View Full Version : ive turned.

05-01-2003, 08:34 PM
its official. i started playing pump about a few months ago. i really liked it, but still had thoughts of playing semi. well, this past weekend pretty much sealed it for me. i had an awesome day of pump, and have turned to pump play for good. :) all of you who are considering playing pump, ask the pump player at your feild if he has an extra gun you can borrow to try it out. if your at my feild, i wont hesitate to lend out my pumps. the more the merrier. :D

anyone else have the same thing happen to them?

05-01-2003, 09:25 PM
what kinda pump u got? i have a maverick and a mag pump
and had a sc phantom. pump is fun started playing that way and will end that way too.

05-01-2003, 09:38 PM
i have a maverick and find that it's no fun cuz the accuracy is horrendous..have a 12" j&j ceramic barrel on it...it's pretty damn impossible to hit anyone with it though...

05-01-2003, 09:44 PM
just got my acid red VSC phantom today. SO excited!

05-01-2003, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by impostal22
i have a maverick and find that it's no fun cuz the accuracy is horrendous..have a 12" j&j ceramic barrel on it...it's pretty damn impossible to hit anyone with it though...

go back the the stock barrel... the mavericks stock barrel ( with correct paint ) is dead on....

05-01-2003, 09:49 PM
what's correct paint for the stock barrel? i don't have the stock ( i bought the gun w/ the j&j on it), where could i get one other than ebay ?

Load SM5
05-01-2003, 09:50 PM
I have my little project PGP. It's fun to play a few games with all the weight off.

05-02-2003, 01:52 AM
I have myself a SC Phantom. And as much as I love my Mag, It would never replace my Phantom.

05-02-2003, 07:48 PM
i have a rf phantom w/ .45. i like it cause its a different kinda fun from my am illusion pro. but the pro is my main pump. maybe in a few months i'll pick myself up a buzzard for stock.

05-02-2003, 08:08 PM
never liekd the inaccuraacy of pumps but then again i only have shot a talon lol i hear it's great to level up ur accuracy

05-02-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by toyotaboy12
never liekd the inaccuraacy of pumps but then again i only have shot a talon lol i hear it's great to level up ur accuracy
That post hurts my brain on more than a few levels.

05-02-2003, 08:58 PM
I still love pump play. Generally I'll play 3-4 games with the X-Mag and then spend the rest of the day playing pump. Actually it is partially because the X-Mag seems to be possessed and causes me to run through an entire case in just a few games. I'm much more accurate and play smarter with the pump so it is good to switch back. Plus if the field is full of n00bs, the X-Mag is a little too much. Anyway below is a picture of my two favorite markers.

05-02-2003, 10:06 PM
I know the feeling of playing pump. I have a stock class PGP (old style) converted to CA. I love it :) I try and play at least a few games of pump every week. It really teaches you how to move and get angles rather then hanging in back sending a case of paint downfield at that .5 inch of hopper sticking out.

05-02-2003, 10:29 PM
All this pump talk makes me want to buy a pump! Argggggg go cocker and get a pump kit, or get a phantom, or get a pgp... sooo many choices my head hurts!!!

05-02-2003, 11:03 PM
56kguy. if youve never played pump before, try someones out first. i actually had someone come up to me talking about how they wanted to play pump real bad. i lent them my phantom, and after the game, they said pump play wasn't for them. so its not for everyone.

if you are set on going pump, then these are my favorite pumps in order from most to least:
sniper 2

i didn't even put up the carter, cause that is top level, and nobody should buy one of those unless they get serious about pump. and ive also never tryed a sterling, but hear good things.

if your dead serious about buying before trying, i would start with something used. that way your not out too much money if you like it.

sorry to everyone for the length. its incredibly boring over here. :)

05-03-2003, 06:47 AM
i love pumps!

i have an annihilater and stock pgp (both old school) and a minimag bodied pump.

i prefer using my mag pump because of the interchangeability of barrels, sine i have tons of them, but also enjoy my annihilater due to it's range.

ok...that did it......now my trigger finger itches.......

05-03-2003, 06:56 AM
I have never played pump, but have seriously thought about getting into it. It is much more affordable for a family my size, and with my style of play, it should work great. I don’t simply lay down massive amounts of paint, but take care with my shots. This does not mean I can’t lay down a good rope of paint though. :D

My son wants to go pump too, so it looks like we will be set up for both styles of play at some point. We both want pump pistols… bring the game in close! :D

05-03-2003, 10:16 AM
Where custom still means sumpin Dog!!! Steady POGin'


05-03-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Thing
Where custom still means sumpin Dog!!! Steady POGin'

Yes, Palmers does very nice work. I have another one of his markers coming to me as we speak for some custom grip work.

05-08-2003, 09:24 PM
Here is a picture of my Phantom. I really like the Urban Camo annodize.

05-08-2003, 11:58 PM
rancid. where do you play? im in walnut creek, and play at venture.

nice to see another cali pumper. :)

05-09-2003, 11:09 AM
I live in Folsom and usually go to Action paintball. How far is venture from folsom, might try it out. Ya, you don't run into many pump players anymore.

05-09-2003, 12:35 PM
its along way. probably about a 3 hour drive from folsom to venture. venture is in clayton, on the border of antioch.

you can check out venture at www.venturegamespaintball.com

also, if people are gonna post pics of their pumps, im gonna have to get mine up tonight. :)


05-09-2003, 12:58 PM
I to enjoy an occasional game with a pump gun.

05-09-2003, 03:50 PM
If your a front player, play a few games with a PGP... With everone else using thier ripped-up semi's. I've done it and it's insane! No other drill teaches you how to move well, and snap-shoot like that.

pop up and DOINK off goes a round towards one of thier front players, followed by a hail of paint from them... It's hysterical, I found myself laughing my butt of so hard it was tough to play. What's funnier is I'm no front player 6'3 and 300lbs... after 5 or so games they were having a tough time getting me out without bunkering me :cool:

I own a nel-spot clone, but the barrel is like .695 or something, really inefficent. For a project marker I'm trying to get a black vertical feed autococker body to make into a sniper... free flow internals, regulated C02 supply for cosistancy. I'm going to do my best to squeese the most out of a 12gram :)

-Natog Darkheart.

05-09-2003, 09:03 PM
if you want the most out of a 12 gram i suggest getting a phantom, you could get a mod done that shortens the valve too (done by punisher's customs), i hear you can get 40-60 shots with it, then again there is the back valve that CCI made that also gets great effieciency, browse around the pump forums youll find a lot of information...

by the way, sniper 2 or 3 pumps, are not the most efficient pump guns on 12 grams

heres a link to the phantom owners group


05-19-2003, 11:46 PM
Finnaly. Here is the pic of my babys. The top one is my pride. Illusion Pro. The bottom one is my rf .45 phantom. It's a fun little gun to play with.

05-20-2003, 10:13 AM
Those are nice. I have never had the pleasure to try out an Illsion.

Mr. Grumble
05-20-2003, 02:30 PM
Always put in a good word for Palmers.
Love my Houndstooth.

Great for those days when it's just a couple of us hunting each other in the orange groves.

Mr. Grumble

05-20-2003, 02:41 PM
I was intending to build me a pump mag. I was almost finished with it as a matter of fact but then I ended up trading most of the parts to Mel who is building himself one. In exchange for some equity in this Sydarm which I intend to play old school with some. Not realy the same but I could not pass this one up! Maybe I could convert my X mag to a pump?

:confused: :eek: :D

My Sydarm (but now sporting AGD rubber grips and plastic detents):

05-20-2003, 02:51 PM
I went on a trip to the catskills with my school this weekend (missed AO Megameet and other things) and we played paintball in the woods. The traveling paintball guy only had CO2 so I couldn't use my RetroMAG. Used the pump more than I usually do and I was back in love. Its a Sterling and it shoots like a dream. I have an Armson barrel, but stick to the stock one usually. If you are thinking about getting into pump, go for it. It is very fun and less expensive to play. Pity my local fields don't really have pump games any more, but I love going out on the field with a pump against guys with semis and ripping them up. It has incredible accuracy, and I can get off enough balls with the autotrigger.

05-21-2003, 11:07 AM
That is one sexy marker Mr Grumble. There is a list of pump guns that I eventually want to own. Houndstooth is next on the list. :) How do you like it?

And here is my list. Seems to get longer all the time:
Kp2 rifle
Sterling STP
Carter Buzzard