View Full Version : RipDrive for HALO?

05-09-2003, 10:48 PM
Well I'm about ready to finally send in the A for a full upgrade to HALO B with new colored shells, and just for kicks I was pokin' around Odyssey's website. I found this (http://www.odysseypaintball.com/ripdrive.html) about the "RipDrive," but it still just says "coming soon"... does anybody have any clue about when they might be releasing it?? It really does intrigue me, and if it has the possibility of being soon, I might just hold off on the upgrade until I can get the Ripdrive at the same time.

05-09-2003, 10:59 PM
Rip drive has been out since the Mardi Gras Open.

05-09-2003, 11:04 PM
:confused: Wow really?? Does anybody know where I could acquire one, cuz they sure don't say anything on the odyssey website... (www.odysseypaintball.com)

05-09-2003, 11:20 PM
It has been "out" since Mgo. But it has not been for sale to the public. According to one of the guys at odyssey (I forget if it was Tex or not) all the rip drives out are pretty much hand made prototypes. I know that Odyssey wanted to open up sales to the general public at the PSP vegas but i dont know if this happened or not.

05-09-2003, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by billmi
Rip drive has been out since the Mardi Gras Open.

what i have heard was only people that were sponsered that have it testing it out or something it is not really needed if you keep fresh batteries in there

05-09-2003, 11:29 PM
aaah okay, I get it. Guess I'll just send off the HALO now then.

05-16-2003, 05:12 PM
Their web site says they are available now.

The first Rip drives are CNC milled to their shape out of gears that were, I believe, made for but never used in the HALO (because that gear was replaced by a belt in the HALO B.) They'll eventually be molding the part.

The purposes of the rip drive:
-To mannually wind the loader if your batteries die in a game (you can wind, shoot 5 or 6 shots, then wind again)
-To act as a visual indicator that the loader is working - you can see the wheel spin while you are shooting
-To act as a reload alarm - if you're not shooting, and you see it spinning, you need to reload - I use a clear HALO, so it's pretty obvious anyway when I need to reload
-to unwind the spring - after you turn off the halo, you can back pressure off the spring so you don't have a half a dozen balls bobble out when you take the hopper off to pack after playing.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

05-16-2003, 05:23 PM
now the real question is..where can we find a place that has Halo's in stock..I was at PSP-LV and they were no where to be found (NIB halo's that is)

05-16-2003, 05:31 PM
I will have some Monday...

See dealers forum.

05-16-2003, 06:33 PM
I came..I saw..I claimed one of the clear's as my own..

05-17-2003, 01:42 PM
bill you have any extra halos for timmy people to try :rolleyes: :D ;)