View Full Version : Next batch of Xmags

Psycho Chicken
05-05-2003, 05:27 PM
I haven't heard anything for a while now, and was wondering what was up with them. Where in the process are they, was there another setback, etc.

I'm not trying to get outof hand I was just wondering.

Thanks in adcance for any info

05-05-2003, 05:36 PM
4-6 months

05-05-2003, 05:38 PM
hmmmmmm.... I hope it isn't 4-6 months. If it takes that long, I might get something else... :( sigh

Psycho Chicken
05-05-2003, 06:28 PM
do you know the reason why wyn

05-05-2003, 07:35 PM
Really? I heard Feb. 30th, 2015....oh well...at least Wyn is being optimistic

05-05-2003, 09:06 PM
I too would like an update on the current batch. . . even though im not in it. I've been told that I should be included in the next batch- - - but this current one has been going on for quite some time now.

I seriously hope that the 4-6 months is a joke. . .

I also seriously hope AGD can get these things out in full production, soon. The market is pretty ripe for them. Where I used to get confused looks from newbie kids in the shop when I told them I shot an automag ('an AUTOMATIDC@!!!!??). Now, when i mention that im getting an x-mag, their jaws drop open in honest awe. More people out there know about Airgun designs and their products. Many more than 3-4 years ago. Of course, Players who have been in the sport longer have ALWAYS known AGD - - but this new generation has come in knowing only that " angels are the bestest- - oohhh Intimminindatoes" (note: misspelled intentionally for purposes of the newbies i was quoting)

It's getting to the point where when you say x-mag, these kids just say "woah. . . awesome"

I've been on wait since october, and during that time, have convinced about 5 other people to get an x-mag- -I've got them on the list also. Unfortunately, many of them are waiting to see my gun (im the first on the list in our area) before the really commit to purchasing it. If my x-mag is another 6 months in comming, most of these sales will be lost to intimidators or impulses. A couple already have been.

I know that Tom dosen't have to fill us in, but i sure appreciate it when he does. It makes the time go by faster- - and I have somthing else to tell people when they ask when my x-mag is comming in other than 'ummm I have no idea. ." (by the way, im asked this by customers EVERY week- - usually at least 3-4 times.)


Jack & Coke
05-05-2003, 10:12 PM
You'll be lucky if you get it 4-6 months...

A lot has to do with AGD's commitment to giving you a QUALITY product. Since AGD assembles, tests, and trouble shoots each XMAG by hand, it takes a while to crank these babies out.

If the components AGD receives are of exacting tolerances and 100% top notch quality, then i'm sure the assembly/testing/troubleshooting time would be minimal.


What if...

What if the components they received are NOT up to AGD standards (i.e. tolerances, anodizing, etc.)?

I'm not saying this is the case, but what if...?

nuclear zombie
05-05-2003, 10:50 PM
you've been on wait since October, let's see i've been on wait 3 months after you , so I should get mine in about another 4-5 months .

I can't wait to see some pictures of the next batch of x-mags !

05-05-2003, 11:10 PM
What was with all the marketing and showing off if they weren't going to be able to supply the demand?

05-05-2003, 11:32 PM
Jack & Coke,

I agree with what you said in reference to AGD's commitment to quality. That's why I have owned and shot their markers since my first year in paintball. I also understand how manufacturing works-- but i definitly am not claiming to know everything.

I can understand a bit of a delay in the first or second batch, But the combined amount of delays has kept this marker from the majority general public for OVER a year and a half.

I started thinking about the timeline involved with the evolution of the x-mag. . feel free to contribute and/or correct where needed. After writing this list, it really made my final question stand out in my head.

1. airgun europe comes up with the extreme emag somthing like 2 years ago.

2. Airgun US announces that this will be available in the us- - eventually.

3. Shocktech gets ahold of some extreme bodies, and has the SFL emag in production. Eventually production sells out. Honestly, the product was not ready- - - this was back in the day before level 10 and the ACE. Sales were not as good (i.e. fast) as they should have been for shocktech for these reasons. Production is stopped before even all the bodies they bought from AGD are used.

3.A. during this time, research is conducted, tested and completed, resulting in the level 10 upgrade. Anti-chop eyes soon follow available for SFL's and extremes. Definitly an improvement to the markers design and function. Makes it a worthwhile purchase and serious contender for the high-end trophy. *of course, in my opinion, it HAS that trophy*

3.B. the C&C version is designed and announced over a year ago. A limited number are available for sale around last august-september. shortly therafter, the name is changed to x-mag, and full production is scheduled/announced. immediately. This falls around september/october of last year. Pre-orders are continually being taken.

4. Understandbly, some bugs would be encountered. Airgun tackles the problems full force, and the final adjustments to specs. of the marker are made. Production runs are announced to be in the number of 75 per month. we wait for the first batch.

--- everything up to this point seems perfectly normal to me. All of the above are legitimate reasons why the x-mag had made it to the masses by this point-- - below, is where i start to get lost.-----

5. Late december, the first batch is produced - - approximately how many guns? The first number i heard was 70 ish. Not sure of a true count. Ok, first run, no big deal if the 'deadline' wasn't met- - it will get better.

6. Apparently, whatever was done to get the first batch produced didnt work the second time around, because the second (january batch) didnt actually make it out until march sometime. --- mmmm. . ok. I'll give it to you. just a few final bugs with the production system. Should have it all fixed by now, and AT LEAST turn out 40 guns a month. Still below the original quota, but production is production. ----

7. Once again, it looks as if whatever worked for batches 1 and 2 (not to mention the other guns before the 'production' runs) didn't work for batch number 3 - - originally slated for febuary. To my knowledge, pretty much everyone in these first batches have been satisfied with their purchases- - with the odd random exception (which can most likely be contributed to improper setup of level 10, or other user-error).

The only thing different about batch number 3 and those to follow after is supposedly battery pack milling. (at least from what i've gathered).

What I'm wondering is what has happened with these guns that has delayed their manufacturing to MAY? I understand how some could be mis-machined. I understand how some could be rejected from ano, and have to be re-done. I don't understand how a small percentage of 'mistakes' on a select few of the total number of bodies can result in an entire run of markers being held up- - - It would make sense to me if one would set aside the mistakes, finish the ones that are fine, get those processed (i.e. finished and sold) then work on 'fixing' or replacing whatever went wrong. This way you are still producing product, still selling product, and still generating more interest and more money.

Airgun has produced over 100 of these markers by now. I would think that the manufacturing process would be under control by this time. Catastrophic circumstances would be an understandable reason (i.e. the machine shop making the bodies had a massive equipment failure, ect.), but we have heard nothing about this.

If it is a problem with product design that needs to be changed, I would think that we would have heard somthing about this from the current owners of x-mags.

If it is a problem with repetitive mistakes in manufacturing (i.e. oops. . sorry tom, we cut all these x-mag bodies half an inch too short, but we're still charging you for the labor) I would think that it's time to locate a new manufacturer.

So. . . . what is the problem?


05-06-2003, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by Jack & Coke
You'll be lucky if you get it 4-6 months...

A lot has to do with AGD's commitment to giving you a QUALITY product. Since AGD assembles, tests, and trouble shoots each XMAG by hand, it takes a while to crank these babies out.

If the components AGD receives are of exacting tolerances and 100% top notch quality, then i'm sure the assembly/testing/troubleshooting time would be minimal.

I don't know about that. Remember the problem with the ULE ball detent and the bolts? How could you miss something like that? My friend had to go out and get a new ball detent because his bolt took a chuck out of the bearing. Been a few other things that they have had problems along the way to which could of been easily fixed with quality control. I bought a dragon timmy two weeks ago because I really didn't feel like waiting 6-7 months for a gun. As amazing as it is I think it will lose all steam by the time they can keep up with orders.


Jack & Coke
05-06-2003, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Tron

...As amazing as it [XMAG] is I think it will lose all steam by the time they can keep up with orders...


Indeed... a sad reality which we hope will not occur.

*crosses fingers*

05-06-2003, 01:51 PM
I agree with Carl's post from above whole heartedly. My thing is this: When I first heard about the X-Mag, I wanted one naturally because I've been shooting AGD products for the past six years and I wanted to "keep it in the family". I wanted an X-Mag even more once I learned it was lighter than a Fly Angel, and I'm at a point where I want to upgrade my gun situation to the highest end marker I can get. Ok...so I researched the X here on AO and learned about it and it sounded better than anything else out there. However, then I learned there was at least a six month wait (and in most cases it's longer) so I put my name on the list and joined ranks with the AO army waiting until I stopped and thought about it. I'm waiting six months or longer to give someone $1400+ for a supposed "work of art" marker? These things are hand made, built, tested, whatever? I appreciate the attention to detail, but that's just not that necissary. I'm going to play with it, not hang it on the wall. WDP doesn't have a problem putting lots of markers out from a production stand point. People will say WDP is a bigger company than AGD, but AGD is older in the paintball world so whose fault it that?

If it's necissary to have that attention to detail as a selling point, hire more help. I have the same problem where I work because my place of business tries to offer a product only putting half the work into it on the production side. If you're going to be in business and challenge the industry standard, put money and resources into it and let's roll. The consensus in the real world is the Angel is top dog and that's that. Do I think the X could take it on? Sure do...but not if it never comes out. I'm looking at a superior product that can't come out because 70 or 40 or whatever is what's made per month and that's it? That's crazy...and so is hyping it up so early before a full scale rollout can begin.

I understand AGD enthusiasts and collectors and the so-called "serious" player will wait for such a heaven sent marker but that's a flawed strategy (no offense Tom). I'm a very "serious" player, but I need a high end marker now, not in a year. Collector's and enthusiasts aren't the main market...the common player is. And I know, people say the X isn't for the common player just like the Angel isn't either, but I find it funny how many 13 and 14 year old kids I play even rec games against are walkin' around with Angels...

I think AGD is a fantastic company with great quality markers, and I think the X can completely revitalize their image, reputation and sales but not if it never sees the light of day. A little buzz and anticipation is good, but be careful how long you make people wait. At some point they'll realize the wait just isn't worth it...I know I have. I'm picking up a Dark ir3 as soon as possible because October isn't when I want a new marker, right now is. I wish AGD good luck with this strategy, but it concerns me for their future.

On a side complaint, what's with having to have a huge loop of steel braid or macro line from the power tube assembly all the way down to the drop forward? Can we not find a way to internalize this like the Angel or Timmy does? That's something that immediately turned me off about the design. Just my .02.

Psycho Chicken
05-06-2003, 10:22 PM
Maybe tom (or someone else), could answer our questions. Again, I'm not trying to be a pain in the butt. I just haven't heard anything for awhile now and was wondering.

nuclear zombie
05-07-2003, 09:24 PM
If we must wait one month per batch of 40 -70 x-mags to be shipped from AGDE , then why don't we build them in the US ?

First of all it's a CNC process , you can send the *.stl files , or the cad/cam files required in a matter of seconds securely through the internet. There are a considerable amount of CNC capable machine shops in the US , that can produce the bodies with these CAD/CAM file to TK's tolerances . So the real question on the wait on the x-mags is : Why aren't they being built in the US? Does AGDE maintain a monopoly over the x-mag body design ?

It just doesn't make any sense !

05-07-2003, 10:29 PM
I was drooling when I first saw the Extreems and SFLs, but when I finally got enough money freed up, they were long sold out. Although I liked the SFL body better, I decided to settle and go with an X-Mag. Well, they were sold out for 2002, and I was going to have to wait several months before the next run was scheduled. Finally I just said screw it, and got an E-Mag that had been sitting at the local proshop long enough the owner came down to $500 on the price (it was a tourney winning.) Waiting for months on a marker just didn't make sense to me. High-end markers are a luxury, not a necessity. As a potential customer for a luxury item, I don't think it's being unreasonable to expect a certain level of product availability especially when an item has been hyped like crazy. Yes, it's a fantastic gun, but so are Angels and Timis. It does no good to have the best design in the industry if it can't be placed in the hands of the players. Eventually people with either give up and go elsewhere, or it will no longer be cutting-edge when it becomes available. I love my E-Mag to death, but I occasionally feel like I kinda settled. These are paintball guns, not F-18 Hornets or nanotechnology. The X-Mags work. Therefore it stands to reason that it shouldn't be horribly difficult to duplicate the process, especially when they will be snapped up as fast as AGD can crank them out. After all, innovation is harder than replication. The market is there, the advertisment and testimonials are there, but where's the product? It's sad to see ads that basically say "This is our flagship line.... shall we put you down for May 2005, or do you want to go with our second stringers?" I'm uneasily reminded of the Destroyer, the gun everyone was ready to sell their mother for, that just never made it out there, and sincerely hope the X-Mag doesn't end up in the same boat.

nuclear zombie
05-08-2003, 01:01 AM
am I the only one , who looks at the x-mag ads , billboards , and then feels bad when people come to this site wanting to know where thay can buy an x-mag , and you have to tell them they have to wait on a list for 6-8 months ?

oh well ,back to dreaming about getting an x-mag .....

05-08-2003, 06:49 AM
Thats like when Tom had us come up with a ad for a magazine,
WHY?? If you have no product why have a ad selling them?:rolleyes:

05-08-2003, 08:30 AM
Big question is will they have any for IAO. If not, what's the point of the having a big billboard advertising it?
If you think about it, they shouldn't have any, cause we all know how long the waiting list is.

05-08-2003, 09:17 AM
Good points. This is the biggest thing I can't understand...the production. I mean, sure, on one hand TK might say "Well, there's no reason to produce 3,000 of these in a huge run or something and then have overages of stock" but I think we know this wouldn't happen. Besides, that's business...you have to take some risks sometime. I'd love to see AGD carve out a much larger stake in the paintball world than what it's slid to, and I think this marker would be the thing to do it. However, if there never is a supply of it available, it won't matter how cool it is.

I remember a time in paintball when Automags and Autocockers were the best things out there, unfortunately that was a long time ago. It can be that way again thanks to the X, but we gotta get them out to the people.

05-08-2003, 10:11 AM
I have loved and always will love AGD products. I started loving them almost 10 years ago when a friend got his custom set up Minimag. He bought it at Cousins Paintball in Long Island which some of you know and love/hate. Well, quite a few years ago they stopped carrying all Products associated with Mags. They have a few barrels lying around, maybe some loose parts or accessories and that's it. They are one of the biggest reseller of paintball related items and they won't carry ADG stuff. I have asked and asked and they keep giving me BS reasons why. My point is that in this neck of the woods people only remeber AGD products from way back when. They don't know about the new stuff and aren't interested. When I go to big paintball stores I don't see the products on the wall, and I don't see peole selling them. I do agree the X and even the E mags are serious markers and are as good if not better than everything else out there. But the majority of players out there don't even know the company exists. People on fields have looked at my marker and shot it and have been very impressed. When they ask me what it is and how to get it, I gove them the address, but know that certain parts they won't get. People here are always saying not to bash newbes and to encourage them to get into the sport and to stay in the sport. Well when they save up the $1500 or break out the credit card for the latest and greatest marker, they aren't getting AGD products, and that upsets me. I can't believe it doesn't upset anyone at AGD. Maybe it does, but it doesn't seem like it. This is not a bash, and I hope it doesn't sound like one. Again I love AGD products and will always stay with them, but something has to be done in order to get these markers to higher production. I am not saying flood the market. 70 a month seems fine, just keep it going at 70. In this area of NY, there are a lot of people who are willing to shell out the big bucks in order ot have the best. Right now they are all shellng it out for IR3's and Matrixes and "Suped Up" Cockers. This should change!

05-08-2003, 12:23 PM

Good post bro.

Creative Mayhem
05-08-2003, 02:03 PM
The only info i could find out about the current batch was that they were stuck in US customs. That was about 2 weeks ago.


BTW... Mine is in this batch!!! w00t!

05-08-2003, 06:22 PM
It's not so much the wait that bothers me. Its that a realistic date has never been put out. I don't post here much, but I've been following the X-mag progress since, pretty much when it was announced. I saved up my money, and had my eyes set for one when the estimated realase date was around Christmas. When it didnt come out, I couldnt wait any longer. I needed a high end gun so I settled with my Angel. I'm very happy with my Angel, but I wish I could gotten an X-mag. I understand these things takes time, but I know AGD has some money. They should be able to afford to expand to more machines and crank these things out like they do everything else. I've been happy with our active AGD has been on these forums, letting us know about new products and ideas. I just wish they could put this one more into reality, and crank some more of these babies out. Hopefully when they get into full production I'll be able to afford one, because they really do look tempting. Dre, what's wrong with having an Angel when you're 14. I worked up to 12 hour days last summer when I was 14, and bought mine. Not all kids are spoiled, some really do work for these luxuries.

05-08-2003, 06:23 PM
I was told in the beginning of april that they would probably be ready in 4-6 weeks, but since the last batch took 8 weeks to get out the door to plan on that. Seeing that it has been 4 weeks since they called me, I'm betting that it will be a few more before they ship.

These will also have the Annoed to match X-valve and the milled battery packs so they may take a little longer!

If you can't tell, Mine will be in this batch as well!

nuclear zombie
05-08-2003, 07:28 PM
Battlegroup,Creative mayhem , if yu don't mind me asking what month did you order your x-mag ? I'm guessing about september , october ,just trying to determine with the current schedule how much longer I have to wait for mine :)

Psycho Chicken
05-08-2003, 10:09 PM
Mine is suppose to be in this batch as well. They called me to pick out the color about 2 1/2 or 3 weeks ago, that's the last i heard. I don't know about CM, but i preordered mine on october 4 (if memory serves me right). So, it still looks like the wait is about 6-8 months for preorder to getting your number called.

Hey CM, what color did you order. I wound up asking for a black and Yellow acid wash (they told me they would ask to anno dudes), if not i will be getting a black to yellow fade.

By the way could any photoshopers out there do a gun for me. So i can see my baby now. Thanks in advance.

05-08-2003, 10:56 PM
In all honesty,
I am not playing the waiting game. When AGD gets there stuff togther and actully builds production stable xmags i may buy one. I cant see 6 months and 1.4k for any gun.


05-09-2003, 12:14 AM
I ordered mine in July of 2002 but I kept asking AGD to push its production back until the Annodized valves were ready and the milled battery packs too.

05-09-2003, 03:37 AM
I too have been on the list since July. I got a call in Jan about whether I nted in. Due to no response on a special anno job I want done, I decided to wait till the next bunch. Called Marcia tuesday and was told that they missed my order (and still don't have anay word back yet about the anno job) for this batch, but they will put me on the batch after this one. This batch is still awaiting for all the parts, some were sent back to the machine shop, before going to anno.

05-09-2003, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Laxpunk2006
...Dre, what's wrong with having an Angel when you're 14. I worked up to 12 hour days last summer when I was 14, and bought mine. Not all kids are spoiled, some really do work for these luxuries.

Zipping up flame retardant suit...

Ok, well, I'll tell you since you asked. Personally, I don't feel any 14 year old kid should have a $1,000+ marker. I know everyone I grew up with including myself never had anything that resembled a grand in value until we got cars (I grew up in a middle class neighborhood, working a job too). It's not that I think people in this age group can't take care of something that valuable, but do they know enough to appreciate it's value?

Basically what it comes down to for me is this: I've been playing for ten years now (started as a high school junior). In that time I've come from Splatmaster Rapide pistols, to several "middle of the road" guns, to E-Mag's. I think of it as kind of a gap in the maturation of a player when they start at the top with the best marker out there and don't have to spend years moving through the ranks of other guns. Almost every player I know worked up from a cheap gun, to an intermediate, and then to a high end gun based on what they could afford at the time. Skipping those steps gives you less of an opprotunity to accurately appreciate what you have IMHO.

However, there are always exceptions to the rule and I hope you are definitely one of them. If you worked hard for a long time to buy yours, I certainly respect you at that age then. But I think you know the types of kids I'm really talking about here and how truly annoying and resentful it is to see them in full swing.

Psycho Chicken
05-10-2003, 08:31 AM
Tom, could you please resolve this issue. Let us know what's goin on with them. I would like to know facts, not just speculation.

05-10-2003, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by dre1919

However, there are always exceptions to the rule and I hope you are definitely one of them.

Im glad you said that, or I would have yelled at you :) IMO, If you work that much for an angel, you earned it. Sometimes I wished I had just saved my money and skipped my first gun and just bought the mag I have now (or even save for more!). I am too annoyed by the 90% of the other young kids who's parent bought them angels cause paintball was the "cool thing" of the time. Although I havent played with many of these types of people, I would guess that they suck real bad and get out once they find out it takes actual skill :)

05-10-2003, 10:54 AM
The current batch went out for ano this week.

People, please don't complain, if you don't want to wait just buy another gun. The Xmags are always going to have a wait now and forever.


05-10-2003, 11:32 AM
TOM, Where is anno is the timeline of building the guns? Any estimate, however innaccurate, on when they will ship?

05-10-2003, 02:35 PM
They will probably be back from ano in about a week to a week and a half. Then it take as a week to build them and they go out the begining of the next week. When they get back from ano we will be posting pics of them being built.


05-10-2003, 07:27 PM
People, please don't complain, if you don't want to wait just buy another gun. The Xmags are always going to have a wait now and forever.


what!!? Dude r u an Idiot I dont see how u can say sumthin like that..mainly about jus buy another gun!? i mean come on man.. and if i was wanting and x mag i woulda bought sumthin elts a long time ago i wouldnt wait this long..but how can u tell people or your customers to buy another gun thats just dumb man.... and I would also like to add that 1 of my friends played with my timmy yesterday and hes been wanting an xmag for quite some time now and has been on the list.. but he loved the timmy and desides waiting that long wasnt worth it.. your just losing buisness and u sayin that crap doesnt help out at all man!

Psycho Chicken
05-10-2003, 07:33 PM
Thanks for the info Tom.

I wasn't complaining, I just hadn't heard anything for awhile. This is just another reason this company rocks, You get feedback for the man in charge direct. :D

Whoohooo, my baby should be to me soon. Can't wait to see the pictures.

05-10-2003, 07:42 PM
Although a few are complaining, some people are telling some great points here Tom, if you hadn't you should read all the posts in this thread

05-10-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by chw32587

what!!? Dude r u an Idiot I dont see how u can say sumthin like that..mainly about jus buy another gun!? i mean come on man.. and if i was wanting and x mag i woulda bought sumthin elts a long time ago i wouldnt wait this long..but how can u tell people or your customers to buy another gun thats just dumb man.... and I would also like to add that 1 of my friends played with my timmy yesterday and hes been wanting an xmag for quite some time now and has been on the list.. but he loved the timmy and desides waiting that long wasnt worth it.. your just losing buisness and u sayin that crap doesnt help out at all man!

Come on man,
Tom is a very respected member of this board, no wait the owner. So please add a little respect and spell check your post.


05-10-2003, 08:17 PM
i think its funny how you all suck up to this guy so bad(Tom)...i mean yall needa tell him what you really think... i mean dont get me wrong im sure he is a great guy.. but every time yall say sumthin he'll get on and tell u a lil sumthin and yall r just like oo yeah thanks soo much man!! and jus stuff like that.. i mean b straight up with him..but what he said about the guns being anoed that dont help us know anything about the reasons why this batch is taking so long and that kinda stuff..

05-10-2003, 09:37 PM
from a business sense, its not the greatest plan to keep the supply SO low when the demand is SO high...but i respect it as a customer. i know that i can always own my XMag and go to a field and not see 3-4 others there at the field...which i cant say about my Angel....

05-10-2003, 09:51 PM
Part of me agrees with Kev. I have and X-Mag and like that very few others do. But I am trying to get one for a friend of mine for his upcoming birthday and re-living the waitlist anxiety is not fun.

I do wish that AGD could or would domesticate the production, but understand that there are issues outside of my knowledge that disallow that.

Oh well. Go, Spurs!

05-10-2003, 11:49 PM
I think most of us that were throwing out the negative waves were not so much complaining as venting some frustration. I will readily admit that Tom has had more impact on paintball than I ever will, and he really does a lot in keeping AO informed (more than many CEOs would.) However, I've gotta say that it's kinda shocking to hear someone essentially say "Don't whine, it's available when it's available, and if you don't like it go buy from our competition." It just doesn't sound right. AGD is a rare entity, it has a fiercely loyal customer base that truly wants to see it dominate in the industry. Surely Tom has known for a while that there's a big problem in getting an X-Mag in the hands of everyone that wants one, and I'm sure he shares in our frustration. (I know I'd quickly get sick of dealing with setbacks, missed deadlines, and tons of people complaining at me.) That in mind, there's still something here that doesn't seem to make sense. Demand is big and the selling price is in line with comparable guns, so it's not like X-Mags should be a manufacturing money pit; they should be very profitable. Yeah there's a guilty pleasure in "Haha, I've got something you can't get", but I think many of us would rather run into a few every time we go out to the field and see the X-Mag be top dog. Mag owners have taken a lot of flack from other gun owners the last few years, it just plain sucks to have AGD perceived as a two-bit operation that can't get its product out.

05-11-2003, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by AGD
The current batch went out for ano this week.

People, please don't complain, if you don't want to wait just buy another gun. The Xmags are always going to have a wait now and forever.


Sadly I did loving my Dragon timmy. Still have my RT Pro with it's stained body though... :rolleyes:


05-12-2003, 10:39 AM
I have to a agree. Before I start this rant, let me give you a little background on me. I have been playing paintball since 1987. After owning a handfull of pumps in the early days, my first semi was purchased in Feb of 1993 - an AGD 68 Automag. In 2001 I still owned only 2 guns - a Lapco Grey Spirit and my Mag. In 2002, I bought an RT for my fiance who started playing. Just last month I finally bought an E-mag. Think about that - I have been playing with my original mag for more than a DECADE. That's probably twice as long as some of you have even known about paintball. And in all that time, I've never missed one single game because of a gun failure. That's an impressive record. So much so that I swore as long as I play this game, I would never buy a marker from anyone other than AGD. With the Xmag, AGD has reached the pinnacle once again, harkening back to the early semi days when they absolutely dominated the tourney scene.

Now that you have some understanding of my respect and admiration for AGD, I have to say that I'm stunned and disgusted by the comment that Tom made in this thread. I can't remember ever being so disappointed and let down by the attitude of someone I've held in such high regard. I would expect that comment from Bob Long, but not from Tom Kaye.

Tom, don't you think that hardcore AGD loyalists like myself and the hundreds of others here on AO deserve a little better explanation on these delays than "If you don't like, get lost..."? That's a hell of an attitude to take on a thread that simply stated "Damn, you guys have made a brilliant marker here. When can I get my hands on one, what's the hold-up?"


05-12-2003, 03:52 PM
If you're all so desperate for an X-mag, order one from Europe! They're pretty much the same bloody thing just that AGD US won't service them in case they bust up.

That's what I'd do if I had the money to. Plus the fact that there's a Canadian site that can import the X-Mag from Europe with little trouble from customs is a major plus.

05-12-2003, 04:52 PM
You guys act so appauled at Tom's "go somewhere else" comment, but he was making a point. (and a true one, at that) There will ALWAYS be a wait for the X-mag. (unless by some crazy miracle, they gain the capital needed to go into full production) Tom has explained this time and time again. I am sure he gets pretty irritated seeing this exact thread pop up five times a week.

AO has let Tom down in the past. Look at the roller triggers. He cannot risk bankruptcy, and go into full production untill he is ABSOLUTELY sure that the demand for the X-mag is there. (outside of JUST the AO circle)

Give him a break. He does what he can.

05-12-2003, 05:10 PM
Kai: I'm not asking Tom to take on any extra risk or change any of his business practices. I simply expect him to be a little more cordial in his explanation of the problem. If there's a thread that points out some difficulty in the production of X-mags, apparently several of us have missed it. He could easily reply here with a link to that thread.

Nobody here wants to be told to "go buy something else" by the President of AGD! That is the ultimate slap-in-the-face to a Mag lover by the last person on the planet you expect to hear that from!

I can't imagine how you could be fiercely loyal to AGD and NOT be offended by Tom's comment.


05-12-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Kai
I am sure he gets pretty irritated seeing this exact thread pop up five times a week.

AO has let Tom down in the past. Look at the roller triggers.

Real easy way to fix that. HE can sticky a post explaining the whole operation that is X mag and why there will not be tons of them around.

Lets see the roller trigger? wasnt that desgined to go inside the trigger and not some goofy wheels that stick out of the grip frame? I think what AO wanted and what were produced were 2 total different desgins.
