View Full Version : 1 of the 99999 reasons im proud to own a mag

05-05-2003, 10:45 PM
Ok, so I was browsing through warpigs last tournament coverage (Las Vegas PSP Open) and I look at the pictures and what gun do you think 90% of the players were shooting!? a timmy... hmmm talk about being diffrent. Even cocker and angels were rarely seen and I saw no mags at all. I enjoy being unique and im kind of glad mags havent taken over the tourney scene, its fun when people look at me oddly becasue im not shooting the o so overrated timmy (imo, flame all u want). I feel people that fallow trends are borring so I feel a mag will always before me, even when they become popular because then I can say I had one before everyone else and they would be copying me! :) hehe anyone else feel this way?

05-06-2003, 01:13 AM
There was an X-Mag there...Rogue Factor knows who it was..it was during one of the Division I or II X-Ball games...I know I saw it because Rogue, Nobody077 and i were sitting there watching the game saying to ourselves..hey...does that guy have a mag?

Plus Manny (RiceRocket) who now plays for Maxim: Powered by Shocktech was rocking his ULE eMag like the mad killa that he is...

05-06-2003, 01:53 AM
Yeah im one of the very few people that uses a mag on the field i play on. Its mostly spyders, m98c, Cockers and an Angel or so. Its kinda cool because pretty much everyone know what an Angel is, they have no clue of what an automag is, so you can BS about the Mag all you want, not that i do, but its tempting for S&G's. I think the most common question i hear is "is it a good gun?".. and ill say, "its good for me.."
Then they ask, "is it accurate?"
Then i say, : in my hands its is..."

anyway i know what your are saying. Its cool being different, especialy when you are not trying to.

05-06-2003, 11:32 AM
thats why i play with a mag. no one else has them. everyone plays with cockers or angels or impluses or..... nothing against any of those guns, but i love my Emag. of course i do like when i walk past the local team and i hear them say, i cant believe i got shot out by that kid with the mag.

i swear by mags, always have, always will.

05-06-2003, 11:52 AM
CARPE MAGIEM!(sieze the mag?) Whjatever, but I agree, my only two guns are mags, people think I'm weird. Then I bunker them.

05-06-2003, 01:35 PM
i dont get that kind of treatment that you guys get.. lol. the last couple of times i played at my field mags(and not a single emag... we are talking RTs and 68s) outnumbered all the other brands of guns(excluding tippy 98s cause they are rentals). we even had a mag take all game where it was 6 of us mag users taking on about 20 other people ranging from noobs with rentals to spoiled rich kids with timmies to tourny players with angels, high end imps, ect. needless to say we dominated them :D i love my mag and i always will.

05-06-2003, 06:31 PM
Been 'Maggin' it since "91"
All other markers have just been "Passin Fancie's" :D :D :D
Rick :eek:

05-06-2003, 07:16 PM
Nothing like the shock value of a Mag. Now that the LX is in full swing...I can say hands down that my Micro Emag is the best marker I have ever owned when it comes to reliability. There is not a marker that can touch the options that the Emag has. With my Evil barrel on the right paint match, I run full tilt. Over 20 cases have gone through my marker...and I have yet to have a break. There is nothing like having that kind of advantge over your opponent. I love seeing a player trying to shoot me with a gun that is chopping balls. As his paint is flying everywhere....I take aim and smoke his @$$.

Proud multi-mag owner for over 10 years.

05-06-2003, 07:21 PM
Well there is a reason why alot of people use the timmies. They are great guns. Light, very consistent, get good gas efficiency, hardly chop with the eyes, insanely fast, the list goes on and on. But still I have a mag:D!

johnny dee
05-06-2003, 07:47 PM
people look at us (mag owners) weird because were a dieing breed, we go for preformance not bling bling...although i do like some of the bling, but i dont own ne of it.

05-08-2003, 12:06 PM
Couple weeks back I was playing at Badlandz, and before one of the games, one of the kids next to me gets this puzzled look on his face and asked, "What kind of gun is that?". So I tell him. Then we start playing and the kid is shocked. "It's semi-auto????". I just had to laugh. "yep"

05-08-2003, 12:14 PM
The ref checks my emag, "Nope, he's on semi, he's just better than you!"

05-08-2003, 12:20 PM
Now that's funny!

05-08-2003, 12:49 PM
people at my field usually are shooting either cockers spyders poser spyders or tippmans. i shoot a mag my bro shoots his angel iR3 fly and his 68 classic mag. but my friends all have spyders and tippmans. 1 has a 98 custom one has some gay ash electro spyder(i can shoot faster on my mag which is semi auto with a classic valve on my mag faster than his can on full auto) a spyder compact and a spyder sonic. i waste them all 2 of them are on m,y team though the guy with the m98 and the guy with the spyder sonic.

05-08-2003, 01:45 PM
Why would people play autocockers?

05-08-2003, 02:01 PM
I play with a group where 75% of the entire group owns mags. Probably because when we first started getting back into PB the only people that owned markers were myself with my mini and a pair of old VM's and 2 cocker owners. Of course all the really new people spent weeks asking us which was better before they actually went out and played their first game. The cocker guys of course spent 2 weeks bragging up the cocker as the greatest thing ever. I on the other hand simply said "I can drop it in the dirt toss it in the closet dirty and use it to pound a nail through a 2x4 and it will still shoot as well as ether of those cockers next time I use it."

Game day comes. I played all day with the new guys. Both the cocker guys spent half of the day messing with their markers and missed 50% of the games. Then they had to go out and buy new timing rods a 3 way and some top hats.

Wonder why they all bought mags the next week. :)

05-08-2003, 04:50 PM
Order of markers:

68 Carbine (Old tippmann)
68 classic mag
2k1 Timmy
Black Magic cocker
Emag soon :D

In retrospect I had more fun with my mag than any of the other guns :)

05-08-2003, 08:42 PM
order owned and i still own these:
spyder 68
orginial spyder tl
tippman 68 (gift)
minimag with lots o' goodies
i will never get anything other than a mag!

05-08-2003, 09:23 PM
me and Vengence on these boards are the only poeple who currently use mags at our field. the owner of the field has one but i haven't seen him play. there is a crap load of impulses and matrix's down there. nobody asks us about our guns, we just get the mags have alot of kick or I don't like mags from the older guys. The Vengence busts out the lvl 10 finger trick and we get all the talk. we be representin' the mag fully.

05-08-2003, 10:51 PM
I just hate people that say, "I can't beleave I got shot out by the kid with the mag" or something like that. Everyone seems to put how much money you spent on your gun over how good you play. Contrary to many electro owners opinon, you don't need a gun that can fire eleventy- billion BPS to win a game. You need skill.

05-09-2003, 12:00 AM
mmm a billion bps would be godly :) and expensive. i do see your point im just jokin :)

05-09-2003, 06:03 AM
proud mag owner since january ^_^ --- hypermini -> warpedintellimini -> warpedXvalve -> ULE Emag -> ??????Whats NexT??? :)

05-09-2003, 04:10 PM
yeah i started out with a classic mag with a cut double trigger it never failed but people just kinda looked at me funny playing with angles and all of that but now my guns is upgraded to the max the only thing i have of that classic is the rail because it had a damn good forgrip! lol

05-09-2003, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by Lopy-slopy
I just hate people that say, "I can't beleave I got shot out by the kid with the mag" or something like that. Everyone seems to put how much money you spent on your gun over how good you play. Contrary to many electro owners opinon, you don't need a gun that can fire eleventy- billion BPS to win a game. You need skill.

i won 't disagree with you there but the fileds that i play on you do actually need to throw some mad paint to win games, and that is my job. this is not opinion either this is pure raw fact, how are you gonna use your skill if you can't even get your head out of your bunker to find someone to shoot. and even if you do get you head poked out for a sheer second all that paint that i just dropped on you helped my rabid weasal of front guy move up your butt and now he such a mad angle that you can't even breath without having problems.

05-10-2003, 11:07 AM
I've played with some of the best pump players in all of Florida (Team called Helter Skelter)and when they agreed to play speedball, my RT, my brothers E-Mag, and my sisters Cole cocker destroyed them, because they couldnt get out. The speed of our guns held them in. Now if they were accustomed to speedball with pump guns, maybe they would have done better, but still, the speed of the gun plays a big part in games now. You can't deny the fact that you cant win when you cant even look out.

But in the woods it would have been a different story, they would have waxed us every single time. Woods ball has earned my respect since I last played it.

05-10-2003, 11:22 AM
i'm the only 1 in my area w/ a mag, of course i feel that way. too, i like bein unique and like being the only 1 w/ a mag around here...cause if some 1 is talk about "the kid w/ the mag" at the feild....it's me :D

05-10-2003, 02:24 PM
Yea not to many people from my field like mags nor do they even think of owning a mag. I liked it the first time i went to the field with my festus body and every one was asking to shoot it. I think it is more the looks that make people like the gun.

05-11-2003, 07:18 PM
TNX FatJon
I'm Glad someone's finally Happy With That Bod!!

05-11-2003, 07:24 PM
I like it, I'd buy one if I had the cash right now.

05-11-2003, 07:38 PM
Look's Kinda Like Dis!!
You did'nt think i'd make it and Not keep pic's, Didja?

05-11-2003, 08:46 PM
Last time I was at OTP (NJ) with my teammates we were the only mag users there. Needless to say Hyperball was scary...for everyone else. Two of my teammates shoot Emags and I shoot an XMag. We pretty much owned! One of my teammates Pauls shoots his Acid Red Emag so fast that he gets accused of full auto all the time. He is darn near as fast as Thordic on the Emag!

The downside is that we did rain a lot of paint! Oh well, watching Impulse, Cocker, Timmy and Angel Owners make the long walk down the sideline staring at us was priceless!