View Full Version : Building an automag??

Vanilla Chunk
05-11-2003, 08:29 PM
Alright, here's the deal. Instead of starting with the 68 p/f classic with the stock valve, grip, and trigger, I figured why not just buy one of the replacement bodies. So what's everybodies idea on that? Starting with the Classic P/F Polished body and just working my way up from there. Please post any thoughts you have on valves, barrels, or anything else I should get for this thing. I was just thinking of gettinga 14" Boomstick and using the retro valve but I'd appreciate input. Email me at FunkyT9111@hotmail.com or just post. Thank you.

05-11-2003, 08:37 PM
just buying one straight up would be a hell of a lot cheaper.

05-11-2003, 08:39 PM
I'm thinking it may be cheaper, and definately easier, to but a whole gun w/ most of the parts your looking for already on it. You mentioned a Retro valve so I assume you're buying used? The only other problem w/ buying parts here and there is making sure that you get the little things that sometimes don't come w/ used parts, like rail screws, the rail bushing, and things like that. Good luck and Welcome to AO!

05-11-2003, 08:41 PM
If you are going to completely customize your mag I would just buy all the parts instead of starting with the 68 original if you can. By the time you put all the upgrades on it you'll have to guns. Heres the hot setup these days:

ule body
level 10 bolt

05-12-2003, 11:12 AM
customizing your mag is pretty cheap and easy!

see my setup?
it was 70 for all the internals
100 for the trigger frame, rail, body (+15 more for powdercoat)
25 for drop
80 for the dye barrel

yeah its cheap

05-12-2003, 11:19 AM
built mine ground up because I didn't want to get a classic and end up scraping the whole thing because of the upgrades i wanted on the gun.
-X Valve
-Boomsticks are nice see if you can find one of screw together ones they just came out with. That way you can use different length front and different bore backs.

05-12-2003, 12:45 PM
I biuld my mag from the ground up. did cost a little more than just buying one, but I learned alot about how the gun works and it was exactly how I wanted it. ;)

also, it was my first mag, it fired on the first try, so it cant be too hard to do.

05-12-2003, 03:38 PM
my first mag I bought stock. you can see the specifics in my signature. just now though I started my new mag project. I ordered everything I need to build a mag from the ground up. The only think I have to order is a ULE when they become available, a cocker barrel (leanin towards 12" CP right now), and a 12v revvy. Once this mag is completed it will be EXACTLY how I want it and my other mag can be the backup. It's gonna cost about $200 more than what I paid for my first mag, but when you compare the two it makes perfect sense.