View Full Version : Stop me from selling my baby and turning over to the dark side

05-03-2003, 11:05 PM
Well I don't know if anyone wants to know, but I'm bored at work and needed to vent!

I was pawing around the web and found the following..


Now, you have to understand something .. I currently own:


RTPro Valve
LvL 10
Chrome Body
Dye 2 Finger Trigger w Grips
Dye Gas Thru Grip
Smart Parts All American
Kapp Stubby Drop
Air American Raptor

I orig. purchased this marker something like 9 years ago and have been steadly upgrading her. I have been whining to my friend about selling her for about 3 years now and buying a cocker .. but as much as I have alway's wanted a cocker, how can you compete with the LvL 10?!?! WELL ... now I suppose they can..


Now that there is the JAM Enterprises Anti-Pinch Bolt, there is nothing left to stop me from selling my mag and getting that cocker I have alway's wanted! .. I suppose the only people that could stop me from selling her are you here at AO ..

Well, I look forward to your suggestions..

05-03-2003, 11:07 PM
umm...if you really want a cocker, get one. Its all about what YOU want, its your cash and your gun ;). Have fun.

05-03-2003, 11:12 PM
Are you kidding? If you've been with her for that long why would you give her up? The 'cocker is waaaaaaaaaaay more tempremental. The downtime on them is astronomical when compared to troubleshooting a 'mag. Buy an Emag instead if you want to upgrade or go with a x-mag. Airgun all the way!

05-03-2003, 11:26 PM
If you want the Cocker, go for it. I myself have put the Mag in the Bag (best backup I can think of...) in favor of an Outkast Autococker.

If what you're looking at comes and needs timing, time it. It's not hard. If the regs need sweetspotting... sweetspot them. It's not hard either.

If it comes set up right, then you don't need to do a thing, unless you want to.

Personally, if it's already setup, I wouldn't touch a thing on it, maybe raise/lower the lug a bit...
But other than that just drop some oil in it after every time you play and you're good to go, they really don't require an extraordinary amount of maintenence. (Plus, Cockers don't chop alot in the first place... so long as they're timed correctly)

(Edit - I wrote this thinking along the lines of a used Autococker. New ones are pretty much a blank canvas to do whatever you want with. To save myself time... I just got one that was already moderately "upgraded" (the Outkast) and all I did was mess with the lug. Either way, you can't go wrong)

05-03-2003, 11:29 PM
Is there any good site that will give me the idiot's guide to fixing a cocker? I'd love to know how to time it and make all other adjustments (basically tech a cocker) before I buy the outkast brand new (or a new 2003 stock cocker)

As it sits now, I know nothing about how a cocker works or how to troubleshoot it .. and I would need to know this before I even though of actually getting one!!!!

05-03-2003, 11:37 PM
In all reality, you really shouldn't have to troubleshoot it... but all the same -

www.pbreview.com - the Cocker forums have quite a bit of information. Also, a FAQ on Cocker related things, some links, and a guide to disassembling and timing it.

www.endlesspb.com - The guy that runs this site has a freakload of knowledge regarding Autocockers.

www.air-powered.com - One I've just recently started visiting. From the way it looks so far, there is alot of stuff about Cockers here... helpful too.

www.paintballravi.com - The Autococker infosheet.

I've found all of these sites extraordinarly helpful (even with the short time I've been checking up on Air-Powered).

05-03-2003, 11:39 PM

That should help you with most of your 'Cocker troubles. Now that your leaving your 'Mag, you could always, well, give it to me :)

05-04-2003, 09:44 AM
there is no light in the void....only darkness.....

wheres that pic of the kitten being chased w/ the capiton..."every time you buy an autococker instead of an automag, god kills a kitten...think of the kittens"

please...slushy...THINK OF THE KITTENS!!!!

05-04-2003, 12:54 PM
Cocker= 80 moving parts= more that will wear out= more time fixing gun= less playing time= unhappy player= broken gun(from throwing it across the staging area).

05-04-2003, 02:23 PM
I suppose his title said "Stop me from selling my baby..." but some of this stuff about Cockers is downright unfair!

I know it's a Mag forum, heck the name of the website is Automags.org, but really... do we need to spread the misconceptions like that?

If you're going to convince him to keep the Mag, at least do it truthfully...

05-04-2003, 02:32 PM
Are you denying the cocker has 80 moving parts? That's including all the internal stuff ya don't see, at least, thats what was taught to me at the first PTI.
Are you also convinced the cocker shoots farther? If so, say hello to the laws of physics.:D ;)

*EDIT*Typos rool yoo!;)

05-04-2003, 02:42 PM
Good Lord man, nowhere in my post did I even HINT at the fact that I think a Cocker has some sort of mystical advantage over a Mag! I know for a freaking fact they don't shoot farther! I know that the accuracy is exactly the same!

I also know that I preffered a Cocker over a Mag, and I kept my Mag as a backup gun in the unlikely event that my Cocker goes down. In my 6 months of using the Cocker, I haven't had to break the Mag out once (Except I was toying with the idea of using it this weekend, except it had a slight macroline leak that I was just a little too lazy to care about.)

I'm just saying this guy might actually like an Autococker better, after 9 years of using his Mag, maybe a change is welcome?

Heck, Slushee, do you really even have to sell the Mag? I did keep mine as a backup, after all...

(Hey Warped, I never actually bothered to count the parts on my Autococker. I've never had to take it apart for any reason)

05-04-2003, 04:19 PM
I've heard all the excuses that 'cocker guys give for their markers and I've also seen a whole days play wasted trying to get one tuned again. Not my 'mag! That's all I've got to say. If you want to argue against my experience, go ahead but your not going to change my experience. Sorry.

05-04-2003, 04:30 PM
If you want a laugh on this subject, check out www.air-powered.com 's thread called "starting to like mags". Should answer some questions about what cocker owners think on the subject.

05-04-2003, 04:55 PM
Holy freaking crap!
I'm not trying to change anyone's opinion!
I'm not even trying to start controversey!

I figured this guy was looking for some help in a decision of his. So then, noting that he already owned a Mag, I decided to help him with the Autococker side of things.

But both of you seem to miss a fundamental point - I OWN A MAG TOO! I purchased the Mag almost a year ago to date, and played the entire last year with it. I loved it, but eventually I decided that one high-end gun wasn't enough. So then I bought my (never-failing [so far]) Autococker.

And you know what? I don't care what anyone else thinks. Both of my aforementioned guns have VASTLY outperformed my Tippmann, and to tell you the truth, I really don't notice ANY performance difference between them. The thing is, I enjoy shooting the Cocker much more than I do the Mag.

Maybe someday in the distant future that will change when I decide to get around to fixing up the Mag, changing it from the standard tube-with-grips look (and my flame drop...) to something that is truly a work of art.
Until then I'm going to shoot my Autococker and love it.

(Somehow I feel as though this thread has been hijacked... and is rapidly degrading.)

05-04-2003, 04:57 PM
you cant defend any non AGD marker here w/o the *** kissers of AO attacking you. I should know haha :D

05-04-2003, 05:21 PM
Xen - So I've come to find out.

I have a feeling I know what this shoddy excuse for a discussion is turning into - the old Mag vs. Cocker debate.

And I want NO part in that. So... until I find a semblance of an intellegent response, or a question that could use some answering (as most questions could), until then, I'm going to migrate to the greener pastures of AO.

05-04-2003, 05:27 PM
a cocker only has like 8 moving parts, not 80 dude. plus, those ppl you see spending entire days messing with there guns to get it working are complete idiots, they shouldn't had messed with in the first place. if you want a cocker go get one.

maybe check out the one i am trying to sell or trademy gun sale thread (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=80855)

05-04-2003, 05:29 PM
You can like whatever you want to. I love the Spyder that I started out with and sold to buy my Mag. I don't want to try to convince anyone to choose one over the other. I really don't care what marker you choose. If you read the original post, he wanted to be convinced NOT to buy a cocker. If he does I hope he keeps his mag as JOE did. I would prefer to see everyone own one of every gun out there. Love it or not this IS an automag owners group. So, we are a little biased. Sorry if any of my posts offended you.

05-05-2003, 02:08 AM
Thanks for the info guy's! Specially the links for the cocker info .. I'm afraid after some long and hard meditating in front of the AGD shrine in my closet (eheh, it's come close with the amount of gear i've aquired over the years), I will have to make the change.

Some say stay with what works, some say change is good .. all I know is that I 'have' to own a cocker at some point in my life and well, this is it. But don't worry, in about 2 years, I'll have another mag ... you all know it


Anyhow, I suppose it's now time to dust off the digi cam and get all those pic's taken...

Oh, and you will certainly see me poking my head around these forums for the next few years ..

05-05-2003, 02:36 PM
if you want a cocker then get one, i like the way they shoot but i perfer my mag. try shooting a cocker at your field or something. and if you do like them then keep your mag as a backup and then get your cocker. basically waht im saying is that if you like the feel of cockers more than your mag then get one and be happyer :) i mean who cares waht another person is playing with, if the gun works for them and they are happy with it, thats all that matters. those kids that scream and yell that their gun is better just have their heads up their rears, ignore them. do waht is right for you

05-05-2003, 04:54 PM
getting back on topic. if that "anti-pinch" bolt is the only reason you want to get a cocker....forget it. that bolt sucks. it causes blowback in the feedtube. everytime you fire the little spring in the bolt compresses and lets blowback in the breech.

there are lots of reasons to buy a cocker, that aint one of em. why not just save up and buy one. keep both?

05-05-2003, 05:22 PM
That didnt really work in my cocker. It still chopped when I shortstroked. I was shooting Hellfire though. I sold my cockers for an intimidator.:D