View Full Version : Phil's X-Mag Rant.

05-11-2003, 03:57 PM
Talk about beating a dead horse... I have been guilty of jumping on the band wagon in previous posts. There are obviously factors that AGD is not willing to discuss that are preventing them from meeting demand. Yes it might seem unfair. But there has really never been a better time to purchase a high end marker. There are alot of really good high end markers to choose from. Thats whats great about america. You can choose not to give a company your business. If you don't want to wait for an X-Mag then buy an Angel, Intimidator, Electro Autococker, High End Impulse, or a Matrix. There are many companies producing their products in small numbers. Think about some of the exotic car companies. Sometimes they only make one hundred of a specific model and never make anymore. Hell I had to WAIT to get into the restaurant I had mothers day lunch at today. AGD is under no obligation to produce their products at any specific rate of speed or volume. We, myself included, in america are spoiled and we whine far too much. Sorry, just got tired of all of the X-Mag whining.


05-11-2003, 04:07 PM
Thank you

Frank (the spank)
05-11-2003, 04:07 PM
Look at it this way:

Airgun Designs is a small company...

...and a small company they shall remain.

Plain and simple. Is this what AGD wants? Who knows.. I think they do for some reason. I played paintball for the first time in 6 years yesterday... out of 60 people, I was the only one that had an Airgun Designs product.. this is a popular field in northern CA, accross this field is Paintball Sam's, who's father to Oh Pawlak ehich is sponsored by AGD.. and still.. no one uses mags. People didn't even seemed interested in my E-Mag.

What did I see? E-Blades, normal cockers, timmys, few Angels, spyders and Tippmans.

Weird change since the last time I played paintball. It was at a tournament and it was about 80% mags and 19% cockers.. (I think someone had a Stroker, lol)

05-11-2003, 07:23 PM
i hope everyone reads this post to put an end to all the "where are the x mags" threads.

05-11-2003, 07:35 PM
Yes..so if you want an X-Mag..you might as well get on a list for a Ferrari because you'll get that faster...that's what I understood from your rant..

05-11-2003, 08:37 PM
Maybe you should buy a vowel...

05-11-2003, 08:41 PM
I didn't know this was the Wheel of Fortune..and you don't look as good in a dress as Vanna..

RT pRo AuToMaG
05-11-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by DiRTyBuNNy
Yes..so if you want an X-Mag..you might as well get on a list for a Ferrari because you'll get that faster...that's what I understood from your rant..

Actually, to get a Ferrari brand new you have to be on a 3 year waiting list unless you have mad connections or befriend a dealer. That's why you see Ferrari 360 Spyders selling for like $250,000. The MSRP is $199,000, but if someone wants one they have to pay, even though this has nothing to do with the thread, I just wanted to let you know :D

05-11-2003, 08:47 PM
I think he's saying that no one has the right to whine about the lack of Xmags available. If you fall in love with a ferrari but you can't afford it, you can't blame ferrari for making a quality, sought after, hand assembled car and charging a premium for it.

If you decide you want an Xmag you did so knowing that you aren't gonna have it in a week or 2 after you send your order in. You can call up PBgear and buy faster guns, more efficient guns, more trendy guns, cheaper guns, more expensive guns, whatever you want, without problem. If you want an Xmag, one of the hardest to get, highest quality, fastest, sexxiest, and all around awesomest guns under the sun, you have to accept the delay.

Man, i leave my computer for 24 hours and I lose the ability to express thoughts through text. Never again shall i leave!

05-11-2003, 08:48 PM
this post is just as worthless as the 'other' xmag threads.

thanks:rolleyes: ,

Recon by Fire
05-11-2003, 10:41 PM
The best things in life are worth waiting for :)

05-11-2003, 11:48 PM
Ok really now there are like 40 threads where people piss and moan about X-Mags and half those people who are whining are more than likely not going to even get one.... Thus making the availibility of the X-Mag irrelevant to you people...

If you want one get a used one or wait on the stupid list... If you want one and are waiting for the market to be flooded where you can pick one up cheap try holding your breath you will die and the world will be a better place for it... If you arent gonna get one anyways stop posting about it it is that simple...

How pissed off would you be if you were doing your best in your job only to get on an internet forum (that you own and let people post on for free with hardly any thanks) and here someone ridicule your work and piss and moan about how crappy your doing your job

I swear if some of you weren't minors I would wish very bad things upon you for your stupidity...

BTW I missed the part about the vowel was he trying to be funny or something.....