View Full Version : Help Paintball Grow

little a
05-02-2003, 11:23 AM
This weekend when you are renting a DVD or VHS help paintball grow.

when you go to rent a movie, ASK THE STAFF OF YOUR LOCAL VIDEO STORE TO CARRY the DVD or VHS of "'IN YOUR FACE' the paintball movie".

If you want, print this page out with the number the retailer needs: ISBN 0-9741187-0-2 And tell them you want them to carry the movie.

Asking for IN YOUR FACE at your local video store will put more copies of "IN YOUR FACE" on the shelves, introducing millions of people to paintball for the first time ever. It's rated PG-13 so everybody can experience the fast paced family fun of paintball in their homes, which will lead them to paintball stores and fields, growing the sport by leaps and bounds.

Copy this thread and FORWARD it in an EMAIL to your friends and let them know that this weekend and the weeks to come is your chance to HELP PAINTBALL GROW! Ask for the IN YOUR FACE DVD at your local video store.

Are you outside the US?
Contact us for sales outside the US.

This weekend will be a turning point in paintball history. Thanks for your help.

Aaron C.
IN YOUR FACE -the paintball movie

05-02-2003, 12:05 PM
help paintball grow?

or so you can sell more copies?

either way this is corporate spam.

05-02-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Cliffio
help paintball grow?

or so you can sell more copies?

either way this is corporate spam.
I agree.

And do we really WANT “In your face” to be the “face” of paintball that the general public sees? From what I remember being posted about it, it may very well be best left an underground movie.

Just because the movie is about “paintball” does not mean it is necessarily “good” for the sport. And this looks more like an attempt to get their movie on the shelves than to promote the sport. And the method used is pretty much bad form on ANY online forum.

05-02-2003, 12:20 PM
Hey, do you actually work for the In Your Face ?

I won a copy of the DVD in a contest here and alls you guys did was ignore my emails and pleas.

I won it back in October ( i think it was) and never got it.

wheres my dvd!?

05-02-2003, 01:27 PM
"In your face" is to paintball as "the Fast and the fursious" is to street racing. ya it will bring more bodies, but also ALOT of misconseptions. although somehow, the idea of Tom saying "Its not how you stand by your gun, its how you shoot it" is rather amusing... or maybe its just me

05-02-2003, 02:13 PM
Delete the thread.

This clown has been posting on all the paintball messageboards peddling his video as some way of expanding the sport.

Best way to expand paintball is to play safe and have fun. Take it easy on the Noobs and give them some pointers. We all were noobies once.

-Natog Darkheart