View Full Version : Haha, don't you love kids?

05-02-2003, 08:53 AM
This is an email my aunt wrote about my cousin. Hes probably around 10. Family Life is like a Catholic-school version of Sex Ed. Names have been changed to protect the hilarious.

"I know John would kill me if he knows I told you this but…

Tonight, on the way to Boy Scouts, we were talking about school and I asked him about Family Life. My introduction to his thoughts on all this was a couple of Saturdays ago when we were sitting in Price Club eating lunch and he says "Well, I don't know what Monday is going to be like. The girls are going to see their Periods Movie." "Why don't the guys go too?", I ask. "Oh, Mom, Boys aren't affected by that," he answers. I reply, "Oh yes you are, more than you know,"

So tonight I ask how Family Life is going and he says:"OK. Last week we talked about mood swings. Girls get them after their periods." "After their periods?" "Well, before their periods…no during their periods…no, all the time." "Oh, and guys don't get mood swings?", I ask. "Only during NFL games." he answers.

I almost hit a tree."

05-02-2003, 11:30 AM
ha ha ha thats great. i have to use that

05-03-2003, 03:18 AM
Kids say the darndest things! ;)

Gitaroo Man
05-03-2003, 02:26 PM
hahahahaah thats great

05-03-2003, 07:58 PM
after reading that i don't want kids any more