View Full Version : Better or worse

05-11-2003, 02:24 PM
Do u think the sport of paintball is changing in a good way or bad?
keep in mind x-ball and the split in company's(psp and soemthign else i think)

05-11-2003, 02:43 PM
Some things have changed for the better....

better quality markers
faster markers
cheaper paint (I remember buying tubes of 10)
more people playing
more fields
automagsonline :)

Some that I feel are for the worse....

more cheating (IMO)
guns are way more expensive
shooting more paint (but somewhat offset by lower cost)
tournaments are now all speedball with balloons
what happened to playing in the woods for tournaments?

The sport will continue to change and everyone will have their opinions as to wether those changes are better or worse. Most likely you will find some you like better and some you don't.

05-11-2003, 04:05 PM
PSP and NPPL split. Just FYI.

what happened to playing in the woods for tournaments?
Not spectator friendly, and that's what we need to go "mainstream". Hence, Xball was born.

05-11-2003, 04:07 PM
More people playing, so its easier to get games going
cheaper paint
more variety in markers and equipment (makes for a more interesting game)

Even with cheaper paint, everything else is steadily getting more expensive and way offsets the paint issue
Like the guy above me, what happend to woods tourneys???

05-11-2003, 04:17 PM
i like balloon games, you don't have to worry about ticks and lyme disease and such.

05-11-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by litestab
i like balloon games, you don't have to worry about ticks and lyme disease and such.

what was the pic for?

05-11-2003, 06:17 PM
i love woodsball they r larger fields depending more 1 on 1 which is fun and requires more strategies and betetr 1's
i'd join the woods toruney's like that

hey can u guyz fill me in what exatcly is xball i am confused:confused:

05-11-2003, 06:27 PM
-Move variety. In everything. Guns, fields, players.
-Cooler guns
-Paint is getting better, and cheaper

-I don't know

I don't really see paintball changing for the worse, at least as of yet. Some people are jerks, but that's how it always was. Paintball is finally getting bigger, to where alot more people know about it, and don't think of it as some crazy savage war game.

05-11-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by toyotaboy12
i love woodsball they r larger fields depending more 1 on 1 which is fun and requires more strategies and betetr 1's
i'd join the woods toruney's like that

hey can u guyz fill me in what exatcly is xball i am confused:confused: Woodsball cannot be followed by viewers. Sure, it's fun. But can't be viewed.
Woodsball conjure up images of warmongering paramilitary nuts, bent on overthrowing the government. We know it's not true, but the public doesn't! It's all about image!

05-11-2003, 08:20 PM
for the better... guns are faster, parts are generally easy to find, tech support is also easy to find, large variety of markers to choose from, speedball a plenty (love it!!!!), straying away from a more "war-like" atmosphere, which means less flak from people who don't know enough about the sport.

All things evolve. Paintball went from solely-woodsball with pump-action markers to a mix of speedball and woodsball with electronic markers, with a large variety of parts to choose from. I can't imagine where I'd be without the hundreds of paintball companies manufacturing any possible part I can want or imagine.