View Full Version : Switched from a Mag to an Angel

05-09-2003, 06:58 PM
Well the ole RTP is gone:( and a chrome 2k1 angel with black accesories and frame has taken its place. Nothing really special on it, just a boomstick thats all, not bad for $400 with 70,000 shots on it. First impressions, chopping. I chop every about 100th ball and its pissing me off. Im running the newest Egg2's with the new software and still its chopping, guess Ill have to get used to it, never chopped one with the LX RTP, must be mag withdrawl. It gets better air effeciency and it sits up higher which is a plus. Good consistency and accuracy with the boomstick and good paint. Little lighter, like the set up. Don't grill me on this but it seems like it doesn't shoot as far and kinda arcs?

Any suggestions on what to put on it? I was thinking an Ultralite, a works rise, check it unimount, and a HALO but I dont really see a difference between my friends HALO and the new EggII. Also any tips on how to care for it?

Well thats all. I haven't left the mag community yet, Im building a ULE LX Retromag as soon as I get more money.

05-09-2003, 07:11 PM
Sounds like you got a good deal, got any pics?

I agree with you I probly woundt get a halo because I really dont see much difference in preformance between the Egg and HALO.

I would definetly get an ultralite sell the boomy and get one. There is really no difference between the boomy and the ultralite except the 'lite is lighter, hence the"Ultralite" name.:) Im not a real expert on Angels so I would head to the Angel forum. Hope ya like it.:D

05-09-2003, 07:54 PM
Hey man,
I also just added an Angel to the collection, mine's a Green Alien Abduction Series LED with LCD valve, LPR, exhaust valve, and a bunch of other stuff. I used it for the first time last night, put about 2 cases through it and it absolutely ripped! No chops or barrel breaks either, even with the MROF set roughly at 15 bps.

I'm loving the versatility, I'll break out my RT for some games, and then go for the Angel. What more can I ask for?:D

05-09-2003, 09:52 PM
If your evolution and gun are working properly you should not chop. I would post over in the angel forum for more advice. Checking your ball detent to see if its not gummed up and the front surface of your bolt are good places to start.