View Full Version : RT/X Valve question

05-02-2003, 07:18 AM
Hey everyone,

I had a question regarding the RT/X-Valve. I was thinking of upgrading to one of them (probably the X since I want to go to L|X as well) but I am currently running a mediocre N2 tank, the OEM version of the Bulldog. Its a 68/3000 but it's preset to 800psi. Is it worth running those valves on 800psi? Or should I upgrade to a better tank... It does the job for me now but I'm wondering if I really should have an adjustable one since the main focus of the RT/X is to be able to find that 'sweet spot' using pressure, etc.


05-02-2003, 07:22 AM
You should be able to run those just fone on a preset. I would go ahead and upgrade the valve, then after you save some more cash, look into a nicer tank. That's just my opinion.

05-02-2003, 07:30 AM
Thanks for the info. What type of difference do you think I'll find between the normal valve I'm running now compared to the X Valve..

05-02-2003, 08:27 AM
rk, where on the south shore you from.

seems to be a few south shore members round here.

05-02-2003, 09:15 AM
Joey - I'm in Easton. Sorta right in the middle from P&L, the old Apache in Brockton, and Paintball Heaven. I didn't get to play really all summer but I used to be up at PH every weekend. I've decided I really wanna get my marker to where I want it to be before I play again but I should be getting back into it. Do you know when their Spring Fling is?