View Full Version : On/Off -OR- LVL10 RT problem

05-04-2003, 05:10 PM
Hey guys.... I'm having a hellava time trying to figure this one out and it's driving me crazy...

SOMETIMES, when I hold my trigger back on my classic RT, I get the 'lawn sprinkler' effect going... I rebuilt the entire On-off and it still does it. This happens sparatically. Sometimes it leaks, sometimes it doesn't.

I recently installed a LVL X. Could this have anything to do with the number of shims I have in the power tube?? Even though I can't see that it does.

Anyone have any suggestions?

FYI - RT + Blade Intelliframe + LVL 10 +


05-05-2003, 07:11 AM
Take the shims out and try it.