most of the time?

I'm not on the everything-agd-is-gold bandwagon, as a matter of fact i don't like a lot of the stuff. I'm just saying the barrels seem a little gimmicky to me and old APGs are FUL of gimmicky products that never took off. Of course there are some gimmicky things that did take off so best of luck to everyone.

05-07-2003, 06:54 PM
looks good. cant wait to see when it comes out . keep us informed

05-15-2003, 12:37 PM
I was able to get into the store and take some more pics of the barrel sets. We have not yet been able to do a comparison due to un-cooperative weather. This is a pic of the black set:

05-15-2003, 12:38 PM
Here is the blue set, it matches my IR3 perfectly and I will be picking this one up soon hopefully:

05-15-2003, 12:38 PM
Here is a short description of the set:

05-15-2003, 12:39 PM
The silver set looks beautiful!!!

05-15-2003, 12:40 PM
The case is made from a super hard plastic which will never break like the freak case will. The owner of the store, John, weighs 270lbs, and he can jump up and down on it!

05-15-2003, 01:25 PM
i guess its the thing that slides open that throws off the look for me.

05-15-2003, 03:12 PM
ok. so the sliding thing covers up the holes and you shoot. so paint doesn't go in the holes? try to get a picture with that thing slide forward so we know more of how it works.

personaly, i'm not into the added parts on a barrel. like webby said. its a tube. i dont want anything else on it. it would just cause more problems than anything.

05-15-2003, 03:42 PM
nono i think he said, u shoot with teh tube covering holes. then when and if u break a ball in the barrel, u slide the silver tube back exposing the holes. take a few shots, and hopefully most of the paint gets blowed out of those holes. then just re cover the holes and go

05-15-2003, 06:11 PM
Ok with the slide it is only on the 12 and 14in fronts. It is so that if you chop or break a ball the shell will clear the barrel so that no futher breaks occur. The 10in front does not need this due to it't length. The reason the barrel cleans so well is that it is honed to such a high precision combined with the cleaning port on the longer fronts.

05-15-2003, 07:56 PM
I don't know how the camera does it, but it blows the slider up and way out of proportion; it is not as large as it appears in the picture. I think it looks good on the barrel, and personally, it is "new and different", gets a lot of interested attention at the field. I will try to get some pics of it on guns in the future.

The whole function of the sliding mechanism is to allow for shedding of broken paint with no down-time lost to squgeeing. If a ball were to break in the barrel, simply pull the slider down, start shooting, and the broken paint will be expelled through the exposed ports. Then when all your broken paint has been expelled(3 to 4 shots in our tests), slide the slider back down, and back to normal. When you are forced to squeege, you are effectively "dead" and out of the game for valuble time. Our barrel system is the effective solution to this problem. :D

05-15-2003, 08:26 PM
so can you just post again, whats pricing and where can i buy this?

05-15-2003, 08:40 PM
No problem JT, if you wish to order or have further questions, please call The Edge Gear store at 608-756-8130, tell them you saw it here and that Morgan sent you.

I do not have a confirmed final price, but there is a "full" and a "lite" set, so we have something to match whatever your price range is!

05-15-2003, 08:58 PM
ok, in a couple of weeks maybey i get it, need to see how money is going

05-18-2003, 02:05 PM
Can we see a picture of a barrel or two on a gun, and some pricing ???

05-18-2003, 03:50 PM
even with a squeegee the paint still is in there a little bit, except for the pull throughs, the swabs you gotta run once or twice through them, how can this just clean out the paint completely? maybe if it was correct ball and barrel size right?to me it just another little problem. BUT, i'm not saying it does't work. i'd try one if i could to see how well it does work.... thats if my level 10 starts chopping :p

05-19-2003, 06:19 PM
The smoother the barrel, the easier it is to clean.

I put rainX in my barrels, which helps a ton. When I get a barrel break, I turn off the powerfeed (boo for ULE's with centerfeed :( ), shoot the last ball out, shoot 2-3 times to blow paint out of barrel and then put my hand over the end of the barrel and blow any remaining paint out of the holes in the barrel.

I can do this about as quick as you can pull the squeegie around to put it into the barrel.

If this new barrel is that smooth inside, it should be the same effect. We just need one in MAG Threads (hint, hint)

05-20-2003, 12:08 PM
Took a bunch of pics of the barrel system on my 2k2 Timmy this weekend, I will have them up in a few days.

05-21-2003, 07:17 PM
This is the long tip

05-21-2003, 07:18 PM
Long tip with the port open to allow paint shedding.

05-21-2003, 07:18 PM
Medium tip

05-21-2003, 07:20 PM
Short tip

05-21-2003, 07:24 PM
Another shot of the medium

05-21-2003, 07:52 PM
Anyone else think those are BIG *** holes in the tip? Seems like it'd be a gas hog of a barrel. And what's so great about 6061 Aircraft Aluminum. Seems alot of barrels have em now. No big deal there. What I wanna see is a barrel kit for under 100. 200-250 Jesus. And shoots straighter? I guess it probably goes farther too huh? Does it work in conjunction with the magic elves in my mag? Please...

05-21-2003, 09:05 PM
just wondering what the point of 'paint clearing device' is, when the barrel is micro honed to the Nth degree?

Just a sidenote, when was the last time lvlX owners broke a ball in chamber or down the barrel?


05-21-2003, 09:05 PM
If you think you will ever see a "quality" barrel kit for under $100, keep dreaming... You get what you pay for, and something under $100 would be absolute crap, I can guarentee you that.

The barrel system is certainly not a gas hog, I use an 88/4500 PMI screw in and noticed no significant change while using the poison set. I don't know about these "magic eleves" that you posses, but it does shoot straighter than my freak kit when I was using Diablo and RP on Sunday.

05-21-2003, 09:14 PM
I think its a cool looking barrel, and the paint-shedding ports strike me as a neat idea if they actually work as claimed.

Hemorrhage is right though, more than likely there is nothing special about the aluminum used in the barrel. 6061 (probably T6 temper) is a standard easily-machinable fairly inexpensive but still fairly strong multi-purpose aluminum. Good stuff to make a barrel out of, but the material itself isn't anything fancy.

Interestingly, on the sluggo drawings AGD's specs call for 7071 aluminum to be used -- which costs more, but also is stronger (which is probably a good thing, considering the sluggo gets pretty thing in places).

05-22-2003, 09:46 AM
WOW, to have a built in squeegee it must break balls left and right, Because why else would it have a squeegee for?

05-22-2003, 10:03 AM
It doesnt have the paint clearing system because it breaks more paint... it has it because with low grade or crappy paint, you do get barrel breaks and a thing like this would be a faster solution than trying to squegee it out.

05-22-2003, 12:09 PM
Nex, thank you for explaining, I get tired of repeating myself over and over to people...;)

05-22-2003, 12:21 PM
I have seen and used many many barrels that claim to "shoot through breaks and clean themselves" and none have worked very well. the fact is if you break paint in the barrel you will have a gooey sludge all over the inside of the barrel that is not going to clean itself. opening up a "door" with extra porting is not going to magically get all the goo out of your barrel. paint is still going to be stuck to the sides of those ports. as soon as you push it closed again the goo is back in the barrel. a squeegie is still going to be needed to get it shooting straight again.

05-22-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by JAM

I don't know... I've never had a barrel wear out on me... and i really think that aslong as the paint's good and the fit's OK, a barrel's a barrel. It's all just cosmetics. best of luck with sales.

I dont know if it effects performance, but I can see definite lines going down the inside of some of my older Boomsticks. The inside still feels smooth, but you can tell there's a little wear.

05-22-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by xen_100
I have seen and used many many barrels that claim to "shoot through breaks and clean themselves" and none have worked very well. the fact is if you break paint in the barrel you will have a gooey sludge all over the inside of the barrel that is not going to clean itself. opening up a "door" with extra porting is not going to magically get all the goo out of your barrel. paint is still going to be stuck to the sides of those ports. as soon as you push it closed again the goo is back in the barrel. a squeegie is still going to be needed to get it shooting straight again.

xen_100 what you dont seem to grasp is that since its micro honed and whatnot the paint acts like a "squegee", if you use the right size insert, thus the paintball pushes all the excess out the barrel along with the intact ball. After a few shots its cleaned due to as described system. The sleeve is used to create more porting sooner in the barrel to get the paint out.

Patron God of Pirates
05-22-2003, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Nexev
xen_100 what you dont seem to grasp is that since its micro honed and whatnot the paint acts like a "squegee", if you use the right size insert, thus the paintball pushes all the excess out the barrel along with the intact ball. After a few shots its cleaned due to as described system. The sleeve is used to create more porting sooner in the barrel to get the paint out.

That makes no sense. Once the ball clears the PAC (see first post) it is no longer a "perfect fit" to the sides of the barrel. Since an actual perfect fit does not involve the ball touching the walls of the barrel all the way around in the first place, it makes even less sense.

Even if it did work as you are suggesting, what in the world would be the point of clearing the paint three inches further up the barrel instead of just shooting it out considerable porting on the end?

Furthermore, if your paint is matched correctly, you won't have breakage problems in the barrel. So unless the ball was broken in the hopper (in which case you have a much bigger problem), I don't see how LV.10 users would ever have any need for this system.

No offense intended, but this is AO, advertising here is notoriously subject to scrutiny. I once heard us referred to as the Consumer Reports of paintball. And yet Smart Parts still sells guns, so the poison folks shouldn't worry about it hurting their sales.

I'll have to see one in action before I pass judgment completely.

05-22-2003, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Nexev

xen_100 what you dont seem to grasp is that since its micro honed and whatnot the paint acts like a "squegee", if you use the right size insert, thus the paintball pushes all the excess out the barrel along with the intact ball. After a few shots its cleaned due to as described system. The sleeve is used to create more porting sooner in the barrel to get the paint out.

what about the tip of the barrel? in every barrel system I have seen that uses inserts, the tip of the barrel has an ID of about .695 or so. that way any insert you use, the tip will not effect it. so when you break paint the tip will have a nice coat of paint in it too. every shot picks up a little tiny bit of this paint and you see and the squirley shots and curved shots that is typical of a gooed up barrel. this magical extra ports thing will not effect that in the least.

I will beleive it works when I see video of a purposely broken ball that gooes up the barrel. then open the ports, fire a couple times and it is all clean, shooting as well as it did before the break occured. I dont see that happening for ANY barrel, not jsut this one.

05-22-2003, 02:17 PM
well we will make one then

Patron God of Pirates
05-22-2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Nexev
first off this isnt the consumer reports of paintball, its the grumpy old men that are too set in thier ways to give a fair judgement on anything new. This barrel works i have seen it. Paint breaks in the barrel if its fragile and not good quality. I have seen a lvl 10 chop and break paint so its not fool proof, its just semi good and a gas hog.

Way to not address a single point I made. Am I supposed to accept this barrel in an effort to not be a Grumpy old man? LOL.

Level 10 is semi good and a gas hog eh? I have yet to break a ball with my E-Mag or either of my RT's equipped with LV.10. Properly matched paint in my EQMS does not break. I would have to be playing Walmart ball to even worry about it. I don't even own a squeegee.

As far as the slight turn down in efficiency with LV.10, I get about 50 less shots out of an 88/4500. Big deal. At least AGD was honest about it.

Lets be honest about this poison barrel:

"This is a great Barrel for people who buy al their paint at Wallmart, match it incorrectly to the barrel, and shoot it from VL200's in non ACE or LV.10 equipped markers."
-Patron God of Pirates

You can use that endorsement if you want. Or this one:

"If you like unproven Gimmicks that defy logic, common sense, and Physics, this is the barrel for you. It will look great on your Cocker"

Patron God of Pirates
05-22-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Nexev
way to go patron god of *** pirates. I bet you belived the hype about lvl 10 way before it was realeased, dont say this barrel cant do what they say it can unless you can PROVE to me that its impossible by physics as you so call say to have this barrel operate the way they say? Can you? no you cant.

I'm going to ignore the name calling.

I was a beta tester for the LV.10, so yes, I believed it before it was released. Incidentally, it's not hype when it's true. Tom and AGD have an excellent reputation for honesty and customer service for a reason.

The reason I don't believe this barrel works is because I brought up legitimate reasons why the explanations of yourself and others didn't make sense, and you couldn't (and still can't) debunk them.

Come up with an explanation which makes physical sense and I'll listen. The burden of proof is on you, and anyone else trying to sell this thing.

For the record, insulting me, and AO in general, is not going to move product.

05-22-2003, 03:13 PM
It's not nexev's product, so he can insult you all he wants. I've personally seen 4 balls jammed into this barrel, fired a couple times to make a mess, then he slides open the port, fires a couple more shots, and they were shooting dead on. Quite amazing if you ask me.

05-22-2003, 03:38 PM
I guess next on the agenda is arguing if the sky is truly blue or not??? Lighten up people...

What we need next is a video of the barrel in action, or perhaps an independant tester. I volunteer for that if you would like!!!! I have a couple ULE bodies I could stick a cocker barrel set on. :)

Patron God of Pirates
05-22-2003, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Skeletar
It's not nexev's product, so he can insult you all he wants. I've personally seen 4 balls jammed into this barrel, fired a couple times to make a mess, then he slides open the port, fires a couple more shots, and they were shooting dead on. Quite amazing if you ask me.

Who said nevex couldn't insult me? All I said was it wasn't helping his cause.

If it actually works, excellent. I still haven't heard a reasonable explanation as to how / why it works. If the internal honing is that good that paint simply clears when fired through, why should it make any difference that it is going through the ports at the end of, or in the middle of the barrel?

If it's the ball doing the work, as nevex argues, then it should make no difference at all.

I don't want to restate my whole argument, so if you feel you have the answers please read my first post on the matter and reply. I'd love to hear a sensible explanation of the paint clearing function.

05-22-2003, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by Patron God of Pirates

Who said nevex couldn't insult me? All I said was it wasn't helping his cause.

HE can insult you all he wants because it's not his product. He doesn't have any cause because he's not part of this advertisement at all.

Originally posted by Patron God of Pirates

For the record, insulting me, and AO in general, is not going to move product.

For the record, insulting you won't effect product sales at all. You're nothing.

Patron God of Pirates
05-22-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Skeletar
For the record, insulting you won't effect product sales at all. You're nothing.

Wow! It seems like everyone would rather be a dick than offer me any kind of explanation.

Nothing I said was harsh or unreasonable until he decided to get snarky with me. And now you have done the same. What the hell is the point? I gave you know grief whatsoever.

I have a new endorsement:

"If you are a wicked angry, unreasonable prick, who takes questions about things you support so personally that you feel the need to be an a-hole to strangers on the internet, this is the barrel for you!"

Like I said, I'll reserve judgment until I see it work in person. If that motivates other pubescents to declare my nothingness (lol), so be it.

05-22-2003, 04:18 PM
Patron, I must say, you must be one lonely old man. I'm no "pubescent" as you claim, but I'd rather be a negative hoser old man like yourself. That's why I hate these boards, everyone is so damn critical. Are you that old and senile that you can't understand how it works? Maybe I have to draw you a picture?

Patron God of Pirates
05-22-2003, 04:33 PM
Actually, I'm a lonely young man ;). In my experience adults to respond to questions with insults, hence the accusation.

I understand how they claim it works, but as I stated in my first post on this thread, it doesn't make sense.

IMHO investments of $200 + require a little bit of scrutiny. If my critical approach upsets you for some reason, I'm sorry. I just like to see claims backed up. Instead, when I ask for clarification, I get attacked personally .

You don't need to draw me a picture (although pictures always help :) ). If you want to bring some sense of civility to this, go back to my first post and respond to the points I made there.

Otherwise, call me a few more names to make yourself feel better about not have the answers.

(I feel like I'm filling in for Shartley today...... LOL)

05-22-2003, 04:43 PM
I'd have to say I am on Patron God of Pirates' side on this one. he never insulted anyone or attempted to flame anyone. everyone is jumping down on him because he is asking pointed questions about a questionable product.

you have to understand, when a new product comes out that claims to solve a problem tha no-one else could solve in 10 years, you are going to need to provide some proof or no-one is going to believe it.........does anybody remember didi-7? miracle stain remover that could do EVERYTHING nobody else could??? it didn't do anything more than dull stains. (no more than average soap would) but they made millions selling it until people realised it was crap.

05-22-2003, 05:38 PM
nevex... patron god of pirates just asked questions. I wanna know the answers to his questions too... but i have another question..

Why do you push the porting cover forward rather than pulling it back? If by chance this thing does work as advertised (i am not flaming you, i ask the same from you) then wont the paint and air shoot out the porting onto your hands? That would suck... specially from a mag... air and paint traveling at 300 fps all over my hand... man i would hate that.

05-22-2003, 05:41 PM
you dont have to hold it open if i remember right, it sits in place in the open position... ill make sure some vids get up to show you how it works

05-22-2003, 06:00 PM
I think IM going to come out with a disposable barrel so every time you break a ball you can chuck the f-er out and slap on a new barrel and not to worry about squeegees

I sell them in twelve packs ....OHYA!

05-22-2003, 06:03 PM
nexev- so if you dont hafta hold it open.. means its not spring loaded to keep it back? That would be any sort of flinging movement on the barrel would create inertia and open the barrel... Either way there are flaws.

irrific: this may just be that barrel.. if the above (that i wrote) is true, the thing belongs in the trash. Its a pretty sweet idea though.

05-22-2003, 06:28 PM
Dude, that thing broke 10 balls? someone needs to deburr that thing better, no wonder why it has a built in squeegee!

05-22-2003, 06:50 PM
I saw it in person and 10 balls worth of goo was shot out with 3-4 shots. I know it works. first of all, i had to comment on that. why on earth would u be supporting a barrel while telling everyone you saw 10 paintballs break in that barrel???? lol. it doesnt make one bit of sense.

as for what i think about the barrel. until i see it work in real life im going to assume its a gimmick. im not one to judge before using a product but im going with logical reasoning and a couple years of experience on this one. ok, so its SUPER smooth internally and thats what acts like a squeegy. well why would they even make that huge porting design to blow paint out when a paintball can just push it out from the front. remember, the paintball acts as a squeegy.(sarcasm) Another thing to consider. paintballs are NOT round and dont touch all parts of the barrel. usually only two sides of the paintball are touching the barrel. how can just 4 paintballs squeegy a barrel perfectly to make it shoot straight again if only 2 sides of each paintball are touching the inside of the barrel????? i mean cmon guys!! this barrel just came out, they built up some hype in the advertisement, and now all of a sudden some of you are supporting it without even thinking. i for one am not going to buy a barrel whos strongest selling point is to clean out broken paint because im the type that beleives in getting and maintaining good markers that dont ever chop in the first place. and if like 1 out of 20k paintballs through any of my angels that ive owned happens to be deformed and break for no reason, ill take the time to take off the barrel and run a battle swab through it. i guarantee that will be more accurate than some crazy self squeegying barrel.

05-22-2003, 07:05 PM
What does AGD have to do with anything?

I have a better idea than the disposable barrels....
make a tap for the barrel and screw on a water hose to it and anytime a ball breaks signal your friend near the on switch and it will flush out the break! :D

05-22-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by Skeletar

For the record, insulting you won't effect product sales at all. You're nothing.

You moron,

AO= Members: 12,139

05-22-2003, 08:25 PM


Notice JJ's description of Edge Kit in comparison to poison.

05-22-2003, 09:30 PM
Jesus Christ you people, STOP THE ARGUING!! I just took those pics last weekend, and I will try to get a vid of it clearing paint up as soon as I am able to.

The barrel did not break 10 balls, what he was trying to say is that I jammed 10 balls down the barrel, broke all of them, and 4 shots later, 90% of the goo was cleaned out.

The sleeve is not spring loaded, it is pushed backwards or forwards, and it is held in position by o-rings.

Miscue, I am not really understanding what you are trying to say, but that is not our barrel set that you linked to.


05-22-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by CoolGSak

Miscue, I am not really understanding what you are trying to say, but that is not our barrel set that you linked to.

Well. I provided an example of a well-machined barrel kit for $114. The level of quality described by J&J parallels claims of the Poison. Now, I fail to see how... the poison eliminates the need for a squeegee. If a barrel is gummed up... ain't no holes gonna fix that. You need to scrape/swab the walls of the barrel to remove most of the residue. Using paintballs as a squeegee is not as effective, so I wouldn't rely on that.

Now... I'm curious as to why I would want a Poison kit when J&J sells a nice one for $114... as I am interested in picking up another kit but haven't decided which.

05-22-2003, 11:28 PM
GTRSI: You are the moron :eek: I was saying he is nothing, not all of AO. Thanks for taking the time to read and think over my posts.:D

05-23-2003, 02:14 AM
/me raises iron fist.

Cool it or else!

05-23-2003, 09:25 AM
So your saying every time you break a ball in this barrel it will cost you 20 to 40 cents to clean it? since one paintball is worth 5 to 10 cents a piece or even more that can add up big time and having an O-ring to keep the slider in place can ware quickly.

05-23-2003, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by irrific
So your saying every time you break a ball in this barrel it will cost you 20 to 40 cents to clean it? since one paintball is worth 5 to 10 cents a piece or even more that can add up big time.

wow, LOL. dude, thats got to be the worst argument ive heard so far on this thread. you make it seem like 20 to 40 cents are so important meanwhile most have no problem dropping a couple of dollars on that bunker just to keep the guy down in there. cmon, is that all you've got left?:rolleyes: :D

05-23-2003, 10:07 AM
im just stating a simple fact

Patron God of Pirates
05-23-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by JT2002

wow, LOL. dude, thats got to be the worst argument ive heard so far on this thread. you make it seem like 20 to 40 cents are so important meanwhile most have no problem dropping a couple of dollars on that bunker just to keep the guy down in there. cmon, is that all you've got left?:rolleyes: :D

LOL... Yeah it's not like we're playing stock class, so that isn't much of an argument.

Of course "All you've got left" implies that other arguments have been debunked. I'm still waiting for somebody from Poison or someone with good knowledge of this barrel to answer my questions.

So far......... Nuthin.......

05-23-2003, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by Patron God of Pirates

So far......... Nuthin.......

maybey you need to go to the source of this barrel.
:D or perhaps a phone call, if youre that willing to get answers you want so bad

Frank (the spank)
05-23-2003, 11:09 AM

05-23-2003, 05:00 PM
lol, ditto on frank's remark... lol

It sounds like most any other really good quality barrel with some extra porting IMO. Until I can see a video I'll think it works just like any other extremely well honed barrel system that can shoot out paint.

05-23-2003, 11:51 PM
Patron, I know you and others have lots of questions. Honestly, the best way to get them answered is to call The Edge Gear store and speak to the owner, John Goepfert. He is the one who designed every single aspect of the barrel and he knows A LOT more than I do, 608-756-8130. He is still working on the design of the website for the barrel, so I cannot provide you with an email address for him; sorry.

I have a tournament this Sunday, I will try and get a video up, but no promises.

07-10-2003, 10:39 PM
Anyone ever get one of these and try it out???

07-11-2003, 03:23 PM
I honestly dont know if anyone has recently purchased a set or not as I no longer work at The Edge store. But if you want to give the store a call for more info, feel free: 608-756-8130.