View Full Version : co2 tanks expiration dates? - fiction?

05-10-2003, 09:29 PM
my friend told me that he took his co2 tank to get it filled one day and the guy said he couldn't fill it cuz the tank expired. is this true? i thought co2 tanks lasted infinitely, and HPA tanks only needed hydro'ed every so often. INPUT PLEASE! :)

05-10-2003, 09:32 PM
Im pretty sure its like any tank over 7 oz in size needs to be hydroed every 5 years...
I have a 20 oz that actually wont be filled by anyone but the dumbasses at sports autority who dont read the hydro.. I'm just too lazy to get it rehydroed..

05-10-2003, 09:33 PM
quite true...most co2 tanks have a 5 year life inbetween hydro testing which costs $20-30...so you may as well buy a new one

05-10-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by personman
Im pretty sure its like any tank over 7 oz in size needs to be hydroed every 5 years...
I have a 20 oz that actually wont be filled by anyone but the dumbasses at sports autority who dont read the hydro.. I'm just too lazy to get it rehydroed..

oh, and personman, its under a 2" radius

05-10-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster

oh, and personman, its under a 2" radius
I knew it was something like that, and I heard the only ones under a 2" radius were 7 oz and under.. maybe I'm mistaken.. I guess maybe 9 oz too..

Mr. Grumble
05-11-2003, 12:56 AM
ah Kev,
I think you meant tanks with less than a 2" diameter are exempt from hydro testing.

-Mr. Grumble

05-11-2003, 08:33 AM
silly me....2" diamter...yes

05-11-2003, 09:13 AM
Nitro duck's site say's under two and 1/2 inches in diamater. I wish that the manufactuers would all get on the same wave lenght. I myself have tryed to find one answer and have come up with diffent answers from everyone one that I have asked. I hope you have better luck. ( personally I follow nitro duck site as they gave me the best and most clear answer)

05-11-2003, 11:08 AM
I had to get both my 20 oz tanks rehydroed, but not my 12 oz. or 7 oz.'s I got my 20 oz.'s hydroed by my local scuba shop (I dive too). It wasn't real cheap, I think about 10 each, but that was cheaper than buying 2 new tanks.

05-11-2003, 11:38 AM

the OFFICIAL answer from DOT is this:
tanks with DOT marking "E77" and are made of aluminum have unlimited life and unlimited hydro. MOST of the tanks that fall into this classification are less than 2" diameter...but that is by no means a rule. make sure it says "E77" on it

"3AL" tanks--your common co2 tanks have a 5 year hydro and unlimited life

"3AA" tanks--steel co2 tanks have a 5 year hydro and unlimited life

"E11..." tanks are fiber wrapped and have a 3 (some now 5) year hydro and a 15 year life

11-16-2003, 06:00 PM
Sorry to ressurect this but I'd rather ask in an old thread than post a new one on the same topic...

My tank reads e10776 on it... does this make it an e77 tank?

oops... I misread, it says e.10776

11-16-2003, 07:10 PM
I'm 99% sure. let me try and remember to check this weekend at the field and see if we have anymore of em and I'll see what they say

11-16-2003, 07:14 PM
uhh... both my light weight chrome moly-alloy (on the label) have this on the bottom and its 20oz
DOT E 10776 1800-M4580

07-29-2004, 04:27 AM

the OFFICIAL answer from DOT is this:
tanks with DOT marking "E77" and are made of aluminum have unlimited life and unlimited hydro. MOST of the tanks that fall into this classification are less than 2" diameter...but that is by no means a rule. make sure it says "E77" on it

"3AL" tanks--your common co2 tanks have a 5 year hydro and unlimited life

"3AA" tanks--steel co2 tanks have a 5 year hydro and unlimited life

"E11..." tanks are fiber wrapped and have a 3 (some now 5) year hydro and a 15 year life

Yup, one of my co2 tanks is less than 2" in diameter, but is marked "3AL" which means it should be tested every 5 years, HOWEVER nobody I know of will test a tank under 2" because the results for such a small tank are highly unreliable. Guess that means I have a rather large paperweight? It was manufactured in '94. My local field will still fill it, but I don't feel comfortable doing so, especially since tanks are relatively cheap. I know this because my wife took it with her one day when I wasn't here and had it filled 3 times (I'm usually the one who gets the equipment together). Guess she didn't bother to check, or was simply following the 2" rule.

On a side note, does anyone know what DOT-E8096 designates?

Yes, I am aware that this is an old thread, but I'm resurrecting it... again...

07-29-2004, 10:24 AM
dang,....this thread just won't die!


not sure what an DOT-E8096 tank is...sorry

07-29-2004, 10:32 AM

Common exemption numbers. Most tanks should be listed in there.