View Full Version : Favorite beat up pair of shoes

The Frymarker
05-09-2003, 07:17 AM
In lue of Miscues post of the Velcro shoes which I found rather funny, I thought why not everyone post there favorite pair of shoes that they would never throw out.

I have had these sneakers for 6 years now and I wear them everyday. The laces a permenantly knotted and I just slip them on. The soles are actually worn out on them.

Come on I know many of you have some real stinkers out there:p

05-09-2003, 07:28 AM
I don't actually have a pic of mine anymore, I left them in the skydome. But ask Muz, CM, and KB about how wonderful they smelled.

05-09-2003, 10:38 AM
Now only if I could somehow get pictures of my duct taped pair of Van Cab Six's...about 4 years old. The soles are so worn out on them I can glide around on carpet.

05-09-2003, 10:54 AM
Iwannriot979 needs to post his...they are the rattiest ones I have seen in a LONG time.

05-09-2003, 11:12 AM
Well I used to have this pair of kick arse Airwalks that I bouht myself like 13 years ago... anyhow the sole finally wore though and repairs were becoming more and more futile.

Anyhow while my tour of the land of no copyright infringment known as South Korea I retired my old kicks for some fresh vans.

I miss them shoes

05-09-2003, 04:43 PM
I have my favorite pair of high mileage undies that I won't throw out if anyone wants to see...


05-09-2003, 04:46 PM
well since im still growin i dont have any real old shoes but i do have some now that i will keep as long as possible like my doc's and my birks... and maybe even my 805s i got on right now

05-09-2003, 11:08 PM
I have some Chuck Taylor Allstars that I have had for years. The soles are only a few millimeters thick in some spots. They have seen thousands or even millions of steps, as well as 1 ocean, 8 states, 2 time zones, and over 5000 feet elevation. They were originally high tops, but are now low tops because I burnt them this past febuary with a plasma cutter.

05-10-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by Snewk
Now only if I could somehow get pictures of my duct taped pair of Van Cab Six's...about 4 years old. The soles are so worn out on them I can glide around on carpet.

lol i used to have a pair of cab sixs like 4 years ago. One of the most comfortable pair of shoes ive owned.

Now i have a pair of tony hawks that ive had for a bout a year. Does that count?

05-10-2003, 09:10 PM
I have some timberlands ive had for about half a year to a year and they are pretty much torn apart.. I just ordered some Dye ATCs I hope will last a whiel though :)

05-10-2003, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
Iwannriot979 needs to post his...they are the rattiest ones I have seen in a LONG time.

Someone get me a digicam.. then you can have pics of my 1994 'Holes with Sneaker in them' Nikes, and my 1990 (or so) Cons ERX -300s!!!


Rancid Milk
05-11-2003, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Snewk
Now only if I could somehow get pictures of my duct taped pair of Van Cab Six's...about 4 years old. The soles are so worn out on them I can glide around on carpet.

Sorta like these? except these are etnies. They're maybe 3 years old.

05-11-2003, 10:47 AM
I had some that I had for 3 years and then started waitressing in them for a few years...they were so bad that when my great aunt and uncle came in to eat, I was laughing about my socks being wet because they had washed the kitchen floor and I had stepped in standing water and the holes in the soles had let in alot of water...well, my great aunt and uncle called me a day or two later telling me that if I'd come over to their house...they had bought me some new shoes...so I finally retired me old ones...if I can get a d-camera...I'll send a pic of the 'butes.

Sir Chopsalot
05-11-2003, 10:03 PM
my good ole boots i picked up at the army surplus store for 10 bucks afew years ago.

The Frymarker
05-12-2003, 06:33 AM
Wow cool! Old shoes are like a security blanket:D

Those Sneeks that are Etnies whoa those are bad!

05-12-2003, 11:07 AM
I wore the same pair of Nike ACS shoes for 5 years of college, five summers of surveying, and right up until the soles fell off. Then I got a new pair and am starting over again.

05-23-2003, 11:32 PM
My fav pair of shoes. Mack Steel toe from Target. I bought them in '00 for a warehouse job. I don't wear them for work anymore. I won't play paintball in any other shoes. They let me clomp around in style!

The Frymarker
05-24-2003, 06:26 AM
For being 3 years they look like they have worn pretty well.
