View Full Version : Last Chance for High School National Championships!

05-08-2003, 02:04 AM
There’s less than two weeks left until the High School Paintball National Championships on May 17 at Challenge Park Xtreme in Joliet, IL. All you need to play is a 5-man team of students from the same junior high or high school. Entry fees are as low as $100/team and paint is available as low as $35/case.

In addition to all concept fields, top-notch reffing, customized scheduling software, and perhaps the best value of any national-level event, the NCPA is also pleased to provide all teams with their own online team profiles on the NCPA website, complete with an automated, online form to make submitting your information easy and team web page creation instantaneous! Check out www.teamprofiles.college-paintball.com to see this pioneer system in action for the NCPA’s college teams, or visit www.high-school-paintball.com to see high school team profiles as they are added.

For more information check out www.high-school-paintball.com. Don’t miss your chance to be the National Champions!

05-08-2003, 07:00 AM
Wish I had the cash, I got a pretty big paintball group here in my high school in centeral illinois... alas...

05-08-2003, 04:51 PM
$20/player entry and $35/case for paint? That's cheaper than recball.

- Chris

05-08-2003, 05:30 PM
I wish I could have got some kids at my school together to do this (There's a senior at my school who plays in the novice level of the NPPL :cool:). Coincidentally though, I have a local tourney on the 17th also.

05-08-2003, 05:35 PM
I'd go but I can't afford a train/plane ticket, the hotel room, or the money needed to actually play... sounds like fun though.