View Full Version : the most expensive bunker slide i have ever had.

05-04-2003, 02:28 PM
Well, i went paintballing today at On Target in new jersey, and it was one of the last games today, hyperball, but it was like 15 on 15 rec game, and off the break i just jetted to the 50, and i kinda tripped and tried to catch my self, and i slid right into the bunker, it ripped my drop forward apart, messed up my barrel, and completly messed up my hopper, i cant get the hopper to work anymore. Plus my BRAND NEW dye invvision got a huge gash in the lens. bummer :(

I estimate i did about 150 dollers worth of damages

05-04-2003, 02:33 PM
that's why i play back:D :D :cool:

that sucks dude, sorry that happened to ya!

05-04-2003, 02:41 PM
Dude that sucks.

05-04-2003, 03:25 PM
ahh the best thing about back center
you dont get shot on the run and you dont fall :D

05-04-2003, 03:31 PM
I had something similar happen but luckily no monetary damage to anything but myself. I was playing rec hyperball, and it was pretty crowded, and the field isn't very big. Anyways, after the break, I try and make a long run to the 50 sub. Well on the way, I get shot in the leg, stumble, try and slide (very crude in doing so), and I totally slam hard against the metal hyperball bunker. I thought I totally damaged my barrel and severly scratched my Angel and hopper because I led into the bunker with my gun. Well the barrel just had a nick, the Angel was fine along with the hopper, however myself I hit my head pretty hard, but I was ok. I got lucky I guess, the ref said it looked really bad.

05-04-2003, 03:46 PM
let's see pics of the broken stuff :eek:

05-04-2003, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by fire1811
ahh the best thing about back center
you dont get shot on the run and you dont fall :D Amen to that brutha!

05-04-2003, 03:54 PM
Tried to edit my above post to add this, but it won't let me add a pic:(. So-a pw'in I go.

05-04-2003, 04:02 PM
Sorry Colin that blows!

How was OTP today? Real crowded? The beach was balls cold! OC, NJ had some craft fair my wife HAD to attend!

05-04-2003, 04:15 PM
Haha the last time I played I got hit when I was almost to a bunker and I thought 'ahh screw this' so I just ran strait into the bunker lol..
No damage..
I feel for you bro, that REALLY sucks!

05-04-2003, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by personman
Haha the last time I played I got hit when I was almost to a bunker and I thought 'ahh screw this' so I just ran strait into the bunker lol..
No damage..
I feel for you bro, that REALLY sucks!

LOL, I just did the exact same thing yesterday!

No, im kidding, what do i look like? A total moron?

05-04-2003, 04:52 PM
shut up :D

05-04-2003, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Mossman

LOL, I just did the exact same thing yesterday!

No, im kidding, what do i look like? A total moron?

do you really want us to answer that

05-04-2003, 05:50 PM


.. And yesterday when I was playing a friend of mine got snagged by some barb wire and flipped over.. lmao.

05-04-2003, 06:24 PM
i ran in woodsball and i tripped over a random log and fell right onto my gun and it slammed into the sticks and stuff on the ground, but i was using my mag so it shot fine!

05-04-2003, 09:12 PM
Heh, PolishSausage flipped completely over headfirst on a hyperball field while bunkering someone... SOOO funny:D

05-04-2003, 09:18 PM
Like 360? Or just on his noggin?

05-04-2003, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Like 360? Or just on his noggin?

05-04-2003, 09:37 PM
The last time I played, I was the last man on the field for my time, against the back guy on their team. We were starting moving against each other trying to get advantage. I am about two rows of bunkers from him. I see him loading, so I go to try and bunker him. I start running then all of a sudden I hit something (ended being someone’s pod they left) and I went face first in the dirt right to the side of him. I was using a tippman at the time so nothing happened to it, and I ended up still bunkering him for he was laughing to hard to shoot.

05-04-2003, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye
Sorry Colin that blows!

How was OTP today? Real crowded? The beach was balls cold! OC, NJ had some craft fair my wife HAD to attend!

Yea, it was crowded today. Jon was watchin me play speedball and came up to me and said he wants me to do OT university, he said i should really get into it cause i could learn alot and crap and build up good tourney skills, so i might do it, and it looks cool.

As for OC, that sucks man. what street do u live on? we usually rent a house down there around 17th street.

and yea, i was haulin some major arse when we were playin that game, try runnin to the 50 off the break and not gettin shot, on a 15 on 15 game, thats insane. i prolly never ran so fast in my life, i ran like i had 10 cops chasin my arse.

05-05-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Automaggin2

Yea, it was crowded today. Jon was watchin me play speedball and came up to me and said he wants me to do OT university, he said i should really get into it cause i could learn alot and crap and build up good tourney skills, so i might do it, and it looks cool.

When is the next one? I might try to go too.

As for OC, that sucks man. what street do u live on? we usually rent a house down there around 17th street.

We own a duplex on Brighton Place between 4th and 5th Streets a couple in from the beach. It is nice when the weather isn't so cold! :)

and yea, i was haulin some major arse when we were playin that game, try runnin to the 50 off the break and not gettin shot, on a 15 on 15 game, thats insane. i prolly never ran so fast in my life, i ran like i had 10 cops chasin my arse.

We are going June 1st again with a pretty large group if you're up for it.

Evil Bob
05-05-2003, 06:32 PM
Man, nothing worst then breaking your gear in game. I suggest taking Aikido, you need to learn to hit the ground safely to avoid such costly mistakes in the future... that and shoot a Mag :)

-Evil Bob

05-05-2003, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
Man, nothing worst then breaking your gear in game. I suggest taking Aikido, you need to learn to hit the ground safely to avoid such costly mistakes in the future... that and shoot a Mag :)

-Evil Bob

Hey Leave AM2 alone. He is just in his expiramentation phase. He'll come back to the mag soon!:p ;)

BTW, He does have a nice cocker.

05-05-2003, 08:41 PM
om man...one time we were playing this field where you had to defend this little castle from the people coming up the hill, and it had a cat walk above...so as i was running up the stairs somehow i caught a bouncer to the chest, it caught me totally off-guard, and I fell backwards and rolled down...i was using a spyder shutter and the stupid little gauge shattered and the wire thing cut my arm real bad...chipped my barrel, snapped my feed neck, broke 2 pods and tons of paint, and scratched the heck outta my marker, not to mention the humiliation of laying there at the bottom of the steps with air shooting out of my marker and everyone just staring...lol...i look back and laugh now...

05-05-2003, 08:51 PM
my two funny falls

once i ran into a electric fence and knocked myself out. not for long tho.

last week i tripped and fell i twisted in the the air so that my gun wouldnt take any damage and i sprained my wrist and i still really hurts. I fell so hard that my gun went flying and i broke my battery (anyone ever break a 9 volt)

05-06-2003, 03:39 AM
I just love the video I have of me getting blasted in a wooden bunker speedball field, tripping over a n00b, and landing flat on my 8+1 harness...Im a 350 pounder...broke every single pod, and what looked like every single paintball...and I think the n00b too...he wasn't too happy... so I let him use my genx for a cupple games...:D The genx cures all

05-06-2003, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
Man, nothing worst then breaking your gear in game. I suggest taking Aikido, you need to learn to hit the ground safely to avoid such costly mistakes in the future... that and shoot a Mag :)

-Evil Bob

Sorry, im already a 3rd degree black belt in tae kwon do :D

05-06-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by 1stdeadeye

Hey Leave AM2 alone. He is just in his expiramentation phase. He'll come back to the mag soon!:p ;)

BTW, He does have a nice cocker.

Yea, those new ULEs with a level 10 and xvalve and intelli is looking very yummy.

05-06-2003, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Like 360? Or just on his noggin?

It was almost 360, he landed kinda on his back:D

05-06-2003, 04:38 PM
i've done something similar, no damage done though. off the break, i got shot in the top of the head (ended up being a bounce, how i don't know, but it did) i triped, fell face 1st into my bunker, hopper silled open spilling 1/2 my paint, barrel full of dirt. so after i clear my barrel, check my head, and close my hopper back up, i actually can start playing only to get poped in the neck shortly there after (total time in game...10seconds, total time actually "playing" and not making an *** out of myself...1.5 seconds, just long enough to pop out and fire a few shots)