View Full Version : bolt sticks in barrel

05-04-2003, 08:02 PM
i have a x valve and a new custom products .685 two piece barrel. when i fire the gun the bolt sticks in the barrel and will not return to fire again. i noticed on the bolt that it is slightly fatter at the end. can i shave this down like a normal bolt to make it fit in the barrel? i also have a custom products one piece barrel that is .685 and the bolt doesnt stick. I have used it for about a year. what are my options to get the bolt to work with the two piece barrel?

05-04-2003, 08:34 PM
The bolt tip's measure .686"

Your barrel is .685"

That just doesn't work out...your best bet is to get a bigger barrel, rather than turning the tip of the bolt down.

05-05-2003, 01:12 AM
Get some sand-paper or emery cloth and lightly sand the bolt down until it doesn't stick anymore.

05-05-2003, 07:57 AM
If you do sand your bolt down, you'll get more blow-back if you ever back swtich to a larger barrel.

05-06-2003, 01:16 PM
its not enough to worry about though......I use my CP .689 barrel all the time.......that would be .003" over the size of the bolt. that is with a no-rise body. if blowback was going to be a problem, it would be on that body.

you shouldn't need to sand much. I bet it is only like .0005 out.

05-07-2003, 01:06 PM
What I did was sand a tid bit off of each. A little of the bolt and a little off the inside of the barrel. Works great for that small bore paint! And no problems with my other bigger barrels!