View Full Version : Creatine? Anyone?

05-05-2003, 09:48 PM
I need to gain a lot of weight for football and I need to gain it fast. I started up taking creatine last week. Can anyone tell me from experience that this stuff really works?
Im not really out to get ripped, just to put on weight. (muscle if possible but if not I wont complain)

Im 6'4" 210 and Im kind of thin with like defined but not too huge muscles. But for football I just need to get mass. I need to be 225 by season. I lift about every day of the week 1-2 times a day. Does creatine really work or am I wasting my time/money?

PS: im not trying to hear anyones opinion on why creatine is bad for you. I know some people think that. I have decided to take it and yes I do drink a lot of water.

05-05-2003, 09:59 PM
I think the stuff caused a friend of mine to blow his knee out way easier than it should've been to blow it out. Didn't play his senior year.

But I've never heard of it not working...

05-05-2003, 10:03 PM
I never took it.. but I've seen it work. On the other hand, I've seen it not work... You just gotta make sure you do what it says.. Just a sidenote, you're overdoing your workouts.. gotta give the muscles time to recover & repair themselves... 5 days a week will work fine for your needs...


Worked for me :)

Oh, magman, creatine won't contribute to blowing out a knee. Basically, all the stuff is just mineral/nutrient supplements w/ some funky crap in there (forgot what it is).

05-05-2003, 10:10 PM
Eh, I said I think. I heard it somewhere.....so yeah.

05-05-2003, 11:27 PM
I know people that have taken it and it's worked but you gotta do what it says. From what I'm told if you take it and then stop working out and continue to take it you'll just get fat.

05-06-2003, 12:24 AM
I think its a monohydrate polypeptide. I took it for awhile, but didnt see too much of a difference (pretty sure i didnt stick with it long enough), but i know peopole who swear by it.

05-06-2003, 02:34 AM
It loads your muscle cells with water. This makes you look puffier/bigger... and added water in muscle gives it some more fuel to exercise with... making for a better workout.

But yeah... fat guys look puffier... lean guys look bigger. But it is helpful in your work out... not everyone responds to it same way though.

05-06-2003, 09:55 AM
i just juice the 'roids everytime i want to get big, sure my testicels shrik, but DAMN the bulk is worth it.


05-06-2003, 10:09 AM
Just a sidenote, again..hehe... I know you said you didn't care about the possible side effects, but I think that's an ignorant view-point... last time I checked, they don't know the long-term effects of this stuff.. for all you know, you could get some wicked nasty cancer, or your nuts could fall off.. or even worse, your eyes could turn to some gelatinus mush and seep out through your sinuses... wouldn't that suck? :cool:

05-06-2003, 10:17 AM
ya that would suck but I need to gain weight for football, thats the only way ill go to college...through football. Im not the smartest guy around.

so the good outweighs the bad in my case....except of course if my nuts fell off.:(

Big'n slo
05-06-2003, 10:46 AM
Make sure your getting enough protein. Protein/weight-gain shakes are an alternative to creatine. I believe that the rule of thumb is 1g of protein per lb of body weight per day. Follow that and you will get bigger.

05-06-2003, 10:58 AM
I used creatine abit, but it's too expensive, and I wasn't see that much of a difference.

So just go natural. The summer before my senior year in high school, I put on 20 pounds. Lifting everyday for 2 hours. Don't forget about cardio, and stretching either. I still lift, and I still stretch before and after, it reduces injurys, and the ladies love a flexible guy...;)

05-06-2003, 11:17 AM
how old are you wicked? if you aren't through growing i'd lay off of any of that stuff. it probably even says that on the label.

lay off the workouts every day. give yourself 2 days between working the same body part. every week take a day off to give all the small in between muscles a rest. after a month take a week off. trust me you'll come back much stronger.

take the protein. i was told 25% of your bodyweight in lbs. that's how many grams you want of protein. any more than that and it justs comes right back out. ;)

stretch after your workouts. when you stretch you elongate your muscles. during your recovery period your muscles will grow to match the new length they've acquired.

05-06-2003, 12:28 PM
Just eat at McDonalds every day. I gained 15lbs pretty quick.

05-06-2003, 12:57 PM
well as mentioned before, you need to increase your protein in take. This is safe way to increase bulk. If you cut the carbs like white bread and chips it will also help you lean up. You can use creatine which has helped some people but like you stated you must consume water. Injuries related to creatine can usually be avoided if you make sure to supply an ample amount of water to the body. If all else fails listen to Restola, hit the Big Macs and just be come a linemen.

05-06-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Big'n slo
Make sure your getting enough protein. Protein/weight-gain shakes are an alternative to creatine. I believe that the rule of thumb is 1g of protein per lb of body weight per day. Follow that and you will get bigger.
Yes, protein and creatine compliment each other. From what I've read, you need to load up on protein before and after you work out. Your body needs energy during tough workouts. Loading up your muscles with protein helps prevent your body from breaking down muscle for energy because muscle is much easier to break down than fat. If your body can't break down the muscle for energy, it will look to the fat to burn off for energy.

I believe creatine helps in repairing your muscles after you've torn them up but be careful in taking too much. With protein, it doesn't matter how much you take. Whereas with creatine, it can mess you up if you take too much of it.

Remember, your diet is more than 50% of your health training. You need to train your body and commit yourself to it if you want a lasting effect. Otherwise, you'll see the short term gains but will lose it in the long term because you don't maintain it.


05-06-2003, 02:20 PM
Creatine doesn't work for a lot of people because they do not drink enough water. If you don't drink enough... it won't pack your muscle sells with water like it's supposed to.

It will make you heavier by increasing your water weight.

Drink A LOT of water.

And... make sure you load up on creatine your first week... most bottles tell you how to do this.

This is even more important when you're taking protein. You could have an issue with kidney stones if you don't drink enough.

Bubonic Plauge
05-06-2003, 06:20 PM
I have had years of experience with this stuff, myself and my brother, and two roomates. I was also a nutrition major before turning to psychology.

It WILL work. It volumizing your cells with more water, and ultimatley increasing your ATP. You will gain at leat 5 pounds of water weight (which you will lose when you stop taking it) within a week or two.

The serum creatines are by far the best as glucose is needed to "transport" the creatine. Otherwise take the powder with a non acidic fruit juice. Also, there is little to no load phase with serums.

You will get your greatest results from creatine the VERY FIRST time you take it, once you come off it will have less effect in the future.

It is easy to get sick, colds, flus, and adrenal burn out from creatine. You must adhere to proper nutrition, sleep, and plenty of protein in order not to break yourself down to far. The ability to "endure" longer from the gained ATP (cellular energy) will allow a more significant "positive failure," and thus a better workout for sizing. It is not so much the creatine that makes you bigger, but the ability to work out better.

Also, check with your doc, it is not a great idea to take this stuff if you are too young. ZMA, a zinc magnesuim supplement is GREAT! Natural minerals that help in the pre-production testorone. A lot of body builders are getting positive results from ZMA's when taken properly before sleep on an empty stomach.


05-06-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by MantisMag
how old are you wicked? if you aren't through growing i'd lay off of any of that stuff. it probably even says that on the label.

I pretty much just turned 18. I think im done growing though. And yes, I have been taking protein for like 8 months now. I probably take in 100-150 grams per day. Im just looking for a more immediate weight gain.

05-06-2003, 07:13 PM
i put on 40 pounds by lifting weights, over a couple of years of course but id just go natural, it just takes time.

05-06-2003, 07:46 PM
Creatine is great, just drink plenty of water with it. Also, supplement an amino acid or two with it to really increase your cell volumizing effect, I do Glutamine and CLA along with it. Awsome results.

Bubonic nailed it, he knows his stuff. :)

ZMA rules too. I use that at night before I go to bed.

06-06-2003, 12:04 AM
Hey, if you are still looking for results, i took creatine for football to gain weight too. I was like 5'9, 200lbs at the beggining of my sophmore year in hs, and now i'm the same hight and 225lbs. I worked out alot though and i have noticed from alot of experiance that after about 5 months it doesnt work as much. Then you need to stp taking it, do small workouts for about 2 months then suddenly take it again. When you stop you will lose about 5lbs., but you'll gain it alot faster doing above. just a thought...