View Full Version : How low on air can you go before you can't fire anymore ?

05-11-2003, 06:39 PM
I was tweaking my LVL10 today and I couldn't seem to get my chrono speeds up over 250-260. I'm wondering how low I can go with my tank pressure before having velocity problems. I was at like 800 or so on my tank when this happened. I'm assuming that's why I couldn't chrono high enough right ?

Also, if I put the longest spring in will that give me the least amt of efficiency ?

05-11-2003, 06:48 PM
yea.... my mag wont fire with less than 800 in the tank. BECAUSE IT NEEDS 800 TO OPERATE! bhahah

05-11-2003, 06:58 PM
dont they need 700-800, i found my mag was operating, (i was dry firing) untill like 500, but at like 650 is where it would actually stop sounding like it was firing, it woud jsut fart

05-11-2003, 10:40 PM
In my experiences, i can get my mag to shoot at a decent speed without stuttering at about 600 psi. After that, you have to shoot slowly to fire regularly. I can actually fire really slowly on my emag at about 500psi.

I would say that your chrono speeds were off because of the low psi in your tank. Get it full then chrono it so you don't kill anyone.

05-12-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by TheBigRaguPB4L
In my experiences, i can get my mag to shoot at a decent speed without stuttering at about 600 psi. After that, you have to shoot slowly to fire regularly. I can actually fire really slowly on my emag at about 500psi.

I would say that your chrono speeds were off because of the low psi in your tank. Get it full then chrono it so you don't kill anyone.

do you have LX on your guns? cause on a standard classic or RT valve this is true. but with the LX installed, it will stop shooting at about 700 PSI for most people. It gives almost no warning either. it will fire fine until it stops and then boom, no more firing.

05-12-2003, 01:02 PM
No this is with LX installed. Don't know how. I found it unusual because as every states, they can't fire <800psi. Mine does however. Not a very fast rate, but you can squeze a few shots off if you happen to need them.