View Full Version : AudioSlave

05-11-2003, 07:20 PM
What do you guys think of the band Audioslave? I heard the song "like a stone" on the radio and I liked their style, kinda oldschool rock with some new alternative style in it...

05-11-2003, 07:23 PM
They're alright...

How about some Pipedown? Thought Riot? You're in CA, you ever listen to these guys? If you don't....do.


There's my playlist, theres a few crappy bands, but they're gone these days.

05-11-2003, 07:31 PM
I think Audioslave is great. I bought the CD and don't regret it a bit. My favorite song on it is "Set It Off".

05-11-2003, 07:33 PM
all rage fans should be dissapointed in these guys. sure they have the same tom morello guitar rifs and what not.. but its not a political movement like rage was.

05-11-2003, 07:35 PM
you'll definitely be dissapointed if you're expecting something as good as rage : ) i'm a ratm fanatic, and i enjoy listening to audioslave too...

05-11-2003, 08:02 PM
You know, the political difference is still nice, they still are political, just not as much through their music, more through their site. I have a feeling, the next one will be much more political.

You see, chris cornel isnt that political, like zach was. Tom was the reall political fan, and zach followed suit.

Audio slave is "pretty good" I really like gasoline. Great song

Cochise(wtf does that mean btw?) is ok, but it got old pretty fast.

The songs are also much longer, and they dont have as much power to them, il admit that, but i will still be an audioslave fan till their end.

BTW any one in the PA/nj area, if you wanna go to lollapalooza LMK i need some one to go with. Paypal me the money, il order the tix. Having some one to talk paintball through the intermissions wouldnt be that bad!

05-11-2003, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
all rage fans should be dissapointed in these guys. sure they have the same tom morello guitar rifs and what not.. but its not a political movement like rage was.

I would only be disapointed if I wasn't a huge fan of Soundgarden. They have always been one of my favorite bands, as has Rage. Now I have a beautiful mixture of the two. As long as Audioslave keeps kicking out the jams, and Zack does his solo thing...I will be happy.

They are still a very political band, just not so much in their lyrics. (which does suck a little...but I can deal with it)

I love 'em.

Mr. T!
05-11-2003, 09:54 PM
wow, rage and thier (i should say de la rocha's (sp)) political views where pretty off the wall....but what ever, kind of funny to listen to his lyrics

05-11-2003, 10:07 PM
I saw em live when they rolled through boston a few months ago. Hands down the best concert I've ever been to. Chris Cornell is a god.

05-12-2003, 05:48 PM
Yeah, Audioslave pretty awsome. I'm a huge fan of Soundgarden so I definately like Audioslave's style, Cool grunge sound with the funky tom morello guitar riffs. I don't think it's at all fair to even compaire them to RATM. They're two totally diferent sounding bands really. Sure they have most of the members RATM but the sound is just that much different.

05-12-2003, 08:16 PM
You mean Rage Against the Soundgarden? :D They are alright.

05-12-2003, 08:57 PM
rage against the machine is the best band ever. chris cornell takes the rage spirit on in audioslave.. although i have to admit some audioslave songs arent that great. most are good though. rage is still the best, and will always be the best (if ur into the antigovernmental stuff, which i am). rock on

05-13-2003, 06:56 AM
i was a big fan of rage.
i liked soundgarden.

Rage > audioslave > soundgarden

05-13-2003, 09:14 PM
I love Rage, even though I didn't give a rat's behind about their political views. I don't listen to any band's political views really. I liked soundgarden, and I like audioslave too. Rage is the best out of the three though.

05-14-2003, 01:52 PM
I can't stand Rage.

Music and politics should be separate; I don't want to mix something I like with something that can disgust me half the time. Besides, his views were all funky and stupid. Not that I liked the music anyway. The dude that does the vocals annoys the heck outta me and the guitar work is uncreative.

My brother suggested that I split the cost of an audioslave CD with him. I listened to a few mp3's of them then said "No"

Oh, and the vocalist from Rage Against the Machine has all these Marxist views, but he was raised in LongBeach/Irving California with wealthy parents and he's also just a Cog in the "Capitalist Pig" Recording industry.

What a poser.:rolleyes:

05-14-2003, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367
Oh, and the vocalist from Rage Against the Machine has all these Marxist views, but he was raised in LongBeach/Irving California with wealthy parents and he's also just a Cog in the "Capitalist Pig" Recording industry.

What a poser.:rolleyes:

He didn't live with wealthy parents...he lived with ONE parent (his mother), and rarely saw his father. He faced massive prejudice as a high schooler from teachers and students alike. Don't portray him as an average kid with a cushy upbringing.

05-15-2003, 01:19 AM

He was shown prejudice as a highschooler so he turns into a Marxist? I'll stand corrected about his upbringing; I heard that from a secondary source so I probably shouldn't have even metioned it but I'd think that being prejudiced against would cause him to become a civil-rights person, not a marxist.

I honestly think you've got to be an idiot if you think Communism can work. You're trying to build a marble statue out of feces.

Hence my opinion on DelaRocha (...that's his name, right?)

Anyway, that's not really what this thread is about so without furthur ado:

I 'still don't like AudioSlave.

05-15-2003, 07:35 AM
joey, i dont know if you're a religious man, but if you have ever read the new testament, communism can work.

however, on a large scale in this day and age, it isn't very practical.

05-15-2003, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Xerces
joey, i dont know if you're a religious man, but if you have ever read the new testament, communism can work.

however, on a large scale in this day and age, it isn't very practical.

My point exactly. I believe in small rurual farming communities they had "Collectives" and it actually worked out that way in small groups.

What happens to the government in a communist state is it faces diseconomies of scale; The "Company," in this case the government, gets too big for it's own good. There's buerocracy and red tape killing efficiency of the "Company." That's why a lot of the larger corporations downsize from time to time.

Not to mention that if you were paid the same to do a hard job or an easy job, which would you do? What if a janitor was paid the same as a doctor, but being a doctor requires 10 years of post-primary education? All of the higher-education jobs lose most of their incentive: Money.

The reason capitalism works is because the driving force behind it is not Equality or Compassion for your fellow man/country, it's greed. As harsh as that sounds, that's the way it works and it's (IMO) the only way it's going to work.

And yes, I am a christian, so I do believe in an eternal "Communism" if that's what you want to call it :)