View Full Version : Tom Where Are The Ule's!?

05-08-2003, 09:09 PM
Anyone know when ULE bodies will be comming in? I've been waiting awhile and the store has been outta stock. I need a red one tom plzzzzzzzz tell us whats goin on with them :)

05-08-2003, 09:22 PM
Yea and the flat black intelliframes are out of stock too! :(

05-08-2003, 09:43 PM
Check Tunamann on the intelliframes. He sold me mine. I got tired of trying to find one in the forsale forums...

05-08-2003, 10:21 PM
i got my ule from tunaman.

05-08-2003, 10:47 PM
body? or rail? cause i got a rail from him but i didnt know he had bodies, did he have just black or colored?

05-08-2003, 11:37 PM
Like the Xmag, ULE's are a myth. The few that claim to have either, are part of an intricate web of propaganda.
Maybe by 2239 they will all be in stock, but that'll get pushed back.
Expected release date is Feb 30th, 2239 I think.
You'd have better luck finding bigfoot or Atlantis, or proving aliens do exsist.

05-08-2003, 11:59 PM
aliens do exist :)

05-09-2003, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Aliens-8-MyDad
aliens do exist :) But Xmags and ULE's do not......................:D

05-09-2003, 12:43 AM
...my black ule is coming tomarrow...

05-09-2003, 10:11 AM
Alians...I got a red ULE for sale and I will overnight it to you. check here

05-09-2003, 10:15 AM
Let's think about this for a second... They made about 100-150 ULE bodies. AO has 11,000 members. Hmmm. I think they got sold out.

And Tom said they'll be in within the next few weeks.

I know you guys want the ULE's, but bugging Tom and incessantly asking where they are doesn't get them from the miller or anodizer any quicker. They'll post up when more come in, like they always do.

Originally posted by WARPED1
Like the Xmag, ULE's are a myth. The few that claim to have either, are part of an intricate web of propaganda.
Maybe by 2239 they will all be in stock, but that'll get pushed back.
Expected release date is Feb 30th, 2239 I think.
You'd have better luck finding bigfoot or Atlantis, or proving aliens do exsist.

05-09-2003, 10:37 AM
Tom had listed that there were some 40 more ULE's in the store...I bought mine and there seemed to be plenty left, or was it that you guys wanted something other than just black.

05-09-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Like the Xmag, ULE's are a myth. The few that claim to have either, are part of an intricate web of propaganda.
Maybe by 2239 they will all be in stock, but that'll get pushed back.
Expected release date is Feb 30th, 2239 I think.
You'd have better luck finding bigfoot or Atlantis, or proving aliens do exsist.

I am part of both of those conspiracies. Did I also mention I work for the gov't? ;)
The ULEs are hard to come by, but not impossible. Your best bet would be to contact one of the dealers here on the Forums.

05-09-2003, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Dayspring

I know you guys want the ULE's, but bugging Tom and incessantly asking where they are doesn't get them from the miller or anodizer any quicker. They'll post up when more come in, like they always do.

You'd question any other company in any other industry for thier great products. It's just bad business to make us wait this long. I'm thinking Angel Speed, not XMag if I ever buy a new marker(happy with my Emag, though I wish I could get a ULE body...........)
Incidentaly, I am not bugging Tom to get them out. I'm merely pointing out the fact that you can't get them!
"AGD! What great products they have, sure wish I could get my hands on some!"
I don't mind waiting a little. But c'mon! This is friggin ridiculous!

05-09-2003, 11:12 AM
And I suppose you have lots of experience in running a business that requires precision milling, coloring, quality control, research & development and what not? I suppose you know that things DO happen and delays happen. Tom himself said that the Xmag will ALWAYS have a wait list. It'll never be a "go into the shop and pick one out" marker.

As for the ULEs, we know you can't get them. They only made 140 of them. Will there be more? yes. They're going to eventually come stock on all their guns. (or at least as an option) He doesn't mill the items in house. he has other people do it. Those contractors can get backed up. There's transit time to and from vendors. There's QA issues. There's alot that goes into production of a product you know.

And you're partially right. You're not bugging Tom. You're complaining.

05-09-2003, 12:39 PM
Not complaining, just pointing out they're no where to be found.

05-09-2003, 12:51 PM
Stating the obvious...

11,000 members on AO. 140 bodies...

05-09-2003, 12:54 PM
Is there a backorder for the Angel Speed?

05-09-2003, 02:31 PM
Of course not. WDP has the capital to mass produce their products. I am assuming that AGD does not. One aspect of producing the new products in low numbers is that they are getting MSRP for everything. If other marker companies can mass produce intricately milled and annoed products then it would seem that any company could provided they had the resources.

05-09-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Dayspring
Let's think about this for a second... They made about 100-150 ULE bodies. AO has 11,000 members. Hmmm. I think they got sold out.

And Tom said they'll be in within the next few weeks.

I know you guys want the ULE's, but bugging Tom and incessantly asking where they are doesn't get them from the miller or anodizer any quicker. They'll post up when more come in, like they always do.

i so agree man

WARPED1, they just pretty much came out.. you had your chance to get one of the first but i se u didnt. Deal with it. Tom is only one man

05-09-2003, 03:12 PM
I tried getting a ULE black on monday. No joy, all sold out.:(

I'm now going to pout until they get more in...

-Natog Darkheart

05-09-2003, 03:20 PM
CCP (Country Club Paintball) has 1 black one for sale. I saw it last night. website (http://ccpaintball.com)

05-09-2003, 04:00 PM
ULE's going to ano next week, if they are back by the end of the week they should be in the store the following week.