View Full Version : If your in Toronto, watch out.

05-01-2003, 06:04 PM
I was in french class yesterday, and my teacher left for a few minutes so I started talking with the guy's that sit near me. They were talking about how much fun they had videotaping their skit. They had two PB guns and were shooting each other up, and of coarse, no masks. I didn't think that was that bad cuz no one got hurt, even though I did mention it was stupid. Then we started talking about the kinds of markers we like. The guy that sits beside me said that he was probably getting this gun he saw on ebay. He was talking about how it could shoot 13 BPS and came with a 20 ounse tank, probably the spyder. Than I asked him what mask he was getting. Here's the conversation that wen't down.
Him "A mask? I don't need a mask."
Me "If you want to play you need a mask"
Him "No I don't"
Me " If you go to a feild they will kick you out"
Him "no you don't, you don't need a mask to play at a feild." All the guy's around him agreed with him.
Then they wen't on talking about how they had shot up each other on the weekend. Then they started talikg about how funny it would have been if they had gone around in a car shooting people with their guns. I again told them they were tards. They egnored me. Now I knew what he was going to use that gun for. They wen't on talking about how when he had his lisesnce he would go around in his car shooting people. He even had a "Hit list" of places to "Shoot up". I knew this was a total tard. I tried to tell him he would get caught, but I got tired of trying to get through to them and went to talk to some of my friends. Now I'm scared. For one because i'm going to have this total tard running around my neigbourhood shooting people with PB's. This guy has proven to be an idiot and a total JackA** the hole time i've know him and it is totaly in his caracter to do that sort of thing. Second because if every weekend people are getting lit up while walking their dog's, they will certanly ban PB in toronto. I've hear of one guy getting hit once and going to the highest corts to get it banned in his area. This will proboably be up in the 100's of people getting hit. I don't know why people ares so stupid. Why don't they just buy eggs. It's cheaper, less dangerous, and if you get caught it's only vandelisim, not assult with a deadly weapon. Their sould be public servis anouncement about Paintball. People have to know that masks are ESSENTIAL and your just being a tard if you are shooting people on the street.

05-01-2003, 06:34 PM
simple, turn him in if he does anything.

05-01-2003, 07:06 PM
Turn him in NOW! In America it's called 'Making Terrostic Threats" or something similar. Hear about the cuise ship incident recently, that's what they nailed her on. She'll be in jail for a while...


Creative Mayhem
05-01-2003, 07:23 PM
you have every right as a citizen to notify the cops about any possible violence in the neighbourhood. I say turn him in, and let the cops deal with it... At the very least, tell this kid if you hear of anything like this happening, that you will turn him in, whether you know its him or not... that will more than likely deter him from doing it... I he said that to me i would be nuts. I don't want my pballing privelages taken away just because of some punk kid. If this kid does do what he's saying, email me and I'll be there in 30-40 mins to knock some sense in to the punk. Im just down the QEW from you... i'll be there in a heartbeat...

Creative Mayhem

05-01-2003, 07:24 PM
If I do that everone would hate me. And I have no proof anyway. I live in canada so I don't think we have that "Marking Terrorist Threats" thing. I just wish more people would be less stupid. My friend (not one of the idiots) has a reveen in his back yard that would be perfect for paintball because it has lots of natural bunkers and a big hill on all 4 sides. If they ban Paintball guns we would be arrested for doing this wich means we have to get a ride and the money to go to a feild when we want to play. I realy want to beat the crap out of that guy sometimes.

05-01-2003, 07:33 PM
I think that if he does this crap, we assemble a swift strike team of AO members. said strike team will "beat him" with "sticks" until sense is knocked back into him.... yup, best possible course of action. no links back to you.

05-01-2003, 08:05 PM
Man, and I always hear canadians calling Americans dumb, these kids are morons.

If you tell the cops, you'll probably be labeled as a nark so I can see the problem. Try an find some pics of people popped in the face without masks and let him have a look. Also, tell him shooting people with paintball is assault with a deadly weapon, and will probably get the sport banned in the area.

What age we talking about here anyway?

05-02-2003, 02:18 AM
oh come on now mayhem.......while i didn't get a chance to meet you at the dome, i saw you.....you weigh what, a buck fitty!?

but seriously, these guys are right. yes we've all done some silly things with our paint "markers"; but driveby's and such goes beyond silly


ps, here i was thinking it was SARS related.........

05-02-2003, 02:36 AM
While the fact of what he is planning to do does strike fear into me simply because it "tarnishes our sport" I wouldn't rat on him, that's weak. I would however tell him that it's a felony and that it wouldn't be worth his time or money and that his gun is going to be taken away. Also if threatening to do drive by paintballings is now in fact considered to be a "terrorist threat" that scares me more than the actual act itself. The line on what terrorism is and is not needs to be drawn somewhere.

05-02-2003, 03:27 AM
it wouldnt be so much terrorist that he is reporting.... but as a citezin of a "free" country, you should take all step you can to keep it that way. which includes, but is not limited to, our right to play paintball. if one of those silly poopy-heads gets it banned, that opens the door for all those other organizations that view it as a violent sport to make there complaints and try to sway some opinions that matter.

PS excuse the spelling, i just got back from seeing X-Men 2 its like 5AM.... no sleep.

05-02-2003, 08:05 AM
tell the teacher, but tell her to keep you out of it. Hopefully she will go to the principal and they will go to his parents and that will be that (hopefully).

Now if his rents know, and don't do anything and he does it...then they are responsable and can do time right along with him (atleast in america)

Creative Mayhem
05-02-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by sime
oh come on now mayhem.......while i didn't get a chance to meet you at the dome, i saw you.....you weigh what, a buck fitty!?

LOL!! I wish I was only a buck fiddy... DAMN this beer belly.:D

I know it may put you in a bad spot to "narc" on your friend/classmate, but do you really want to have this sport banned in our area? I for one, don't. If you do narc on this guy, sure your friends MAY make fun of you, so what? They will forget about it in time and eventually applaude you on your willingness to step up and stop our sport from being banned. Besides, you friends prolly bug you all the time about one thing or another, and it usually doesn't last long right? I stand by my earlier statement, of turn him in and let the cops or parent deal with it... Even if you only tell his parents that he was talking about doing this prank. In fact, you don't even have to tell his parents your name, so they can chew him out and your name will stay out of it. Afterall, everything he said WAS said in a classroom, and there are more than one person in a class.

There, I've said my piece... now go take care of this problem. Or I'll come out there and slap you around too ;)jk


05-02-2003, 04:47 PM
I'm in grade 9 and so is he. I'm realy the only person that i've told that really cares about it. one person even said it would be fun. It's because only me and this one other kid in my class realy care about paintball, he's the kid with the cool back yard, everone else doesn't know much about it. I think there main sorse of paintball info comes from jackass. Bam is realy ruining the sport by doing thoes skits with PB markers. He's telling people "Hey look at this this is funny". That's why everone thinks it would be funny to do this sort of thing.
I don't think narcing is an option because
A. it's weak, and B. What would they do if I told a teacher. All they could do is say that it's bad and don't do it.
You guy's shouldn't think all of us up here are stupid. This guy is the biggest tard I know. He is contantly grabbing me and wispering "Penis, Penis, Penis...." in my ear and doing other things like that to me in class. That guy is so stupid he doesn't even belong in the US. He should be downgraded to Mexico. Oh ya, You guy's mentioning SARS. THERS NO F###ING SARS IN THE GENERAL POPULATION. as long as you don't go and lick the sars patants in the hospitals your fine.

Fibre Optics
05-02-2003, 05:01 PM
I read most of that but couldn't finish it all (same things said over and over). I also live in Canada, in Barrie as a matter of fact (hour north of TO). Wait till he does get his pbgun from ebay or where ever it was. Then go to the police and tell them "someone(whatever his name is) from your school that you know was telling you all about how he shoots people with his pbgun. And now that he has his license he's going to do some drive-by's". Tell them you would like to stay anonomous(sp?), unless he's convicted (they'll need a witness of his prethought actions). You do have the right to stay anonomous the entire time, it's part of our law system. But yeah, tell the police that whatever his name is, is going to shoot people and (if he has) shot people already.

05-02-2003, 06:20 PM
Or better yet ask these "fine" gentlemen to come to this thread and justify their idea of fun. These types of kids are ruining the sport for everyone.
If you can't get them here, please tell on them.